
"What will happen if the girl who loses the college entrance examination wants to go to work" caused heated discussions on the Internet

author:McMen Little Vivi

According to reports, the girl failed the college entrance examination and originally planned to repeat her studies, but her father decided to let her go to work, believing that she could only enter social work if she failed the college entrance examination. This practice sparked heated discussions among netizens, with many questioning the father's decision, believing that doing so could have a negative impact on the girl's psyche.

The occurrence of this incident is not only a family matter, but also reflects the general concern of the current society for education and employment. What were the father's considerations? Did he make the right choice? And how should the girl deal with such an arrangement? This series of issues involves education, family, employment and other issues, and has also triggered in-depth conjectures and discussions on these issues from all walks of life.

"What will happen if the girl who loses the college entrance examination wants to go to work" caused heated discussions on the Internet

The father decided to let his daughter go to work

Recently, the experience of a girl who failed the college entrance examination has become a hot topic. It is understood that the girl did not achieve the desired results in the college entrance examination, and originally planned to improve her grades by repeating her studies and take the college entrance examination. Just when the girl was about to repeat her studies, her father made a suggestion to let her go to work, and he was resolute, believing that she could only enter social work if she failed the college entrance examination.

In the face of her father's decision, the girl expressed her great grievance and helplessness, she felt that she was not not working hard, but she was lacking in grades, and she was also confident that she could improve her grades by repeating. However, the father thought that repeating the school was useless and would be a waste of time, so he proposed that the girl go to work.

"What will happen if the girl who loses the college entrance examination wants to go to work" caused heated discussions on the Internet

The girl's mother also expressed her worries and doubts about her father's decision, she felt that her daughter should still improve her grades by repeating her studies, and then choose a career direction that suits her according to her interests and strengths. The father thinks that his daughter is already an adult and should learn to be independent and take responsibility, and he can't afford the cost of his daughter's college, so he can only let his daughter understand the society through part-time work, and maybe there will be new gains and experiences in the work.

The father's decision sparked controversy

"What will happen if the girl who loses the college entrance examination wants to go to work" caused heated discussions on the Internet

The father's decision sparked heated discussions among netizens, and many people expressed concern and discussion about the matter. Some people think that the father's approach is due to the difficulty of paying for his daughter's college, and he may think that through working part-time work, his daughter can better understand society and reduce some of the family's financial pressure.

The girl herself is already feeling a lot of pressure and frustration because of the failure of the college entrance examination, and this decision of her father will undoubtedly make her feel more helpless and lost, and it will also have an impact on her self-confidence and self-esteem.

There is also a certain risk in the father's approach, and the pressure of social competition is very high now, if the girl does not have enough work experience and ability, it is difficult to gain a foothold in the workplace, and only through the part-time job to understand the society, can not have a clear plan and goal for their future, which is not conducive to the growth and development of the girl.

"What will happen if the girl who loses the college entrance examination wants to go to work" caused heated discussions on the Internet

How to look at such an educational approach

In the face of this decision of my father, how should we view it? Everyone has their own views and understandings about education and growth, as well as their own confusion and confusion. The father's approach may be out of a painstaking father's love, he hopes that his daughter can get to know the society through part-time work, can also find a suitable direction for herself in work, and can also learn to be independent and strong.

"What will happen if the girl who loses the college entrance examination wants to go to work" caused heated discussions on the Internet

Education should not be static, but should be tailored to one's aptitude, respecting each individual's choices and wishes. When educating their children, parents should pay attention to communication and understanding, not impose too much on their own ideas, and should respect their children's opinions and decisions, give them appropriate support and encouragement, and help them establish a correct outlook on life and values.

On the other hand, society should also give more care and help, so that some children cannot be deprived of the opportunity to receive education because of the family's financial difficulties, nor can some people be marginalized because they do not have sufficient education and ability. We should establish a sound education system to provide more educational opportunities and resources so that everyone has the opportunity to receive higher education, and we should also pay attention to educational equity and avoid unequal educational opportunities for various reasons.

"What will happen if the girl who loses the college entrance examination wants to go to work" caused heated discussions on the Internet

How to deal with setbacks and difficulties

Both the father's decision and the girl's experience raise some questions for us to speculate. 1. How should we face and solve these problems?

We must learn to be strong and optimistic, no matter what kind of difficulties and setbacks we encounter, we must not give up easily, we must believe that we have enough courage and ability to overcome all difficulties, and we must also believe that difficulties are not the end, but a part of the growth of life, and only by constantly facing and overcoming difficulties can we become stronger and more mature.

"What will happen if the girl who loses the college entrance examination wants to go to work" caused heated discussions on the Internet

We need to learn to ask for help and support, whether in study or work, we will encounter all kinds of problems, and these problems are not something that we can solve alone, we need to have the help and support of others. We must learn to take the initiative to communicate with others, seek the opinions and suggestions of others, and also learn to unite and cooperate, so that we can learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses and make progress together.

We must learn to know ourselves, including our own interests, strengths and weaknesses, only by understanding ourselves, can we make the right choice and plan for our future, and can we find the right direction and goals for ourselves on the road of life.

"What will happen if the girl who loses the college entrance examination wants to go to work" caused heated discussions on the Internet


The father's decision may be out of a deep father's love, he hopes that his daughter can understand the society through part-time work, and can also find her own direction in the work, and the girl should also learn to understand and tolerate, maybe there will be some unexpected gains and experiences in the process of working.

No matter what kind of choice and arrangement, we should learn to face it with a tolerant heart, and also believe that no matter what kind of difficulties and setbacks we encounter, there will be endless hopes and possibilities, as long as we persevere and move forward bravely, we will be able to usher in our own light and future.

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