
"Executive Judge" was complained about going crazy: the old problems of national dramas are vividly reflected in female judges


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Speaking of the popular legal drama "Executive Judge", Chu Yun in the play is really a great character, playing an iron-faced and selfless executive judge.

Let's just say that in that play, there was a scene that made people's eyes widen, that is, Chu Yun and her top boss, Director Zhou, staged a duel full of gunpowder.

"Executive Judge" was complained about going crazy: the old problems of national dramas are vividly reflected in female judges

, this Lord Chu Yun, in the face of the powerful Director Zhou, she was not stunned at all, her words were as sharp as a blade, and she almost didn't let Director Zhou get off the stage.

This play really made people see Chu Yun's unswerving and iron-clad temperament, and also made the audience understand her unique personality more deeply.

"Executive Judge" was complained about going crazy: the old problems of national dramas are vividly reflected in female judges

Our Lord Chu Yun, she is not just sitting in the courtroom and knocking on the gavel.

In the play, she is often seen dealing with some emergencies in a hurry, and those cases, to be honest, are not within her responsibility at all.

"Executive Judge" was complained about going crazy: the old problems of national dramas are vividly reflected in female judges

But this Chu Yun has such a sense of responsibility and her persistent pursuit of justice, so she can't help but intervene.

However, having said that, this kind of unrealistic depiction also made the audience mutter: Can a judge really be so detached from reality and do his own thing?

"Executive Judge" was complained about going crazy: the old problems of national dramas are vividly reflected in female judges

The drama "Executive Judge" is not only a legal drama, but also shakes out the practical dilemmas and challenges faced by legal workers.

Let's talk about the role of Chu Yun, although it is full of drama, her story also reflects the problem that the image of judges in TV dramas is often over-glorified.

"Executive Judge" was complained about going crazy: the old problems of national dramas are vividly reflected in female judges

This glorification not only portrays judges as all-powerful heroes, but also ignores their true side as ordinary people.

The plot develops backwards, which makes people shake their heads even more.

There was a play in which Chu Yun led the team to seal Qi Runyu's restaurant, but it turned out that Qi Runyu was not a fuel-efficient lamp, so he resisted when he picked up the broom.

"Executive Judge" was complained about going crazy: the old problems of national dramas are vividly reflected in female judges

This scene really adds a lot of dramatic tension, but at the same time, it also makes people feel quite absurd.

Legally speaking, Chu Yun and her team had no right to forcibly take Qi Runyu away at this time, because the court had not yet initiated the enforcement procedure.

"Executive Judge" was complained about going crazy: the old problems of national dramas are vividly reflected in female judges

This kind of description is simply fantastical in legal practice.

Let's talk about another play, Dong Ming was illegally tied to a bulldozer by workers because of debt problems.

This kind of thing should be handled by the police, but our Lord Chu Yun? She intervened again.

"Executive Judge" was complained about going crazy: the old problems of national dramas are vividly reflected in female judges

She did this, and it was simply untenable in reality.

In this script, the misunderstanding of legal responsibilities is really deep enough, and the way it is handled is ridiculously exaggerated.

The role of Chu Yun, her decision-making and behavior are all to create a heroic image that is not afraid of power.

"Executive Judge" was complained about going crazy: the old problems of national dramas are vividly reflected in female judges

But she? Often, one person has the final say, and the legal process and the opinions of colleagues are thrown out of the clouds.

In the real legal environment, this is simply nonsense.

The drama "Executive Judge" tries to show a heroic image of a judge through the role of Chu Yun.

"Executive Judge" was complained about going crazy: the old problems of national dramas are vividly reflected in female judges

Unfortunately, the way the case is handled and the depiction of the judge's duties in the play are incompatible with the real legal environment.

While the plot may be dramatic, it can also mislead the public about legal responsibilities and procedures.

"Executive Judge" was complained about going crazy: the old problems of national dramas are vividly reflected in female judges

Therefore, while the audience is watching with relish, they must also maintain a little critical thinking, and do not forget the huge difference between the play and the real legal operation.

"Executive Judge" was complained about going crazy: the old problems of national dramas are vividly reflected in female judges

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