
The bonus point policy of the losing side is coming, it is too difficult to win the MVP in the swimming position, and she is the first to rank

author:King's information commentary

The S36 season has been updated for nearly a week, and everyone is already familiar with the rhythm of the new season, but unfortunately they have not experienced the 10-row gameplay. But don't worry, the 10th row will also be launched this season, and the time is probably after mid-July, and it is estimated that it will be around the 20th. There are several good mechanics in the 10-row gameplay, such as players can freely quit during the game, and players who perform well on the losing side can add extra points or not drop stars. In short, the new policy is encouraging everyone to play the game well.

The bonus point policy of the losing side is coming, it is too difficult to win the MVP in the swimming position, and she is the first to rank

When row 10 is launched, it means that the relevant mechanism of row 10 is tested maturely and can be transplanted to row 5. The planner said in the live broadcast that in order to ensure the interests of players, the future five rows will launch a bonus point policy for players who perform well on the losing side. In everyone's opinion, the players who perform well must be the MVP, those heroes are easy to get the MVP, and those heroes will be popular in the future. I thought that support players were the easiest to get the MVP, but the actual statistics show that it is difficult for support heroes to get the MVP.

The bonus point policy of the losing side is coming, it is too difficult to win the MVP in the swimming position, and she is the first to rank

Statistically, the top players are all assassins and shooters, and the number one will definitely be Erin, who averages 0.204 MVPs per game. Some people will say that the statistics are wrong, but in fact, it is true, Erin's popularity is low, the number of samples is small, and they are all playing with some unique brothers, and it is normal for the number of MVPs to be higher. In the same way, the wolf dog is also ranked high, and this hero is also low in popularity, these data are all played by Brother Tricky, and there is no reference.

The bonus point policy of the losing side is coming, it is too difficult to win the MVP in the swimming position, and she is the first to rank

However, Garo's data is definitely indicative, this hero is very popular, and there are many followers in the qualifying and pinnacle matches, so Garo's data is relatively accurate. Galo's high data is related to her output, she is a shooter with a relatively long attack distance, and she can play a higher output data in every game, and the system judges the shooter's contribution to see the output, so Galo's data is more accurate, and this hero is especially easy to get MVP.

The bonus point policy of the losing side is coming, it is too difficult to win the MVP in the swimming position, and she is the first to rank

The bottom of the MVP stats are all support heroes, and they are all some popular support heroes. The first is Ming Shiyin, the second is Yao, the third is Doria, and the fourth is Cai Wenji, each of which is a popular auxiliary at the moment. If the fifth row implements the loser's MVP bonus policy, the popularity of these support heroes will definitely be affected. Among all the support heroes, Sun Bin is the easiest hero to get the MVP, and Sun Bin players should be happy.