
Internet celebrity Hua Xiaolong takes 45-year-old Nicholas Tse to self-discipline, do actors also want to share a piece of the pie with Internet celebrities?

author:Lao Pan had broken thoughts

Text/Lao Pan shattered thoughts

In these years, Internet celebrities are really in the limelight!

Not only did he have a good time, but even celebrities and celebrities had to join in the fun.

No, recently, the Internet celebrity Hua Xiaolong took the 45-year-old Nicholas Tse to play a self-discipline challenge, which made netizens very happy.

We don't understand, does this actor also have to get a piece of the pie with Internet celebrities?

Internet celebrity Hua Xiaolong takes 45-year-old Nicholas Tse to self-discipline, do actors also want to share a piece of the pie with Internet celebrities?

Understood, this is Nicholas Tse's new movie about to be released, let's promote it

Speaking of Hua Xiaolong, it is a clear stream in the Internet celebrity world.

He started with funny short videos, and quickly became popular on the Internet with his unique style and sense of humor.

Internet celebrity Hua Xiaolong takes 45-year-old Nicholas Tse to self-discipline, do actors also want to share a piece of the pie with Internet celebrities?

And what he is best at is challenging all kinds of strange tasks, from eating and broadcasting to fitness, from outdoor adventures to life tips, it can be said that he can do anything.

This time, he pulled Nicholas Tse to engage in a self-discipline challenge, which was really surprising.

Nicholas Tse, that is a well-known film and television star in our ears.

Internet celebrity Hua Xiaolong takes 45-year-old Nicholas Tse to self-discipline, do actors also want to share a piece of the pie with Internet celebrities?

When he was young, he won the love of countless fans with his handsome appearance and superb acting skills. Although he is getting older now, his position in the entertainment industry is still solid. But then again, when did Nicholas Tse start playing Internet celebrity?

The content of this self-discipline challenge is not simple. Hua Xiaolong asked Nicholas Tse to get up early every day to exercise, control his diet, work and rest regularly, and post his results on social media.

This is indeed a big challenge for a 45-year-old actor. However, Nicholas Tse is also hard enough, not only did he not flinch, but also seriously did what Hua Xiaolong asked.

Waking up early every day to run, work out, and control his diet at night, it's really torture for him!

Internet celebrity Hua Xiaolong takes 45-year-old Nicholas Tse to self-discipline, do actors also want to share a piece of the pie with Internet celebrities?

But then again, is this self-discipline challenge really necessary for Nicholas Tse? He is an actor, and he doesn't rely on his body to eat, so why work so hard?

Besides, he already has so many fans, so why bother to share a piece of the pie with Internet celebrities?

Actually, there are some deep-seated reasons behind this.

First of all, the competition in the entertainment industry is becoming more and more fierce. Young actors emerge in an endless stream, and old actors must constantly improve their competitiveness if they want to maintain their status.

And cooperating with influencers is a way to improve competitiveness. By participating in this kind of topical activity, you can attract more attention and traffic, and increase your exposure.

Internet celebrity Hua Xiaolong takes 45-year-old Nicholas Tse to self-discipline, do actors also want to share a piece of the pie with Internet celebrities?

Secondly, the tastes of the audience are becoming more and more diverse. They not only like to watch movies and television dramas, listen to songs, but also like to watch various short videos, live broadcasts and other content.

And influencers are able to meet this diverse need.

By partnering with influencers, actors can reach a wider audience and broaden their audience.

Finally, it's a way to work across borders.

Internet celebrity Hua Xiaolong takes 45-year-old Nicholas Tse to self-discipline, do actors also want to share a piece of the pie with Internet celebrities?

Although actors and influencers belong to different fields, they also have a lot in common. Through cross-border cooperation, we can learn from each other and achieve resource sharing and mutual benefit.

This collaborative approach not only enhances the visibility and influence of individuals, but also promotes the development and progress of the entire industry.

However, this kind of cross-border cooperation is not without risks.

Internet celebrity Hua Xiaolong takes 45-year-old Nicholas Tse to self-discipline, do actors also want to share a piece of the pie with Internet celebrities?

We also have to give Hua Xiaolong and Nicholas Tse a thumbs up!

Although their self-discipline challenge has caused a lot of controversy and complaints!

I hope they will continue to bring us more interesting, informative and in-depth content in the future!

Internet celebrity Hua Xiaolong takes 45-year-old Nicholas Tse to self-discipline, do actors also want to share a piece of the pie with Internet celebrities?

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