
Shock! Zheng Qinwen 1-2 Sun Lulu missed the second round of Wimbledon, and there were five indisputable facts in the whole court

author:Phantom pupil ball style


In the first round of the Wimbledon women's singles competition, the duel between Chinese tennis Jinhua Zheng Qinwen and New Zealand's Sun Lulu undoubtedly attracted the attention of countless fans. Zheng Qinwen, the No. 8 seed in the tournament, had high hopes, but in this tense matchup, she lost to Sun Lulu with a score of 1-2 and unfortunately stopped in the first round. Zheng Qinwen's exit is the first case in the women's singles field at Wimbledon this year. This result undoubtedly shocked and disappointed many fans, and the five indisputable facts behind the game are even more worthy of our in-depth discussion.

Shock! Zheng Qinwen 1-2 Sun Lulu missed the second round of Wimbledon, and there were five indisputable facts in the whole court

1. Competition review

At the beginning of the match, Sun Lulu took the lead and won the first point with a precise serve at the beginning, opening the prelude to this tennis showdown. Both players were extra cautious, going back and forth, each holding their serve steadily. However, when the game entered the fifth game, Zheng Qinwen suddenly exerted his strength and successfully held his serve, and then Sun Lulu was not to be outdone, and quickly responded with a broken serve, and the scores of the two followed closely and were tied 3-3. In a tense atmosphere, Zheng Qinwen once again showed her tenacity in the seventh game, successfully breaking serve and pulling the score away. In the end, she won the first set with a score of 6-4.

Shock! Zheng Qinwen 1-2 Sun Lulu missed the second round of Wimbledon, and there were five indisputable facts in the whole court

Zheng Qinwen was fairly solid in the opening stages of the second set, but as the match wore on, she seemed to be running into some trouble. In the crucial sixth game, Zheng Qinwen's mistakes began to mount, and these errors were not due to pressure from her opponent, but rather from her own performance. As a result, she lost her serve in this game, and the score fell behind to 2-4 all of a sudden. Despite her efforts to catch up, she ended the second set with a score of 2-6.

Shock! Zheng Qinwen 1-2 Sun Lulu missed the second round of Wimbledon, and there were five indisputable facts in the whole court

Zheng Qinwen's competition with his opponent can be described as a chess opponent and a good talent. The game entered a tense and exciting deciding set, the first four games of the two sides went back and forth, every point was exciting, and every beat was full of power and wisdom. However, when the match reached the tenth game, the opponent seized the opportunity and successfully broke serve, and Zheng Qinwen lost the deciding set 4-6 and unfortunately went out.

Shock! Zheng Qinwen 1-2 Sun Lulu missed the second round of Wimbledon, and there were five indisputable facts in the whole court

Second, the five indisputable facts of the audience

(1) Difficulty in adjusting the state

On the tennis court, Zheng Qinwen always seems to start half a beat slower, which is undoubtedly a big disadvantage in the highly competitive international competition. The slow start is like being a step slower than others at the starting line, and it takes more effort to catch up. In the game, she always seemed to lack a little decisiveness and courage in the face of adversity. When the numbers on the scoreboard start to tilt, she needs not only skill, but also the determination to turn things around. Such a state undoubtedly brought a lot of shadow to the victory of the game.

Shock! Zheng Qinwen 1-2 Sun Lulu missed the second round of Wimbledon, and there were five indisputable facts in the whole court

(2) Miscontrol

During the game, Zheng Qinwen seemed to have encountered a little trouble. Her unforced mistakes were frequent, especially those double faults, which were like giving her opponent a big hug. We all know that controlling mistakes is a key point in tennis. If you can't cure this problem, it will be difficult to gain the upper hand on the court.

Shock! Zheng Qinwen 1-2 Sun Lulu missed the second round of Wimbledon, and there were five indisputable facts in the whole court

(3) The bottom line is excellent

Zheng Qinwenyou is in the bottom-line duel, and his tenacity and composure are simply textbook-level. Every swing of her racket is so solid and powerful, people can't help but admire her profound tennis skills. In the face of her opponent's fierce attack, she always remains calm and uses her unhurried way to defuse every challenge of her opponent. However, tennis is like an all-out contest, and it is not enough to rely on the strength of the baseline. To win the game, you need more tactical intelligence and on-the-spot adaptability.

Shock! Zheng Qinwen 1-2 Sun Lulu missed the second round of Wimbledon, and there were five indisputable facts in the whole court

(4) Difference in service stability

On the tennis court, the serve is undoubtedly a powerful kick-off shot that sets the tone of the match. Although Zheng Qinwen has shown good competitive form in recent matches, he seems to have encountered some challenges in the service link, and his consistency is slightly lacking. Her opponent, Sun Lulu, was able to firmly dominate with a stable serve at critical moments. For Zheng, the accuracy and consistency of her serve is something she needs to focus on and improve in training.

Shock! Zheng Qinwen 1-2 Sun Lulu missed the second round of Wimbledon, and there were five indisputable facts in the whole court

(5) The instability of the game state

Zheng Qinwen's performance on the field is indeed a little worrying. Although she had the upper hand in the competition on several occasions, she always seemed to be a little bit off the heat and failed to turn her advantage into victory. This can't help but make people wonder, is her fighting spirit not strong enough, is it at a critical moment, her spirit is a little unable to keep up? As a top player, this is not the case, after all, on the tennis court, every minute and every second can be the difference between victory and defeat.

Shock! Zheng Qinwen 1-2 Sun Lulu missed the second round of Wimbledon, and there were five indisputable facts in the whole court

3. In-depth thinking and future prospects

Zheng Qinwen's defeat was undoubtedly a wake-up call for her and her team. For a young player with great potential, how to get into the groove quickly in a tournament, how to effectively control mistakes, how to improve the consistency of the serve, and how to maintain a stable and strong desire to win are all issues that need to be solved urgently.

Shock! Zheng Qinwen 1-2 Sun Lulu missed the second round of Wimbledon, and there were five indisputable facts in the whole court

We cannot deny Zheng Qinwen's strength and potential because of a single defeat. Her previous best result at Wimbledon was in the third round, and with her form picking up, there's reason to believe that this setback is just a grind in her development. Every great athlete has experienced the baptism of failure, and the key is how to learn from the failure and rise again.