
Shock! Masayoshi Manabe and Sarina Koga talk about the hidden secrets of the Japanese women's volleyball team Paris Olympic list

author:Phantom pupil ball style


On July 1, 2024, Beijing time, the Japan Volleyball Association held a high-profile press conference to officially announce the 13-member roster of the Japanese women's volleyball team for the Paris Olympics. This list is like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, which instantly stirred up a thousand waves, sparked heated discussions and widespread attention among fans.

Shock! Masayoshi Manabe and Sarina Koga talk about the hidden secrets of the Japanese women's volleyball team Paris Olympic list

Second, the basis for the selection of the real pot politics

At a recent press conference, Masayoshi Manabe gave an in-depth interpretation of the Japanese women's ranking list that will go to the Paris Olympics. He mentioned that although the Japanese women's volleyball team got the Olympic ticket a little later, this did not affect the team's preparation. Coach Manabe said that they conducted a thorough inspection of the players through the VNL (World Volleyball League) competition, and finally selected a strong team that is ready to show their strength at the Paris Olympics.

Shock! Masayoshi Manabe and Sarina Koga talk about the hidden secrets of the Japanese women's volleyball team Paris Olympic list

When talking about the choice of free man, Masayoshi Manabe reveals the thoughtfulness behind it. He pointed out that the Japanese women's volleyball team has always been known for its solid defense, and there is no shortage of defensive masters in the team. In order to cope with the challenges of different opponents, the coaching staff finally decided to adopt the rotation strategy of Emi Fukuru and Manami Kojima. This arrangement aims to bring out the best in each player and create a flexible defensive system to meet strong opponents from all over the world.

Shock! Masayoshi Manabe and Sarina Koga talk about the hidden secrets of the Japanese women's volleyball team Paris Olympic list

2. Sarina Koga's attitude and determination

Sarina Koga, the soul of the Japanese women's volleyball team, as the captain, not only commands Ruoding on the field, but also conveys warmth and strength off the field. In the face of the selection results, she showed a deep concern, and her concern for those who were not selected was overflowing. At the same time, she also firmly expressed the determination of the selected team members, who will start from the training camp with mixed feelings and great responsibilities to go all out to meet every challenge.

Shock! Masayoshi Manabe and Sarina Koga talk about the hidden secrets of the Japanese women's volleyball team Paris Olympic list

When looking back on VNL's journey, Sarina Koga's words are full of emotion and pride. She believes that being able to go all the way and finally stand on the stage of the final is not only an affirmation of individual ability, but also a huge boost to the confidence of the whole team.

Shock! Masayoshi Manabe and Sarina Koga talk about the hidden secrets of the Japanese women's volleyball team Paris Olympic list

As she looks ahead to the upcoming Paris Olympics, Sarina Koga has a deep understanding of her group stage opponents, Poland. She recalls Poland's strong performance in the VNL tournament, where Japan will remember the 3-0 defeat. Not only do Poland have an impressive height advantage, but the individual skills of each player are equally impressive. But Sarina Koga is full of confidence, and she is confident that in Paris, the Japanese team will show more competitiveness and win.

Shock! Masayoshi Manabe and Sarina Koga talk about the hidden secrets of the Japanese women's volleyball team Paris Olympic list

She understands that the opponents in the group stage are all tough opponents, so she and her teammates will work with the coaching team to dive deeper and carefully plan tactics to be flexible in response to various challenges. Sarina Koga's tone was resolute and determined, and she encouraged the team to confidently state their goal when they regroup – to win a medal at the Paris Olympics. While the road is challenging, the clear goal is the driving force to move forward. She promised that the Japanese team will give it their all, prepare as best they can, and do their best to meet every game and show their best.

Shock! Masayoshi Manabe and Sarina Koga talk about the hidden secrets of the Japanese women's volleyball team Paris Olympic list

3. Doubts and discussions from fans

As soon as the list was announced, the discussion among Japanese volleyball fans was high. Especially for the absence of the two powerful players, Ai Kurogo and Ami Watanabe, many fans were confused and dissatisfied, and expressed their opinions on social media. They believe that the strength and experience of these two players are indispensable to the team, and it is incomprehensible that they will not be selected. In our country, the focus of discussion among netizens is slightly different. Many people were curious about the positions of the three freemen on the list, and they thought that such an arrangement seemed redundant. After all, in volleyball, each position has its own unique importance, and the role of the libero, although crucial, is indeed a bit confusing to bring three at once.

Shock! Masayoshi Manabe and Sarina Koga talk about the hidden secrets of the Japanese women's volleyball team Paris Olympic list

The fans' skepticism is not unfounded. Ai Kurogo and Aya Watanabe have both performed well in past matches, and their defeat has surprised and disappointed many fans. As for the decision to carry 3 free men, netizens also expressed their opinions, some thought that this was an innovative move by Coach Masashi Manabe, and some thought that it could lead to an unbalanced staffing in other positions.

Shock! Masayoshi Manabe and Sarina Koga talk about the hidden secrets of the Japanese women's volleyball team Paris Olympic list

IV. Conclusion

No matter what the outside world says, the Japanese women's volleyball team's journey to the Paris Olympics is already on the way. Whether Coach Manabe's selection of the lineup is a brilliant stroke or a risky move can only be conclusively verified in the Olympic arena.

Shock! Masayoshi Manabe and Sarina Koga talk about the hidden secrets of the Japanese women's volleyball team Paris Olympic list

Let's wait and see how the Chinese women's volleyball team crushes the Japanese women's volleyball team at the Paris Olympics. Come on, Chinese women's volleyball team!

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