
Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

author:Kind spring breeze OOWsF


The game of life and death under the pen

In the dark and damp interrogation room of "Lonely City", Ou Xiao'an, played by Huang Jingyu, an amnesiac agent, is facing an unprecedented test.

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

The camera slowly advances, and I see that what he is holding in his hand is nothing more than an ordinary fountain pen, but in those bloodshot eyes, it seems to have turned into a sharp dagger, ready to cut through this suffocating cage at any time.

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

Netizens "The people who eat melons don't close" joked: "This is a fountain pen, it's simply a 'yang finger' in the secret service world, pointing to where to fight, specializing in all kinds of dissatisfaction!" ”

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

As the plot deepened, Ou Xiaoan lightly put the pen against the carotid artery, and at that moment, the air seemed to freeze. The corners of his mouth hooked up an imperceptible smile, and that smile hid determination and madness, so that the audience in front of the screen couldn't help but hold their breath.

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

This "fake suicide" drama is not only a maximum pressure on the enemy's psychology, but also the first step of Ou Xiaoan's self-redemption. Some netizens left a message: "Huang Jingyu's acting skills make me wonder if he has really practiced the stunt of 'flowers on the pen'!" ”


A two-sided life in the fog of memory

During the days of his detention, Ou Xiao'an's memories were scattered like fragments, and every time he remembered it, he suffered severe headaches. He groped in the dark, trying to piece together who he once was and what his mission was.

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

On the walls of his cell, the dappled light and shadow seem to be a reflection of his inner life—light and darkness are intertwined, hope and despair coexist. Netizen "Memory Fragment Collector" jokingly said: "Is Ou Xiaoan playing a realistic version of "Escape Room"?

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

It's just that the difficulty of his level is hell! By chance, Ou Xiaoan caught a vague fragment of the "9548 note" in his dream, which was the key clue for him to recover his memory.

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

He began to deduce it in his mind, and every thought seemed like a silent battle with his subconscious. He decided to use the "fake suicide" as a cover to secretly plot an escape.

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

This scene not only shows Ou Xiaoan's wisdom and bravery, but also allows the audience to see Huang Jingyu's accurate grasp of the complex psychology of the character.


Clever hands steal the sky, and the pen becomes a sharp weapon to get out of trouble

During the closely monitored interrogation, Mr. Au revealed his qualities as an agent. He took advantage of the interrogation interval to quietly "empty-handed" and put a seemingly innocuous fountain pen in his pocket.

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

This scene made many netizens addicted: "Huang Jingyu is full of agent skills, right?" Even stealing something can steal a sense of art! ”

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

And when Ou Xiaoan was trapped in prison alone, he recalled the memory fragment of the "9548 note" and had a plan in his heart. He knows that only by saving himself can he uncover the truth and find himself.

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

A well-planned "fake suicide" drama is quietly staged. He deliberately created chaos by stabbing a pen into his neck to create the illusion of a suicide attempt. This move not only successfully deceived the guards, but also bought him precious time to escape.

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

Where is the boundary of the crazy male protagonist?

In "Lonely Lost City", Ou Xiaoan played by Huang Jingyu has become the focus of heated discussions among the audience with his unique "crazy criticism" charm. He is sometimes calm and composed, sometimes crazy and uninhibited, and elusive.

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

This also raises a question worth pondering: Where is the boundary of the crazy criticism of the male protagonist? Is it to survive by unscrupulous means, or to stick to the bottom line and principles in your heart?

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

Some netizens believe that Ou Xiaoan's "crazy criticism" is a true portrayal of human nature in extreme environments, and his every choice is full of helplessness and struggle.

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

Others worry that such a character setting may mislead the audience into believing that violence and deception are the best way to solve all problems.

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

In fact, whether it is Ou Xiaoan in the play or us in reality, we are facing various challenges and dilemmas. The key is how we can find our own way out while maintaining our sanity and bottom line.

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

Just like Huang Jingyu's performance in the play, he uses his acting skills to tell us: even if we are in the dark, we must turn our hearts to the light and use wisdom and courage to illuminate the way forward.

Agent Ou Xiao'an shows off his 'pen kung fu', and the crazy critics in "Lonely Lost City" can be so handsome?

Dear readers, where do you think the boundaries of the crazy male protagonist should be? Should we be like Ou Xiao'an, do whatever it takes to survive and mission, or should we stick to the moral bottom line in our hearts?