
Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, microrobots are born, and British netizens: nearly half of them are willing to immigrate to China

author:Focus for you
Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, microrobots are born, and British netizens: nearly half of them are willing to immigrate to China
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Hey brothers! Did you hear that?

The scientists of Beihang University are simply a big deal!

Then again, it's really new enough. In Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, there is a group of scientific research bosses, who have held back a big move, sharpened their swords for 15 years, and were stunned to make a microrobot.

Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, microrobots are born, and British netizens: nearly half of them are willing to immigrate to China

It's as small as a coin in our pockets, and as light as a few hairs that fall out when we comb our hair—only 200 milligrams!

Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, microrobots are born, and British netizens: nearly half of them are willing to immigrate to China

But this little guy is not simple, the shell made of carbon fiber, which hides self-developed chips and batteries, is simply a concentrated essence. Not to mention, this little robot can not only run and fly, but is as agile as a bird, and can also dexterously shuttle through various obstacles, which is simply a miniature version of the agent!

Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, microrobots are born, and British netizens: nearly half of them are willing to immigrate to China

What's more, it only takes two minutes to charge it, and then it will work continuously for ten minutes.

Think of it, searching for life at the scene of a disaster, or checking the health of large equipment.

Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, microrobots are born, and British netizens: nearly half of them are willing to immigrate to China

As soon as this happened, foreign netizens fried the pot.

They praised China one after another, saying that China is not inferior to the United States in basic science research and innovation. Moreover, new gadgets pop up in our country almost every day, which makes those foreign friends drop their jaws.

Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, microrobots are born, and British netizens: nearly half of them are willing to immigrate to China

You know, the most advanced technology is not something that money can buy, and no one wants to give up their precious technology to others.

But our independent research and development capabilities make those "sour grapes" have nothing to say. Now, as soon as this miniature robot appears, those foreigners are anxious to get one.

Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, microrobots are born, and British netizens: nearly half of them are willing to immigrate to China

I have to say that our scientific and technological explosiveness has left many developed countries in the dust. Israeli netizens said that China's AI and sensor technology is world-class.

Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, microrobots are born, and British netizens: nearly half of them are willing to immigrate to China

If this trend continues, foreigners feel that China may be the leader in the fourth industrial revolution.

Even Indian netizens couldn't sit still, seeing that the gap with us was getting bigger and bigger, and they were in a hurry.

Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, microrobots are born, and British netizens: nearly half of them are willing to immigrate to China

Having said that, as our country gets stronger and stronger, more and more foreigners also want to come to China for development.

Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, microrobots are born, and British netizens: nearly half of them are willing to immigrate to China

After all, we have an advanced industrial system, a livable environment, and an entrepreneurial atmosphere full of opportunities, which make them excited.

Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, microrobots are born, and British netizens: nearly half of them are willing to immigrate to China

In the past, the American Dream made many people rush to it, but now, the Chinese Dream also makes foreigners fascinated.

In short, the advent of this microrobot not only shows our progress in the field of basic science, but also allows the world to see the infinite possibilities of Chinese science and technology.

Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, microrobots are born, and British netizens: nearly half of them are willing to immigrate to China

On the stage in the future, this little guy may shine in more fields!

Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, microrobots are born, and British netizens: nearly half of them are willing to immigrate to China

So, brothers, shouldn't we also applaud our scientific research gods and be proud of the strength of our motherland?

Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, microrobots are born, and British netizens: nearly half of them are willing to immigrate to China

That's right, this is our China, this is our scientific and technological strength!

Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, microrobots are born, and British netizens: nearly half of them are willing to immigrate to China

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