
A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

author:Jin Su Deliberations

Volvo, for many people, the first thing that may come to mind is safety and environmental protection. Indeed, Volvo, as an established Swedish car brand, has always used these two concepts as the core selling points of its products. However, in recent years, Volvo seems to have encountered some challenges in its marketing strategy, with price reductions and declining brand recognition becoming problems it has had to face.

First, let's talk about markdowns. Some Volvo models, such as the XC90, S60 and XC60, have seen significant price cuts. In particular, the XC90 has even reduced its price by 130,000 yuan. Although this price reduction strategy can attract the attention of some consumers and stimulate sales in the short term, it may have a negative impact on the brand image in the long run. Consumers may start to wonder, is a Volvo car really worth that much money? Why is the price reduced as soon as it is listed? Once such doubts are formed, they are difficult to dispel.

A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

Let's talk about brand recognition. Volvo used to be synonymous with safety, but with the intensification of market competition, especially under the impact of new energy vehicles, this advantage of Volvo no longer seems to be so obvious. When choosing a car, consumers will not only consider safety factors, but also consider the appearance design, technology configuration, cost performance and other factors of the vehicle. And Volvo's performance in this regard does not seem to have kept up with the pace of the market. For example, Volvo S60, although it has advantages in comfort and safety, but under the impact of new energy vehicles, its price advantage and market competitiveness have declined.

IN ADDITION, VOLVO'S NEW ENERGY MODELS, SUCH AS THE XC40 RECHARGE, ARE ALSO FACING POOR SALES. Soon after the launch of this car, there were two price cuts, and the price reduction reached 70,000 yuan, but the sales volume still did not increase significantly. This reflects that Volvo's competitiveness in the field of new energy needs to be strengthened.

A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

Overall, the challenges facing Volvo are manifold. On the one hand, although price reduction promotions can stimulate sales in the short term, they are not conducive to the long-term construction of brand image. On the other hand, with the rise of new energy vehicles, Volvo needs to strengthen its competitiveness in design, technology, and cost performance while maintaining its safety and environmental protection advantages to adapt to market changes. Only in this way can Volvo regain the recognition and trust of consumers in the fierce market competition.

Volvo, a car brand from Sweden, has always been known for its excellent safety performance and environmental protection philosophy. However, in recent years, in the used car market, the value retention rate of Volvo vehicles has not been satisfactory, and this phenomenon deserves our in-depth discussion.

First of all, it is an indisputable fact that Volvo vehicles have a low retention rate in the second-hand market. According to Autohome's car enthusiasts10, Volvo's value retention rate is generally low, which is related to its positioning in the mid-to-high-end market. Mid-to-high-end models generally do not retain their value as well as economy cars, because the demand for such vehicles in the used car market is smaller, while the supply is relatively large. This supply-demand relationship has led directly to the continued decline in the price of Volvo vehicles in the second-hand market.

A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

Secondly, the price of Volvo vehicles has been lowered frequently, which has also had a significant impact on the value retention rate. In order to stimulate sales, Volvo had to adopt a price reduction strategy, but this made consumers doubt the value of the Volvo brand. Consumers are starting to worry that the value of the new car they buy may soon depreciate. This concern will undoubtedly affect their decision to buy a car, which in turn will affect the retention rate of Volvo vehicles.

In addition, Volvo's price reduction promotion strategy, although it can attract consumers in the short term, may cause damage to the brand image in the long run. Consumers may perceive Volvo vehicles as volatile and risky to buy. Once this impression is formed, it will be difficult to change. Moreover, frequent price reductions can also make early purchasers feel dissatisfied, they may feel that they have lost money, and this negative sentiment will also spread to potential consumers.

In addition, the low value retention rate of Volvo vehicles in the second-hand market is also related to its brand recognition and reputation. While Volvo has always been known for its safety and environmental friendliness, these advantages are not enough in today's competitive automotive market. When choosing a car, consumers will also consider various factors such as the vehicle's exterior design, technology configuration, and cost performance. Volvo doesn't seem to stand out in this regard, which also affects its attractiveness in the second-hand market.

A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

Overall, Volvo vehicles have a low retention rate in the second-hand market and frequent price reductions, all of which have an impact on consumer confidence. Volvo needs to maintain its safety and environmental advantages while strengthening its brand image and enhancing the comprehensive competitiveness of its products to win the trust and favor of consumers. Only in this way can Volvo remain invincible in the fierce market competition.

Volvo, a car brand known for its safety, seems to have set itself a safe label in its marketing strategy. The word "safety" is undoubtedly Volvo's most shining signboard, but this signboard has been hanging for too long, and people have gradually ignored Volvo's other advantages.

First of all, Volvo's marketing always seems to revolve around "safety". Whether it's an advertising campaign or a PR campaign, "safety" is always put in the forefront. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that, safety is one of Volvo's core competencies. But the problem is that today's consumers have diverse needs, and they need not only safety, but also fashion, technology, environmental protection, and so on. Volvo has clearly not been sufficiently publicized in this regard and has not been able to fully demonstrate its full strengths.

A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

Secondly, Volvo is too conservative in marketing and lacks innovation. In this era of digitalization and personalization, Volvo's marketing methods seem to be still in the traditional stage. Take a look at other brands, whether it's online interactive marketing or offline experiential activities, they have done a good job. Volvo, on the other hand, has been a little sluggish in this regard and has not been able to keep up with the times.

Furthermore, Volvo's marketing was not targeted. Consumers in different regions have different needs and preferences. Volvo should develop differentiated marketing strategies according to the characteristics of different markets. Instead of a globally unified marketing template like now, it is difficult to touch the hearts of consumers.

In addition, Volvo relied too much on word-of-mouth in marketing and neglected the importance of being proactive. In this era of information explosion, the aroma of wine is also afraid of deep alleys. Volvo should be more proactive in promoting itself and showing its strengths, rather than waiting for consumers to come to the door.

Overall, Volvo relies too heavily on the "safety" label in its marketing, which while an advantage, also limits Volvo's growth. Volvo needs to maintain its safety advantages while showcasing its other strengths more comprehensively, and use more diversified and innovative marketing methods to attract more consumers. Only in this way can Volvo win more market share in the fierce market competition.

A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

Volvo, that's a name that's well-known in the automotive world, but you know what? Many consumers have a lot of complaints about its interior, technical configuration and after-sales service. Let's talk about the interior first. Volvo's interior design has always been known for its simplicity, but some consumers feel that this simplicity is too simple and a bit too plain. What they expect is that Volvo can keep the Nordic minimalist style while adding more stylish and luxurious elements to make the interior look more classy.

Let's talk about the technical configuration. Volvo's technical configuration really has nothing to say in terms of safety performance, but some consumers have reported that some of its high-tech configurations, such as the infotainment system, are not intuitive to operate, and the user experience needs to be improved. They hope that Volvo can maintain its safety advantages while also working on the user experience, making the technical configuration more humanized and closer to the actual needs of consumers.

Finally, let's talk about after-sales service. Volvo's after-sales service should be its strong point, but some consumers don't buy it. They felt that Volvo's after-sales service was too expensive, the maintenance cycle was long, and the service process was sometimes not transparent enough. This makes consumers feel some inconvenience while enjoying Volvo's high-quality cars.

A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

Of course, Volvo is aware of these problems and is constantly improving. For example, they have launched six major service commitments, including lifetime warranty for parts, appointment for fast maintenance, free pick-up and delivery of cars, etc., all of which are aimed at improving the service experience of consumers. Moreover, Volvo is constantly optimizing its after-sales service process, improving maintenance efficiency, reducing maintenance costs, and allowing consumers to enjoy more economical and efficient after-sales service.

In general, consumers have a lot of dissatisfaction with Volvo's interior, technical configuration and after-sales service, which is a problem that Volvo needs to face and solve. But at the same time, we also see that Volvo is constantly working hard to improve and strive to bring consumers a better product and service experience. It is hoped that Volvo can listen to the voice of consumers, continuously optimize and improve, so that every consumer who chooses Volvo can be satisfied and proud.

Volvo, a Nordic car brand, is known for its excellent safety performance, but it is a little weak to compete with German luxury brands such as BBA, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi. Although Volvo has its own unique insights and innovations in safety technology, it seems that Volvo still has some way to go in the face of BBA's strong brand influence and market share.

A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

First of all, from the perspective of product line, Volvo has relatively few model options compared to BBA. The BBA brand has comprehensive coverage from sedans to SUVs to sports cars and performance cars, and Volvo is also trying to expand its product line, but it is still a little thin compared to the richness of BBA. This means that when consumers are looking for a specific type or class of vehicles, BBA often offers more options.

Secondly, at the technical level, although Volvo has a deep accumulation in safety technology, compared with BBA in terms of power system and intelligent driving, Volvo's technological innovation and R&D investment seem to be slightly insufficient. The BBA brand not only continues to lead in engine technology, but also invests heavily in emerging technologies such as intelligent driving and Internet of Vehicles, while Volvo's voice in this regard is relatively small.

In addition, Volvo is also facing challenges in terms of brand influence and market recognition. As a first-line luxury brand, BBA has a high reputation and recognition around the world. Their brand stories, historical precipitation and marketing strategies have won them a large number of loyal consumers. In contrast, although Volvo has a good reputation, there is still a certain gap with BBA in terms of brand appeal.

A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

In addition, Volvo is also facing a situation of "opening high and going low" in terms of pricing strategy. Some models were priced higher at the beginning of the market, and then had to be promoted at a lower price for the sake of sales, which undoubtedly had a certain impact on their brand image and value retention rate. The BBA brand is often able to maintain a relatively stable price system due to its strong brand premium ability.

Finally, although Volvo has a good evaluation in terms of after-sales service and customer experience, compared with BBA, there may be room for improvement in the coverage and service efficiency of its service network. With its huge dealer network and mature service system, the BBA brand can provide consumers with a more convenient and efficient service experience.

To sum up, Volvo does face many challenges in its competition with BBA. From the richness of the product line, the ability to innovate technology, to the brand influence and after-sales service experience, Volvo needs to be further strengthened and improved in order to occupy a place in the fierce market competition.

A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

Volvo, a car brand known for its safety, does need to work hard in terms of price, configuration, and service to improve its competitiveness when competing with luxury brands such as BBA.

First of all, price is one of the important factors for consumers to make car purchase decisions. For Volvo to gain a foothold in the market, it needs to be more flexible and accessible in its pricing strategy. For example, the barrier to entry for consumers can be lowered by offering more attractive entry-level models. At the same time, timely promotional activities and preferential policies can also stimulate consumers' desire to buy. Of course, price reductions are not a long-term solution, and Volvo needs to make consumers feel value for money while maintaining brand value.

Next, in terms of configuration, Volvo needs to keep up with market trends and constantly enrich and update the configuration of its vehicles. Today's consumers are paying more and more attention to the sense of technology and intelligence of vehicles, and Volvo can increase research and development efforts in the areas of Internet of Vehicles, automatic driving assistance, and intelligent safety systems, and provide more cutting-edge technology configurations. In addition, Volvo can also provide customized configuration options according to the needs of different markets and consumers to meet the individual needs of consumers.

A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

Service is the key to brand loyalty and word-of-mouth. Volvo needs to be more meticulous and thoughtful in after-sales service. For example, to provide faster repair response, more transparent repair process, and more professional customer service. At the same time, Volvo can also expand its service network by establishing more service centers, so that consumers can enjoy convenient after-sales service no matter where they are.

In addition, Volvo can increase its competitiveness by providing value-added services. For example, providing regular vehicle inspections, free roadside assistance, and exclusive owner activities for car owners can increase the owner's sense of identity and satisfaction with the brand.

Finally, Volvo also needs to be more attentive in marketing and brand communication. By establishing a deeper emotional connection with consumers, conveying the brand's values and concepts, consumers can feel that Volvo is not only a car brand, but also a manifestation of life attitude and values.

In short, if Volvo wants to stand out in the fierce market competition, it needs to improve and optimize in all aspects such as price, configuration, and service. By constantly meeting and exceeding consumer expectations, Volvo is well positioned to win the hearts and minds of more consumers.

A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

Volvo, once known for its safety, is now making a big leap to make the transition to electric models. But I have to say that the opponents in this market are fiercer than one another, and the competition is not generally fierce. Therefore, the speed of Volvo's transformation must be accelerated.

First of all, I have to talk about why Volvo is in such a hurry to transform. Looking at the current environment, the world is clamoring to reduce carbon emissions and achieve carbon neutrality. As a major contributor to carbon emissions, the automotive industry naturally bears the brunt. As a responsible brand, Volvo naturally has to keep up with this trend, so pure electric models have become their new favorite.

But transformation is not achieved overnight. Although Volvo has a heart, its competitors in the market are not idle. Needless to say, electric car giants like Tesla are also becoming more and more vigorous in local electric vehicle brands. This forced Volvo to speed up its pace, not only to catch up in technology, but also to work market strategy.

A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

Technically, Volvo came prepared. They plan to launch four new all-electric models in 2023, and these models are all aimed at new segments of the market. For example, Volvo EX90, a pure electric flagship product, is equipped with advanced Zhongyang electronic and electrical architecture, Luminar lidar, and self-developed battery management system BMS, which is quite high-tech.

In terms of market strategy, Volvo is also actively deploying. They are not only working on products, but also on digital services. For example, the Volvo Cars App has been launched to provide users with one-stop car services, from car viewing to car control, to shopping malls and rights, all of which are readily available, making users feel intimate and convenient.

However, the road to transformation will certainly not be easy. In the process of transformation, Volvo also had to face supply chain challenges, market uncertainties, and fierce competition from competitors. This requires Volvo to maintain technological innovation while flexibly adjusting its market strategy to cope with this unpredictable market environment.

A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

Overall, Volvo's path to transformation has been challenging, but they seem to be ready for it. With its deep knowledge of safety technology and a strong commitment to an electrified future, Volvo is poised to take its place in the all-electric vehicle market. As long as they can continue to accelerate the transformation speed and continuously improve the competitiveness of their products, the future of Volvo is worth looking forward to.

Volvo, once known for its safety and environmental friendliness, is now facing a new challenge – how to find its niche in the EV market and use its strengths to attract consumers. In this highly competitive NEV market, Volvo needed to define its roadmap.

First of all, Volvo's all-electric models need to have a clear market positioning. According to Volvo's Global Sustainability Strategy Goal 58, they plan to achieve 50% sales of pure electric and hybrid models by 2025, and become an all-electric luxury car company by 2030. This means that Volvo will focus on the high-end market, providing luxury pure electric models to meet consumers' pursuit of high-quality life.

A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

Volvo's all-electric models, such as the XC40 Recharge and the upcoming EX90, demonstrate the brand's commitment to safety and luxury. As the all-electric flagship SUV 59, the Volvo EX90 not only has strong power performance, but also reaches a new height in safety technology. It is equipped with advanced Luminar LiDAR technology and has an industry-leading detection range of 600 meters, which provides consumers with unprecedented protection in terms of active safety.

Volvo's pure electric models also incorporate intelligent elements, such as the intelligent safety cockpit in the car equipped with a binocular camera DUS driver perception system, which is part of Volvo's new safety system in the new energy era - the World Tree intelligent safety system. This system combines electrification and intelligence to provide consumers with an all-round safety guarantee.

In addition, Volvo's all-electric models are designed to reflect the brand's Nordic minimalist style, which is in stark contrast to other brands on the market. Volvo's design philosophy has always been "less is more", and this simple but not simple design style is in line with the aesthetics of today's consumers' pursuit of simple life.

A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

Volvo also needed to innovate in its sales and service model. They plan to sell all BEVs through an online direct sales model, while maintaining the dealership's key role in the customer experience. This model can not only provide a more convenient car buying experience, but also make consumers feel more personalized and considerate service.

Overall, Volvo's positioning in the EV market is premium, safe, smart and luxurious. By reinforcing these strengths, combined with an innovative sales and service model, Volvo is expected to stand out in the highly competitive NEV market and attract more consumers looking for a high quality of life.

Volvo, this brand in the hearts of many people, safety and environmental protection are its golden signboard. But did you know that Volvo isn't just about that, it's reinforcing the core values of both brands, while striving to improve interior design and technological innovation to meet the needs of increasingly discerning consumers?

First of all, let's talk about Volvo's safety. This is not a boast, Volvo's safety technology has always been the benchmark in the industry. From the early three-point seat belts to modern intelligent driver assistance systems, Volvo has never stopped investing in R&D and innovation in safety. Now, Volvo has combined safety technology with intelligence, introducing a series of advanced safety features, such as the city safety system, blind spot information system, etc., which can not only help drivers avoid potential collision risks, but also automatically take emergency measures when necessary to protect passengers.

A good hand of cards is played poorly! Is Volvo floating, behind the crazy price reduction is extremely scary

Next, let's talk about environmental protection. Volvo has always been a pioneer in environmental protection, and its Drive-E powertrain is a good example. The powertrain uses highly efficient turbocharging technology to ensure power output while reducing fuel consumption and emissions. Volvo is also actively developing and promoting electric models, such as the XC40 Recharge, as part of a commitment to the environment and an exploration of the future of mobility.

Of course, in addition to safety and environmental protection, Volvo has also put a lot of effort into interior design. Inside a Volvo, you'll find that the interior design is simple yet luxurious, with plenty of eco-friendly materials such as renewable plastics and natural fibres, which reflect both environmental care and enhance the texture of the interior. Volvo's seat design is also a highlight, with ergonomic principles that provide excellent comfort and support, even on long drives.

Finally, technological innovation is the key to Volvo's competitiveness. Volvo is not only constantly innovating in safety and environmental protection technologies, but also actively exploring cutting-edge technologies such as Internet of Vehicles and autonomous driving. For example, Volvo's Sensus intelligent in-vehicle system integrates multiple functions such as navigation, entertainment, and vehicle information, making it easy to operate and highly intelligent. In addition, Volvo is also working with Google to develop the next generation of Android in-vehicle systems, which will further enhance the level of intelligence of the vehicle.

In short, while strengthening the two core values of the brand, safety and environmental protection, Volvo has also made continuous breakthroughs in interior design and technological innovation. This not only makes Volvo's vehicles more attractive to consumers, but also earns the brand a good reputation and market position. Volvo's persistence and innovation deserve our praise.

Volvo, the Nordic brand, has a lot of ambitions in the Chinese market. But to stand out in this highly competitive automotive market, Volvo had to adapt its marketing strategy to better suit the characteristics of the Chinese market.

First of all, let's talk about Volvo's positioning in the Chinese market. Volvo has always been known for its safety and environmental friendliness, but in the Chinese market, consumers demand more than that. They value branding, design, technology and personalization more. Therefore, Volvo needs to strengthen its brand image, not only to convey the concept of safety and environmental protection, but also to highlight its Scandinavian design aesthetic and innovative technology.

Next, Volvo had to make a fuss about the product line. According to the needs of the Chinese market, more models that meet the tastes of Chinese consumers will be launched. For example, Chinese consumers prefer models with large space and high configurations, and Volvo can work hard in this area by introducing more family-friendly models, or adding some features exclusive to the Chinese market on existing models.

Let's talk about marketing tools. Volvo's marketing strategy in the Chinese market needs to be more diversified and localized. Digital marketing, social media, and other means can be used to build a closer connection with consumers. For example, through WeChat, Weibo and other platforms, publish some interesting interactive activities to increase brand exposure and consumer engagement. At the same time, Volvo can also let consumers understand the product more intuitively through online live broadcasts, online showrooms and other forms, and improve the convenience of car purchase.

In addition, Volvo's after-sales service in the Chinese market must also be strengthened. Providing high-quality after-sales service is the key to increasing brand loyalty. Volvo can provide some differentiated services, such as extending the warranty period, providing door-to-door service, etc., so that consumers can feel cared for.

Finally, Volvo also needs to strengthen its integration with local Chinese culture. For example, it can be combined with Chinese festivals and cultural activities to carry out some marketing activities, so that consumers can feel the warmth and affinity of the Volvo brand.

In short, if Volvo wants to improve its brand attractiveness and market competitiveness in the Chinese market, it must start from products, marketing, services and other aspects, and constantly adjust and optimize its strategies to better meet the needs of Chinese consumers. Only in this way will Volvo be able to gain a foothold in the Chinese market.