
Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend



"This guy can find this girl in such a dangerous situation, it can be seen that it is true love."

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

The Chinese guy met a Palestinian girl on the Internet, and he went thousands of miles to find the girl just because he wanted to "save" her.

I want to bring the girl back to China, away from artillery fire, away from rats and garbage on the streets.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

Even netizens in the comment area were moved: the guy is a hero of the Palestinian girl alone!

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

What kind of motivation is that can make the guy be denied boarding many times, but still go to Palestine through various channels!

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

The guy "braved" Palestine alone

The blogger met a man and a woman on the street, and just opened his mouth to ask what the relationship between the two was.

I saw the guy smiling with a worthless face, his gums ran out to breathe, and he took the girl's hand and said that it was his wife with a shyness on his face.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

I thought it was just an ordinary couple, but after a simple greeting, my jaw was about to drop.

Looking at the girl's dress, I already guessed that she was a foreigner, but what I didn't expect was that the girl turned out to be Palestine, the "hardest-hit" country surrounded by war.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

What's even more amazing is that the acquaintance between the guy and the girl was actually met on an online learning software.

So how did such a transnational couple, especially the warring country of Palestine, come together?

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

As the girl prepared to take the makeup for the wedding photos, she learned from the guy's mouth about the marriage process of the two all the way, which was more than a thrilling thing.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

The guy didn't expect that after using a language learning software on the Internet, even his life would change.

It is also very unbelievable that I can meet my current wife through an online chat software, or I have crossed countries and many practical obstacles.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

At first, the two were just chatting happily online, and they felt that each other was very compatible.

In this way, not only did they not lose their enthusiasm, but as time went by, the relationship between the two became better and better.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend
Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

I don't know how the Palestinian girl feels, but the Chinese guy can't bear it.

is no longer satisfied with just chatting online, the guy feels that since he is so fateful, then don't miss it, and it is better to directly turn this transnational relationship into marriage.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

I'm afraid that when the guy himself had such a beautiful idea, he didn't expect that he would be able to experience so many encounters.

People's love can withstand all difficulties may be a slogan, but the Chinese guy has put this sentence into action.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

The first difficulty is that Palestine is a country that is different from other countries, and it is not something you can walk if you want to.

The main reason is that they have a special status, and there is no way to go to other countries through any visa, which is a considerable test for the love of the two.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

It could have been just a plane ticket to meet, but for Palestinian girls and guys, it's harder than it gets.

And this did not hit the guy's self-confidence, and did not make him give up this relationship, just like the saying that the mountain does not come to you, you go to the mountain, the guy chose to go to Palestine.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

Netizens in the comment area were moved: This is love.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

Moved is moved, but the Chinese guy who has experienced all this is also quite collapsed.

At that time, when the guy was about to go to Palestine to find the girl, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict had just broken out.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

At this juncture, the guy who wanted to go to the girl before taking the plane was denied boarding.

After all, this is an area where war broke out, and there is a high risk that your life will be in danger at any time.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

But the guy hasn't given up yet, let's just say that the courage of the novel is not something that ordinary people have, love is so great, even life can not be abandoned, is this the so-called true love first?

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

The guy thought of all kinds of ways, and I don't know if it moved the heavens, and I really asked the guy to find it.

Finally, the embassy contacted the guy to fly to the "hard-hit area" abroad, but he still frequently told the guy to pay attention to his personal safety and contact the embassy if he had something.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

It was obvious to the naked eye how critical the situation was at that time, and for the first time the young man went to a foreign country alone to find his Palestinian girl.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

You must know that the Palestinian girl's family was in crisis at that time, and the family had fled to Lebanon and lived there as Palestinian refugees.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

This is such a situation, if some people are afraid that they would have given up a long time ago, but the guy wants to save his own girl.

After all, the environment in which the girl lived at that time did not even have normal drinking water, it was all seawater, and the smell of seawater washed her face and her body was full of fishy smell, and even the streets were full of rats and garbage, which was really uncomfortable.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

As for the guy's behavior, I thought that my family would strongly reject it, but I didn't expect my mother to have such a strong dislike for this matter.

I even have a good password with the guy, and if there are any security problems, you can keep in touch at any time.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

But fortunately, the guy went to Palestine and brought back his online chat girlfriend.

The two registered their marriage abroad as they wished, and then returned to China smoothly.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

However, although the two have registered, they have not yet held a wedding and taken wedding photos.

This time, I met bloggers by chance, and taking wedding photos for them can be regarded as a dream come true.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

Especially the moment when the girl opens the curtain, the unique foreign style adds a special beauty to the wedding dress.

The guy who was standing outside, the moment he saw the girl again, he began to grin, and the lower lip of the grinning mouth could not cover the upper lip.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend
Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

What's even sweeter is that when taking wedding photos on the lawn, the girl walks forward with a shy face.

And the boy's eyes can't leave the girl's figure, and he doesn't know how to take it in public, so it's really a little blind.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

At this moment, netizens in the comment area couldn't help but break their defenses: the moment they saw the girl come out in a wedding dress, they really burst into tears.

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

"She's not worried about her parents, what can her parents do, in that place."

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

After reading the photo of the two, netizens also joked: Isn't this pure Hong Shixian and Ellie together?

Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend


The Chinese guy traveled thousands of miles for love and arrived in Lebanon, just to bring back the Palestinian girl he was chatting with online.

It can be seen that as long as two people love each other, even if they face a difficult dilemma, they can still break out of the cocoon and be reborn.

Source: Unknown model posted the video "Our wish is world peace" on June 28, 2024.
Rush to the hot search! The Chinese guy went to the "hardest-hit area" in Palestine, just to bring back his online chat girlfriend

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