
The traditional jungler heroes have collectively fallen, and the mirror win rate has fallen below 39%, a proper leader

author:King's information commentary

In the new season, the jungle area has become larger, and the traditional jungler collective has been weakened. Some assassin heroes can't keep up with the changes in the version, and the jungler efficiency becomes slower, which means that the jungler and double C can't pull the economic difference, and the jungler loses the ability to kill double C in seconds. The relationship between the jungler and double C has always been a second kill or a counter-kill, and there has never been a talk of pulling and running away. Judging from the data, the win rate of heroes such as Mirror, Lan, and Luna has dropped seriously, especially Mirror, whose win rate has fallen below 40%, which can be regarded as a reverse leader hero.

The traditional jungler heroes have collectively fallen, and the mirror win rate has fallen below 39%, a proper leader

Reworked the rear mirror ultimate can be used in the early stage, and there is still a lot of displacement, but the damage of the first and second skills has been cut, causing her farming efficiency to decrease. The skills of the current version of the mirror are still bells and whistles, but the damage is scraping, and it is difficult to open the rhythm in the early stage, and the ability of the wild core is lost. In qualifying matches or pinnacle matches, the appearance rate of mirrors is also declining, stabilizing at about 7%, and only some unique brothers are left to support them. In my opinion, this is not the limit of the mirror, if this hero is not strengthened, Brother Unique will also give up on her.

The traditional jungler heroes have collectively fallen, and the mirror win rate has fallen below 39%, a proper leader

S35 season Lan showed signs of taking off, and at that time, Lan players had a high voice power, giving people the illusion that the plan would always strengthen Lan. Now, the planning is still focused on other heroes, Lan has not been promoted as he hoped, and he has a hard time in the S36 season. Lan, who was not strong enough, encountered a large wild area, his brushing efficiency plummeted, and the damage of the small spinning top was like scraping, and the strength was too low. Lan's appearance rate is quite high, and the qualifying and pinnacle matches are close to 15%, which shows that everyone still likes this hero.

The traditional jungler heroes have collectively fallen, and the mirror win rate has fallen below 39%, a proper leader

The shortcomings of the little short legs were finally exposed in the S36 season, and the qualifying matches could not cover the shortcomings of Dian Wei. In the new season, the popularity of Dianwei is no longer T0, and although the appearance rate is high, the win rate is only 50%. The map has become larger for Dian Wei to be greatly weakened, if it weren't for the passive increase in displacement of the previous skill, the current win rate of Dian Wei would have fallen, and his farming speed was too slow. If you don't believe it, you can take a look at Dian Wei's performance in the pinnacle game, with an appearance rate of 2.4%, a win rate of 41.5%, and a 45% win rate.

The traditional jungler heroes have collectively fallen, and the mirror win rate has fallen below 39%, a proper leader

The monkey is not good either, but his weakness has nothing to do with the map, he is a high-mobility hero. Due to all the wins i thank you oh that durability increase, the monkey at level 4 monkey can't catch dead people at all, and the economy can't be beaten. It is not alarmist that monkeys without a bad economy are equal to waste in the middle and late stages. The monkey is very difficult now, and it is not as good as the king of Lanling. Monkey's popularity is still quite high, with a qualifying appearance rate of 22.2%, but only 13% left in the pinnacle match, after all, his win rate is too low, only 46.9%.