
Is the barbecue industry a big deal? Big S Gu Junye's barbecue is out of the circle, this wave of dog food is so fragrant!

author:Kind spring breeze OOWsF


Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant is "mysterious" and popular, the truth or a rumor?

In this era of entertainment first, a piece of news about the hot business of the barbecue restaurant of Da S and Gu Junye quickly swept the Internet like a hot wind in summer.

Is the barbecue industry a big deal? Big S Gu Junye's barbecue is out of the circle, this wave of dog food is so fragrant!

According to the "reliable" revelations of "Korean netizens", this barbecue restaurant opened in the name of husband and wife has been full of people since it opened, and there is an endless stream of diners.

Is the barbecue industry a big deal? Big S Gu Junye's barbecue is out of the circle, this wave of dog food is so fragrant!

Gu Junye even went down in person, incarnating as a "barbecue brother", not only adding a bit of popularity to the store, but also generously gifting signed photos of husband and wife to lucky fans.


Brain-opening: Big S's "restaurant love"?

As soon as the news came out, netizens turned into detectives and began to dig out whether the "predecessors" of Big S also had a similar "restaurant relationship". For a while, the joke that "the husband that Big S is looking for has a characteristic: opening a restaurant" went viral on the Internet.

Is the barbecue industry a big deal? Big S Gu Junye's barbecue is out of the circle, this wave of dog food is so fragrant!

Someone ridiculed: "It seems that Big S is a hidden catering investor, and he picks a husband with cooking potential!" Some people even joked: "Next time Big S is looking for a partner, do you have to ask the other party if you will be upside down?" ”

Is the barbecue industry a big deal? Big S Gu Junye's barbecue is out of the circle, this wave of dog food is so fragrant!

These humorous comments not only make people laugh, but also make people wonder, is there some kind of "metaphysics" hidden behind this?


The Truth Revealed: The "True Identity" of the Rotisserie

However, just when everyone was immersed in the "myth of the big S couple's barbecue restaurant", a basin of cold water quietly came. This so-called "Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant" is not their own business, but the store of Gu Junye's friends.

Is the barbecue industry a big deal? Big S Gu Junye's barbecue is out of the circle, this wave of dog food is so fragrant!

It was only because after the two got married, their friends posted their photos in the store in order to express their blessings, which caused this beautiful misunderstanding.

Is the barbecue industry a big deal? Big S Gu Junye's barbecue is out of the circle, this wave of dog food is so fragrant!

The comments of netizens instantly exploded: "It turns out that there is a picture at the beginning, and the story is all made up!" "I give full marks to this wave of marketing to the store!" Some netizens joked: "Isn't this the most 'expensive' decorative painting in history?" ”


Food is king, and foodies are the focus

Despite the farce, netizens' enthusiasm for food has not diminished in the slightest. Many foodies said: "I don't care about their family, but I'm very interested in whether this barbecue is delicious!" ”

Is the barbecue industry a big deal? Big S Gu Junye's barbecue is out of the circle, this wave of dog food is so fragrant!

For a while, the discussion about the taste of barbecue occupied the comment area. "I've heard that the meat is tender and juicy, and the dipping sauce is also a must!" "Ask for the address, I'm going to check in!" No matter how the situation in the entertainment industry changes, only food can hit people's hearts and make people forget their troubles.

Is the barbecue industry a big deal? Big S Gu Junye's barbecue is out of the circle, this wave of dog food is so fragrant!

"Cross-border PK"? The whimsy of netizens

Brain-opening netizens also put forward a bold idea: suggesting that Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant be opened next to Wang Xiaofei's Ma Liuji for an offline and offline "food showdown".

Is the barbecue industry a big deal? Big S Gu Junye's barbecue is out of the circle, this wave of dog food is so fragrant!

The proposal quickly sparked heated discussions, with some people applauding: "This is definitely the best business drama of the year!" Some people are also worried: "What if the competition between the two restaurants is too fierce and the diners have indigestion?" ”

Is the barbecue industry a big deal? Big S Gu Junye's barbecue is out of the circle, this wave of dog food is so fragrant!

Some netizens opened their minds: "When the time comes, we can eat barbecue while drinking Wang Xiaofei's hot and sour noodles, that taste is amazing!" ”

Is the barbecue industry a big deal? Big S Gu Junye's barbecue is out of the circle, this wave of dog food is so fragrant!

The philosophy of life behind the entertainment

In this entertaining story, it is not difficult to find that whether it is the private life of celebrities, or the ridicule and creativity of netizens, it reflects the love and pursuit of modern people for life.

Is the barbecue industry a big deal? Big S Gu Junye's barbecue is out of the circle, this wave of dog food is so fragrant!

Da S and Gu Junye's "barbecue restaurant turmoil", although it was a misunderstanding, unexpectedly made people feel the joy and warmth of life in laughter.

Is the barbecue industry a big deal? Big S Gu Junye's barbecue is out of the circle, this wave of dog food is so fragrant!

This also reminds us that in the era of information explosion, only by maintaining rational thinking and not blindly following the trend can we better enjoy the beauty of life.

Is the barbecue industry a big deal? Big S Gu Junye's barbecue is out of the circle, this wave of dog food is so fragrant!

As for the imaginary "cross-border PK", it may never happen, but it is like a beautiful vision, inspiring everyone to pursue their dreams, bravely stand on the stage of life, and become the protagonist of their own story.

Is the barbecue industry a big deal? Big S Gu Junye's barbecue is out of the circle, this wave of dog food is so fragrant!

In this colorful world, everyone has the potential to become a "big heroine" or "big male lead" in the eyes of others, as long as we dare to try, dare to challenge, the stage of life will be more exciting because of us.

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