
The female martyr Liu Hulan was only 15 years old when she died, and now her four younger brothers and sisters have become the pillars of the country

author:Old nonsense about history

The female martyr Liu Hulan was only 15 years old when she died, and now her four younger brothers and sisters have become the pillars of the country. Enthusiastic and brave, Liu Hulan, who was only 15 years old, did not hesitate to sacrifice her precious life for the country and the people. The deeds of the martyred heroes have touched generations of people, and her precious spiritual wealth will be immortalized. However, do you know how she died heroically?

The female martyr Liu Hulan was only 15 years old when she died, and now her four younger brothers and sisters have become the pillars of the country

The mountains and rivers were broken, the smoke of gunpowder was everywhere, and it was a stormy era. In the hazy war years, a poor rural girl wrote a heroic chapter with her blood and life. In 1932, Liu Hulan was born in Yunxi Zhou Village, Wenshui County, Shanxi Province, in an extremely poor peasant family. Her stepmother, Hu Wenxiu, was an inspirational and patriotic comrade who often taught them to contribute to the country.

The female martyr Liu Hulan was only 15 years old when she died, and now her four younger brothers and sisters have become the pillars of the country

In 1942, 10-year-old Hu Lan served as the leader of the anti-Japanese children's team, reporting and transmitting military information. At the age of 13, she stepped forward and joined the National Salvation Movement, going to the front line to care for the wounded. Liu Hulan, who has been tempered by hardship, has long since left her childhood, and her resolute will and courage in the face of danger have given her a moral character that far surpasses her peers at such a young age. On the eve of the Spring Festival in 1947, at the age of 15, she was betrayed to the army of the reactionary Kuomintang warlord Yan Xishan.

At that time, Yan Jun's native skins were tempted with heavy money, thinking that she would betray the whereabouts of her compatriots, Liu Hulan categorically refused: "Even if you give me a mountain of gold, I won't say it!" I admire her backbone, her iron bones! Seeing that the plan was lost, Yan Jun immediately executed six comrades who were also imprisoned, in order to deter Liu Hulan. However, Liu Hulan, a female child, strengthened her determination to defend her revolutionary beliefs. She straightened her windswept short hair, strode to the place of execution, and said fearlessly, "What is the way I die?" The same goes for you!" In this way, Liu Hulan died heroically under the guillotine at the age of 15.

The female martyr Liu Hulan was only 15 years old when she died, and now her four younger brothers and sisters have become the pillars of the country

Liu Hulan's death was like a thunderbolt, which caused huge repercussions in the local area. Everyone mourns this heroine who gave her precious life at a young age. The villagers were in mourning, and they were not even in the mood for the Spring Festival, and the whole village was in a sense of slaughter. Her stepmother Hu Wenxiu was even more heartbroken, picking up the bloodstained soil as if she had fought for her life, and wanted to use this molecule to educate her four children, Sister Yongming's great achievements, and inherit the legacy of patriotism and serving the country.

The female martyr Liu Hulan was only 15 years old when she died, and now her four younger brothers and sisters have become the pillars of the country

Liu Hulan's heroic deeds hit every inch of land on Taihang Mountain. When Chairman Mao learned of this inspirational story, he was very emotional, and wrote the inscription "The greatness of life, the glory of death", and praised the martyrs who sacrificed their lives at such a young age. Subsequently, the Party Central Committee made an exception to posthumously recognize her as a party member and let the people of the whole country learn from her.

The female martyr Liu Hulan was only 15 years old when she died, and now her four younger brothers and sisters have become the pillars of the country

Although Liu Hulan's death brought endless grief to her family, the patriotic spirit and revolutionary integrity she embodied were like a breeze blowing in the hearts of every family member. Sister Liu Ailan played the role of her sister in a combat drama club, and every time she performed, she moved the audience. When she was a child, witnessing the martyrdom of her sister will always be a nail in her heart.

The female martyr Liu Hulan was only 15 years old when she died, and now her four younger brothers and sisters have become the pillars of the country

As a doctor, Liu Fanglan uses a scalpel to save lives, but what she has in her heart is always the "knife" of execution. She longs to one day avenge her sister and bring the murderers to justice. The eldest brother Liu Jiying joined the army directly and demonstrated his sister's revolutionary demeanor in the army and university. The youngest son, Liu Jilie, was also indignant and became a people's servant and policeman, serving and dedicating himself to the people.

The female martyr Liu Hulan was only 15 years old when she died, and now her four younger brothers and sisters have become the pillars of the country

Liu Hulan's spiritual fire will never be extinguished in the hearts of her family, and they each work hard to forge ahead, and use practical actions to amplify her sister's deeds more and more. Although it has gone through the baptism of time, Liu Hulan's short 15-year life has become an immortal legend. As a popular self-media influencer on the Internet, I will do my best to tell the story of this young martyr to more people, so that her spiritual fire will never be extinguished!

The female martyr Liu Hulan was only 15 years old when she died, and now her four younger brothers and sisters have become the pillars of the country

Youth should be laughter, sweat chasing ideals. But Liu Hulan used her precious life to compose a different kind of song of youth. Although she passed away very young, she left the most beautiful influence at the best of her years and became an eternal role model in the hearts of thousands of admirers. A guillotine cut off Liu Hulan's short life, but it must not cut off her immortal deeds, and it also cut the raging burning of the afterglow of the revolution in the hearts of her family. The martyrs live forever, the spirit lives forever, and the light of Liu Hulan will always illuminate the way for people to move forward. #头条首发大赛#