
Laugh to death! Liu Xiaoqing's remarks sparked heated discussions, netizen Chen Qiaoen has played her mother-in-law, and she still wants to play a girl

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Laugh to death! Liu Xiaoqing's remarks sparked heated discussions, netizen Chen Qiaoen has played her mother-in-law, and she still wants to play a girl

Liu Xiaoqing, the once-popular actress, confidently declared in an interview that despite being nearly seventy years old, she is still capable of playing the role of a girl in her twenties.

Her words stirred up a thousand waves like a stone, and sparked widespread discussions and heated discussions on the Internet.

Laugh to death! Liu Xiaoqing's remarks sparked heated discussions, netizen Chen Qiaoen has played her mother-in-law, and she still wants to play a girl

The collision between her self-confidence and reality has become the focus of public opinion, making people once again focus on the matching of actors' ages and roles in the entertainment industry.

Netizens took to social media to express their opinions, with some saying that Ms. Liu's self-confidence was admirable, while many more were skeptical of her remarks.

Someone joked: "Let her play roses, roses have no age."

Laugh to death! Liu Xiaoqing's remarks sparked heated discussions, netizen Chen Qiaoen has played her mother-in-law, and she still wants to play a girl

Some people bluntly suggested, "Let's take on more roles that are suitable for your age."

The reactions ranged from humorous ridicule to serious criticism, reflecting the general public's concern about matching the actor's age to the character's age.

In the age of the internet, every celebrity remark can quickly become a topic of public discussion.

Laugh to death! Liu Xiaoqing's remarks sparked heated discussions, netizen Chen Qiaoen has played her mother-in-law, and she still wants to play a girl

Liu Xiaoqing's remarks about the "role of a girl" undoubtedly touched the nerves of the public.

Netizens reacted in a variety of ways, from humorous ridicule to serious criticism, full of wisdom and insight.

Some netizens ridiculed: "Liu Xiaoqing's courage is worthy of admiration, but it's better to leave it to young people to play the girl."

Laugh to death! Liu Xiaoqing's remarks sparked heated discussions, netizen Chen Qiaoen has played her mother-in-law, and she still wants to play a girl

Some netizens also suggested that she try more challenging roles: "Instead of playing a girl again, it is better to try to play those roles with profound life experience, which can better show her acting skills."

These comments reflect netizens' mixed feelings about Liu Xiaoqing: both respect for her career and helplessness for her overconfidence.

In the entertainment industry, the age of the actor and the suitability of the role have always been a sensitive topic.

Laugh to death! Liu Xiaoqing's remarks sparked heated discussions, netizen Chen Qiaoen has played her mother-in-law, and she still wants to play a girl

Younger actors tend to be able to get more opportunities and attention, while older actors face limitations in their role choices.

However, a truly good actor should not only rely on the youth of his appearance, but interpret the inner part of the character through superb acting skills.

Liu Xiaoqing's insistence on playing a young role has its deep-seated reasons behind it.

Laugh to death! Liu Xiaoqing's remarks sparked heated discussions, netizen Chen Qiaoen has played her mother-in-law, and she still wants to play a girl

As an actress who has worked hard in the entertainment industry for many years, she knows the importance of staying competitive in the market.

Her persistence, perhaps, is a way to fight against the years, trying to prove that she still has irreplaceable value.

However, the development of an acting career should not depend solely on the maintenance of appearance.

Laugh to death! Liu Xiaoqing's remarks sparked heated discussions, netizen Chen Qiaoen has played her mother-in-law, and she still wants to play a girl

Some of the other older actors, such as Meryl Streep and Judi Dench, have gracefully transitioned, embraced roles appropriate to their age, and earned the love of their audiences and the respect of the industry with their outstanding performances.

Their success stories prove that older actors can also achieve brilliant achievements in their acting careers.

In this youth-oriented entertainment industry, Liu Xiaoqing's insistence may be out of consideration for the market.

Laugh to death! Liu Xiaoqing's remarks sparked heated discussions, netizen Chen Qiaoen has played her mother-in-law, and she still wants to play a girl

However, the audience's expectations of the character are often based on the fit between the character and the actor.

A character with too much age difference will not be able to resonate with the audience, but will affect the overall quality of the work.

The way the entertainment industry looks at age has had a profound impact on an actor's career.

Laugh to death! Liu Xiaoqing's remarks sparked heated discussions, netizen Chen Qiaoen has played her mother-in-law, and she still wants to play a girl

Younger actors are often given more opportunities and resources, while older actors face limitations in their role choices.

This phenomenon not only reflects the commercial considerations of the industry, but also reflects the aesthetic preferences of the audience.

The audience's expectations of the character are based on the fit between the character and the actor.

Laugh to death! Liu Xiaoqing's remarks sparked heated discussions, netizen Chen Qiaoen has played her mother-in-law, and she still wants to play a girl

When an actor in his seventies plays the role of a girl in his twenties, it is difficult for the audience to resonate, which not only affects the credibility of the character, but also affects the perception of the entire work.

What the audience wants to see is the perfect integration of the character and the actor, not just the superficial pursuit of youth.

However, true art should transcend age limits.

Laugh to death! Liu Xiaoqing's remarks sparked heated discussions, netizen Chen Qiaoen has played her mother-in-law, and she still wants to play a girl

The years have given the actors not only changes in appearance, but also rich life experience and profound acting skills.

Those characters who are full of wisdom and life experience can touch people's hearts and leave a deep impression.

Time is fair, and everyone can't resist the passage of it.

Laugh to death! Liu Xiaoqing's remarks sparked heated discussions, netizen Chen Qiaoen has played her mother-in-law, and she still wants to play a girl

For Liu Xiaoqing and her fellow actors, accepting and embracing their age is the key to maturity and success.

Youth is beautiful, but every stage of life has its own unique charm and value.

Let's encourage Liu Xiaoqing and other artistic creators to embrace the beauty of every stage of life and find roles and expressions that match their age.

Laugh to death! Liu Xiaoqing's remarks sparked heated discussions, netizen Chen Qiaoen has played her mother-in-law, and she still wants to play a girl

In this diverse and inclusive society, everyone can shine on their own stage.

Time is our best friend, it witnesses our growth and progress, and also gives us more wisdom and strength.

The future entertainment industry should be a diverse and inclusive stage, not only limited to appearance and age, but to impress the audience through acting skills and inner charm.

Laugh to death! Liu Xiaoqing's remarks sparked heated discussions, netizen Chen Qiaoen has played her mother-in-law, and she still wants to play a girl

Let's look forward to Liu Xiaoqing and her peers continuing to create more moving stories and classic characters in this industry full of challenges and opportunities.

Time is unforgiving, but it is also a source of artistic creation.

Each age has its own unique charm and value.

Laugh to death! Liu Xiaoqing's remarks sparked heated discussions, netizen Chen Qiaoen has played her mother-in-law, and she still wants to play a girl

As Liu Xiaoqing said, time can change appearance, but it cannot change the youth and passion of the heart.

Let's look forward to her finding more roles that suit her in the future and continue to conquer the hearts of the audience with better acting skills.

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