
Today, when 4K screens are beginning to be popularized, how should they be matched with graphics cards


This year, the display is really outrageous,A few years ago, the 4K screen was still high,It's already cheaper than the 2K screen two years ago。 Nowadays, ordinary 4K 144Hz monitors can be won for 1,78 yuan, and 4K 60Hz can even be bought for less than 1,000 yuan. So many friends have also upgraded their equipment at the same time as the price of this wave of displays, replacing 2K with 4K.

Today, when 4K screens are beginning to be popularized, how should they be matched with graphics cards

But if you want to experience the upgrade, it's not just as simple as changing the monitor, playing games at 4K resolution, the graphics card performance required will be much higher than 2K, the original game that can be played smoothly, just change the resolution to 4K will be stuck into PPT. If that's why you're looking for a graphics card that can play all 3A graphics at 4K resolution, then you can focus on the following two.

RX 7900 XTX 24GB 超白金 OC

For players with a good budget and want a top-of-the-line gaming experience, this RX 7900 XTX 24GB Ultra Platinum OC is definitely a very suitable choice. As the flagship of the RX7000 series graphics card, all its specifications are extremely luxurious, not only using a full 6144 stream processors, but also 24GB capacity, 384bit width of large video memory, you must know that in the past two years, the demand for video memory in games has risen rapidly, in 4K resolution, even if it is 16G video memory, it will only be enough, RX 7900 XTX 24GB ultra platinum OC large video memory can also ensure that it will not be outdated due to video memory bottlenecks in the next few years.

Today, when 4K screens are beginning to be popularized, how should they be matched with graphics cards

For the previous generation flagship RX 6900XT, it is well-known in the player circle, because this card has achieved a performance equal to the flagship of the same generation of the N card next door, and the price is much lower. The current generation of RX 7900 XTX 24GB Ultra Platinum OC has brought a 50% performance increase compared to the RX 6900XT, but the initial price remains the same, not to mention that its price has been lowered compared to the first launch since its release. I really didn't expect that one day I would also think that a flagship graphics card of this level is also cost-effective.

Today, when 4K screens are beginning to be popularized, how should they be matched with graphics cards

It is worth mentioning that in addition to excellent heat dissipation, the design of the graphics card itself also has some ingenuity. For example, it adds an additional case fan interface to the graphics card, so that the case fan speed can be controlled according to the temperature of the graphics card, and when playing some games with a low CPU load but a high GPU load, there will no longer be an embarrassing situation where the case fan rotates slowly, but the graphics card is hot enough to explode; You can also easily switch between different BIOS directly in the Sapphire TriXX software, so that the graphics card can switch between full power and silent at any time, without having to open the case cover to pick the physical switch.

Today, when 4K screens are beginning to be popularized, how should they be matched with graphics cards

Whether it's the materials used in the workmanship or the performance of the graphics card itself, the RX 7900 XTX 24GB Ultra Platinum OC is a proper top-of-the-line flagship, and I highly recommend it if you have enough budget.

RX 7900 XT 20GB 极地版

Of course, not all players are card bar brothers, they don't have so much budget, and they just want to build a host that can play games smoothly in 4K within 10,000 yuan, then the RX 7900 XT 20GB Polar Edition is a cost-effective sub-flagship graphics card. And although it is positioned as a sub-flagship, Su Ma did not cut to the main artery like Lao Huang next door, you must know that the stream processor specifications between the flagship and the sub-flagship next door are nearly 40% different, and the specification gap between RX 7900 XT 20GB Polar Edition and RX 7900XTX is only 12.5%, I think this is a reasonable sub-flagship specification.

Today, when 4K screens are beginning to be popularized, how should they be matched with graphics cards

In terms of actual performance, the RX 7900 XT 20GB Polar Edition can still run around 26,000 points in the Timespy test, which is still about 30% ahead of the previous flagship RX 6900XT. It also belongs to the level of being able to play all kinds of mainstream 3A masterpieces at 4K resolution, even those games that are optimized and sparse, under the condition of reasonable adjustment of the special effects gear, it can also ensure a frame rate that can be played smoothly, without any performance anxiety.

Today, when 4K screens are beginning to be popularized, how should they be matched with graphics cards

As the leader of the A card camp for many years, Sapphire also has considerable strength in heat dissipation. The RX 7900 XT 20GB Polar Edition was tested with a score of 99.2% in the pressure stability test, which can ensure the stability of the frequency even under high voltage and full load. The results of the baking test are also quite good, the core temperature can be stable at 63 degrees Celsius for continuous full load, even the hot temperature is only 76 degrees, and the fan speed at this time is only in the early 20%, which is not only cool enough but also quite quiet, and you will not feel any noise during the game unless you put your ear on the case.

Today, when 4K screens are beginning to be popularized, how should they be matched with graphics cards

In addition to performance, the RX 7900 XT 20GB Polar Edition is also a graphics card with a pure white design, which is also quite suitable if you want a good-looking white console.

Brief summary:

As the flagship and sub-flagship of this generation of A cards, both the RX 7900 XTX 24GB Ultra Platinum OC and the RX 7900 XT 20GB Polar Edition have brought considerable performance improvements, both of which can guarantee a high-voltage gaming experience at 4K resolution. And sapphire, as one of the first-line graphics card manufacturers, does not need players to worry about the workmanship quality of the graphics card itself or the after-sales level, if you plan to change the graphics card, you can really focus on these two products.

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