
3 brush "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang": Huang Taiji didn't know until he died, and the woman he loved the most calculated him

author:Old nonsense about history

3 brush "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang": Huang Taiji didn't know until he died, and the woman he loved the most calculated him. There was a woman in history who was not a power-seeker at first, but was promoted to the highest position of power because of a marriage. She gained the favor of the dignity of a country, but she also lost her mind because of it, and was finally calculated to die. This woman is Hai Lanzhu. She was originally a poor widow, who was favored by Huang Taiji and remarried as a concubine, and her status plummeted, and she was favored. Unexpectedly, her ambition also increased day by day, not only resenting Queen Yu'er and rejecting her own daughter, but also wanting to seek the throne for her son. seems to be a power struggle caused by marriage, but it also makes people wonder: is Hai Lanzhu really just a passive victim, or is there something else hidden?

3 brush "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang": Huang Taiji didn't know until he died, and the woman he loved the most calculated him

The year 1616 was a turbulent time. At that time, Huang Taiji was trying to unify the Qing Dynasty, and the war with Duoduo was about to break out. In the huge Guanju Palace, a woman with a beautiful face admires the flowers alone. She is Hai Lanzhu, who was forced to marry a tyrannical Baylor in her early years, and now escaped after being widowed, and sought refuge with her cousin Wu Keshan.

3 brush "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang": Huang Taiji didn't know until he died, and the woman he loved the most calculated him

No one thought that this orphan girl, who had been used as a marriage tool since she was a child, would marry into the emperor's family and be favored by the king. Huang Taiji, who fell in love at first sight, talked and laughed with her again and again, trying to accept her as a concubine. Until one day, he finally invited her to enjoy the flowers under the pretext of inviting her, and the two became entangled together.

In the final analysis, the reason why Hai Lanzhu climbed onto Huang Taiji's couch was due to the words of her brother-in-law and maternal uncle: "It would be stupid to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." The implication is that she should be old and alone? Wise people take advantage of these opportunities.

3 brush "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang": Huang Taiji didn't know until he died, and the woman he loved the most calculated him

Sure enough, in the face of the temptation of power, Hai Lanzhu did not have the slightest scruples, and she no longer had the slightest affection for Queen Yu'er and her own daughter. From the very beginning of her entry into the palace, even if she planned to seduce Huang Taiji's heart, even her sister Yu'er was blindfolded among the lambs. It wasn't until Yu'er broke through her intimate scene with Huang Taiji with her own eyes that she knew that her much-loved husband had already made a move on her sister behind her back.

In this way, a poor woman who should have been in peace turned into a power-hungry person. She took Huang Taiji by her side step by step and carefully calculated, and no one was allowed to touch him in the slightest. Once upon a time, she was a poor person who was forced to be helpless and unable to be free, but now she has become a selfish power-hungry person.

3 brush "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang": Huang Taiji didn't know until he died, and the woman he loved the most calculated him

The taste of power is so beautiful, Hai Lanzhu quickly tasted the sweetness. She began to protest against the queen Zhezhe, repeatedly ignored the palace rules, and even let Zhezhe be hospitalized for this anger. The original docile and cowardly temperament gradually changed under the favor of Huang Taiji, and she began to be arrogant, thinking that as long as she was loved by Huang Taiji, she could do whatever she wanted.

However, this unscrupulous arrogance is also because of Huang Taiji's connivance. In his eyes, Hai Lanzhu is just a simple and kind woman, she doesn't know what conspiracies and calculations, she just loves herself too much. What an ironic misconception! In fact, Hai Lanzhu has already done enough strategizing in secret, but her every move has been interpreted as proof of love by Huang Taiji.

3 brush "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang": Huang Taiji didn't know until he died, and the woman he loved the most calculated him

At the beginning, she just wanted to marry a rich and noble family that someone loved, but she didn't expect Huang Taiji to value her so much. When the child was born, her ambition that she had never had before was spontaneous. In her opinion, since her son has been made the crown prince, she deserves to be the most noble woman in the entire dynasty, and no one deserves to be compared with her.

Thus, she began a monopoly on power. first left his biological daughter in front of him indefinitely, and did not let her leave the cabinet. then sow discord, so that Huang Taiji hated Yu'er from love, and finally Yu'er ended up hating. But this is far from enough, she wants to suppress the harem concubines and monopolize the heart of Huang Taiji, in addition to this, she also has to fight with Dolgon, a popular man in the court, because the other party is too trusted by Huang Taiji.

3 brush "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang": Huang Taiji didn't know until he died, and the woman he loved the most calculated him

It's a pity that the pride of the sky has a time when he misses in his hands. She thought that she had enveloped Huang Taiji, but she didn't expect that Huang Taiji was blinded by her favor. Finally, in a palace change, she was poisoned and died with hatred. Before she died, she realized that her most beloved and most relied on son did not think about cherishing her at all, but watched her die slowly. In the midst of the pain, there was no longer the former brilliance in her eyes, only the bleak ashes remained.

3 brush "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang": Huang Taiji didn't know until he died, and the woman he loved the most calculated him

Hai Lanzhu, the daughter who was used as a chess piece at first, eventually became a chess player herself. She originally wanted to marry into a wealthy family by virtue of her appearance, but she didn't expect to ascend to the sky in one step and marry the king of a country. The temptation of power was so great that she began to lose her mind and desperately seek her own benefit. It's a pity that she finally lost under her own desires, was calculated by others, and died with hatred. From pitiful to crazy, from holy to depraved, Hai Lanzhu's life is like a portrayal of human nature, which makes people sigh. She was just an ordinary woman at the beginning, but in the end, she was completely swallowed up by power and turned into a selfish prisoner. #头条首发大赛#

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