
I was a part-time worker, cooking at my employer's house, and when I couldn't finish the food, my employer asked me to pack it and take it home

author:Casual grapefruit

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My name is Lin Fang, I am 40 years old, and I am a part-time worker who wanders in the city. Every morning at 6 a.m., I leave the house on time, squeeze into a crowded bus, and weave between the bustling streets and high-rise buildings. There is also a son who is in junior high school, and his husband died in a construction accident a few years ago. Since then, the burden of the family has been on my shoulders alone. I did all kinds of odd jobs, sweeping floors, delivering water, and finally started working as a part-time worker on the recommendation of a friend.

Today, when I came to Su's house as usual, Mrs. Su was preparing breakfast in the kitchen. When she saw me, she greeted me with a smile: "Sister Lin, you are here!" Breakfast isn't ready yet, so you can rest for a while. ”

Mrs. Su is a woman over forty years old, with a good family background, her husband is working in other places, her son is in college, and the family seems deserted. She has always been polite to me, and every time she comes, she prepares a cup of hot tea and asks me how I am doing.

I smiled yes and began to change into my overalls. As soon as she mopped the floor of the kitchen, Mrs. Su came over with a plate of hot buns: "Sister Lin, eat some while it's hot." I made it myself, with beef filling. ”

I was a part-time worker, cooking at my employer's house, and when I couldn't finish the food, my employer asked me to pack it and take it home

"Thank you, Mrs. Sue!" I politely took the bun, and my heart warmed. Although she was an employer, she had always treated me like a friend, which made me less inhibited.

After breakfast, I started preparing lunch. Today, Mrs. Su invited a few friends to come to the house for dinner, so the dishes should be made sumptuously. Mrs. Su was busy on the side, and from time to time she asked me my opinion: "Sister Lin, do you think this dish is so good?" ”

I looked up at the ingredients she had prepared, smiled and said, "It's good, but your meat needs to be stewed for a while longer to make it taste stronger." ”

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Mrs. Su nodded and continued to work. She likes to cook for herself, but many times she is too busy with chores at home, so she asks me to help.

At noon, Mrs. Su's friends came one after another, and there was a fashionably dressed middle-aged woman, who was said to be her classmate, and an old aunt, who was a neighbor of Mrs. Su's family.

"Sister Lin, these are all my friends, and if I have the opportunity in the future, I can help you introduce jobs." Mrs. Su said to me with a smile.

I quickly nodded in response: "Thank you so much." ”

A table full of dishes was set up with braised pork, steamed fish, stir-fried shrimp, garlic broccoli...... Everyone sat around a table, and the atmosphere was lively. They chatted while eating, from children's education to trivial matters at home, and occasionally joked. Mrs. Su put the dishes into my bowl from time to time: "Sister Lin, you can also eat more, this is all made by you, it tastes really good." ”

"It's nothing, I usually practice at home." I was a little embarrassed, but I was happy. Their praise made me feel that I was not only working part-time, but also had a sense of accomplishment.

When they were almost finished, Mrs. Sue stood up and cleaned up the table. I'm also busy helping out. The middle-aged woman took Mrs. Su's hand and smiled: "Xiao Su, with Sister Lin to help you, this life is really comfortable." If only my family could have such a helper. ”

Mrs. Su smiled: "Yes, Sister Lin is a good person and has good skills, she really helped me a lot." ”

I was a part-time worker, cooking at my employer's house, and when I couldn't finish the food, my employer asked me to pack it and take it home

My heart warms, although it is only a part-time job, I still feel a sense of accomplishment to be recognized by them.

After the guests left, Mrs. Su came over and patted me on the shoulder: "Sister Lin, there are a lot of these dishes left, you can pack them and take them back." You and your son will definitely be able to eat at home. ”

I was a part-time worker, cooking at my employer's house, and when I couldn't finish the food, my employer asked me to pack it and take it home

I was a little embarrassed: "How embarrassing is this?" You didn't eat much. ”

"It's okay, take it back, you're welcome. These dishes are so good that it's a pity to lose them. Mrs. Su insisted, and I had no choice but to agree.

On the way home, I was a little moved. It is also a blessing to meet such a good employer.

When I got home, my son Xiaofeng was sitting at his desk doing his homework. When he saw me enter the door, he immediately looked up and shouted with a smile, "Mom, you're back." ”

I was a part-time worker, cooking at my employer's house, and when I couldn't finish the food, my employer asked me to pack it and take it home

I put the dishes on the table and opened the plastic wrap, and my son asked in surprise, "Mom, do you make these dishes?" ”

"Well, Mrs. Su's house can't finish eating today, so let me bring it back." I replied with a smile.

Xiao Feng excitedly sandwiched a piece of braised pork and stuffed it into his mouth: "Mom, your craftsmanship is so good!" It's much better than the school cafeteria. ”

I was a part-time worker, cooking at my employer's house, and when I couldn't finish the food, my employer asked me to pack it and take it home

I couldn't help but laugh when I saw him eating happily. After a busy day, it was worth all the hard work to see my son so happy.

I was about to go to the kitchen to boil water, and the phone rang, it was my sister Lin Xue. She lives not far away and is in constant contact with me. Picking up the phone, her voice was a little hurried: "Sister, are you busy today?" I've got something I'd like to talk to you about here. ”

"Just came back after a busy day. What's wrong, what's the matter? I asked with concern.

I was a part-time worker, cooking at my employer's house, and when I couldn't finish the food, my employer asked me to pack it and take it home

"Can you come over? My brother-in-law and I have a little conflict, and I would like to ask you to come over and help us mediate. Lin Xue's voice was full of exhaustion.

My heart is tight, Lin Xue and her brother-in-law have been quarreling recently because of some trivial matters, and the children have also made trouble. I told Xiaofeng to do her homework well, then quickly changed her clothes and went out to her house.

When I arrived at Lin Xue's house, as soon as the door opened, I saw her with red eyes, and her brother-in-law was smoking in the living room, with a gloomy face.

"What's wrong?" I looked at them, a little overwhelmed.

I was a part-time worker, cooking at my employer's house, and when I couldn't finish the food, my employer asked me to pack it and take it home

Lin Xue pulled me to sit down and said aggrievedly: "My brother-in-law always loses his temper because of a little thing, I really can't stand it." ”

I looked at my brother-in-law, and he was also a little helpless: "She is always unreasonable, and I don't know what to do." ”

Listening to their arguments, I was also a little upset. In these years, life has not been easy, and every family has a scripture that is difficult to read. I thought about persuading them: "Xiaoxue, brother-in-law, you are all a family, what can't you say well?" Quarrels don't solve the problem, but make the relationship weaker. ”

I was a part-time worker, cooking at my employer's house, and when I couldn't finish the food, my employer asked me to pack it and take it home

Lin Xue lowered her head to wipe her tears, and her brother-in-law also sighed: "I know it's because I have a bad temper, but sometimes she always deliberately finds fault, and I can't help it." ”

I patted him on the shoulder: "Everyone has difficulties, you should be more considerate and considerate of each other." Xiaoxue, don't always be angry, be more tolerant between husband and wife, and life will be better. ”

After talking for a long time, they finally nodded and promised to communicate well. Seeing their attitude soften, I was relieved.

I was a part-time worker, cooking at my employer's house, and when I couldn't finish the food, my employer asked me to pack it and take it home

When I got home, it was late. Xiao Feng was already asleep, and there were still leftovers on the table. I cleaned up the table and walked softly into his room, looking at his quiet sleeping face, and my heart was touched again.

Although the days are hard, I feel satisfied to see the safety of my family. In this life, the most important thing is not how much money you make, but that your family is harmonious and you live a solid life. Over the years, although I have had a hard time, I have always had a belief in my heart that it is for my son to have a good future.

Early the next morning, I set out on the road to Su's house again. As soon as I arrived at the door, I heard Mrs. Su busy in the kitchen. When she saw me coming, she smiled and said, "Sister Lin, you came early today." ”

"yes, I got an early rest last night." I smiled and agreed.

She looked at me and asked with some concern, "Are you tired from going back yesterday?" Have you and your son eaten these dishes? ”

"Thank you, Mrs. Sue." I was grateful, but I didn't show it on my face. Be low-key and not too public.

Mrs. Su began to arrange today's work again: "We don't need to do too much today, let's just eat something." My husband will be back next week, and I need to get ready. ”

No matter how difficult life is, there is always a warmth in my heart that supports me to keep going.

I was a part-time worker, cooking at my employer's house, and when I couldn't finish the food, my employer asked me to pack it and take it home

On this day, Mrs. Su specially told me to come early, and when my husband Mr. Liu came back, she wanted to surprise him. Mr. Liu has been working outside the home all year round, and Mrs. Su is especially looking forward to his return. She bought a lot of ingredients and wanted to cook a good dinner for her husband.

As soon as I entered, I saw Mrs. Su busy in the kitchen. When she saw me, she hurriedly greeted: "Sister Lin, you can help quickly, Mr. Liu's plane at three o'clock in the afternoon is a little tight." ”

I answered, rolled up my sleeves and began to prepare. We worked together, I chopped the vegetables, she stir-fried the vegetables, and the kitchen was in full swing. Mrs. Su also pointed out to me from time to time: "Sister Lin, if you marinate this fish for a while, it will taste better." ”

I nodded, but I was a little nervous, after all, when Mr. Liu went home, if the house was a mess, Mrs. Su would definitely not be happy in her heart.

After a busy morning, I finally got the dishes ready. Mrs. Su smiled and clapped her hands: "Okay, we'll serve it when Mr. Liu comes back." ”

At this time, the doorbell rang, and Mrs. Su ran to open the door excitedly: "Husband, you are back!" ”

Mr. Liu walked in, with a hint of tiredness on his face, but his eyes were full of tenderness. As soon as he entered the door, Mrs. Su rushed over enthusiastically: "Husband, come and see, I have prepared something delicious for you." ”

Mr. Liu smiled and hugged her: "I'm embarrassed by your battle." ”

The intimacy of the two of them made my heart a little sour. Mr. Liu is very good to Mrs. Su, and no matter how busy he is at work, he will find time to come back to accompany her. This kind of family warmth is something that Xiaofeng and I don't have.

During the meal, Mr. Liu praised the dishes for doing well, and Mrs. Su was very happy: "These dishes are all made by Sister Lin for me, and her skills are no worse than mine." ”

Mr. Liu glanced at me and nodded: "Sister Lin, thank you for your hard work." During this time, Xiao Su always praised you for helping a lot. ”

"Everywhere, it's the right thing to do." I was a little moved in my heart, but I said it very ordinary.

After eating, Mrs. Su and I cleaned up together, and Mr. Liu sat on the sofa watching the news. After cleaning up, Mrs. Su suddenly put forward an idea: "Sister Lin, Mr. Liu is not at home during this time, and I really can't take care of it alone." Do you think you can help more in the future? ”

I was stunned for a moment, a little hesitant: "But...... I have other jobs, wouldn't that be too much of a hassle? ”

"No, Sister Lin, I'm much more relieved if you're here." Mrs. Su's face was full of sincerity, "Mr. Liu also hopes that someone at home will help, so that we can all relax." ”

Looking at their sincerity, I felt a little shaken in my heart. With one more job, my income will increase a lot, but I have to weigh my time.

"I'll think about it and see if I can adjust the time." In the end, I said yes.

On the way home, it was getting dark. As I walked, I thought that it would be a good thing for me to be able to do more work in the Su family, but then I would have to sacrifice some time, and I would have a lot less time to take care of Xiaofeng. The situation at home also did not allow me to devote too much time to a job. I decided to consult with Komine and see what he had to say.

At dinner, I mentioned this matter to Xiaofeng: "Xiaofeng, Mom may have to go to Mrs. Su's house to do more things in the future, what do you think?" ”

Xiao Feng was stunned for a moment and put down his chopsticks: "Mom, aren't you even busier then?" ”

"Yes, but Mrs. Su's family pays well, so our lives can be easier." I'm a little conflicted, but I still hope that Xiaofeng can understand.

Xiao Feng thought for a while and nodded: "Then you can go, anyway, I have a lot of activities at school, and I won't be delayed." ”

His words made me breathe a sigh of relief, and my heart was a little sour. He was still young, but he already knew how to understand my difficulties, which made me feel both relieved and distressed.

After deciding, I began to adjust my time and try to help Mrs. Su's family as much as possible. Although life is hard, I think this hard work is worth it, for Xiaofeng, and for our future.

Time passed, and the relationship between me and the Su family became more and more harmonious. When Mr. Liu came back occasionally, he would praise me a few words, and Mrs. Su was even more enthusiastic about me. Once, Mr. Liu joked: "Sister Lin, why don't you just move in with us, it will be more convenient for us." ”

I laughed when I heard this: "Mr. Liu, I can't say this, I still have a son." ”

Mr. Liu smiled and shook his head: "Yes, it is not easy for you mother and son. ”

During that time, my life gradually entered a new rhythm. Help out at Su's house during the day, and go to other places to do odd jobs in the afternoon and evening, and try to arrange time to take care of Xiaofeng. Although I am busy, I feel that I have some hope in life.

One day, I had just come back from Su's house, and my phone rang, and it was Mrs. Su calling. Her voice was a little anxious: "Sister Lin, can you come back quickly?" Something happened at home. ”

I felt a pang in my heart: "What's the matter?" ”

"When Mr. Liu came back, he said that he was not feeling well, and I was a little worried. Can you help me take a look? Her voice was anxious.

I hurried back, and Mr. Su was lying on the sofa with a pale face. I asked a few questions and learned that he might have eaten something bad. Mrs. Su was anxious: "What to do, what to do?" ”

"Don't worry, I'll help him to the bedroom first." I tried to calm myself down, helped Mr. Liu lie down, and went to find some simple medicines.

Mrs. Su kept muttering beside her: "I knew I wouldn't let him eat so much, his stomach has always been bad." ”

I comforted her: "Maybe it's just a little too much to eat, just take a break." ”

Mr. Liu rested for a while, and the situation improved, and Mrs. Su finally breathed a sigh of relief. I told her some precautions, and Mrs. Su held my hand: "Sister Lin, fortunately you are here, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do." ”

"It's okay, it's all supposed to be done." I smiled, but there was some emotion in my heart. After all this, my relationship with the Su family has become deeper and deeper, and they also regard me as a member of the family.

When I got home in the evening, Xiaofeng asked me, "Mom, why is it so late today?" ”

"Mr. Su is not feeling well, so I helped take care of it." I took off my coat and looked a little tired.

Xiao Feng looked at me with concern: "You also have to pay attention to your body, don't get tired." ”

I smiled and patted him on the head: "Mom knows, so do you, don't patronize your studies, pay more attention to rest." ”

That night, I lay in bed, thinking about all the things I had been through over the years, and my heart was a little complicated. Life is not easy, but there are always some warm people and things that make me feel that it is all worth it.

The next day, Mrs. Su specially called me: "Sister Lin, Mr. Liu said that you were very careful when you took care of him, and he was very grateful to you." We discussed it and decided to give you a raise. ”

I was stunned for a moment, and my heart was excited: "Really? This...... Thank you so much. ”

Mrs. Su smiled and said, "This is what you deserve, we all feel that you deserve it." ”

I hung up the phone, and a warm current welled up in my heart. Although life is hard, such recognition and trust make me feel that everything has meaning.

That afternoon, I just came out of Su's house and received a call from Lin Xue: "Sister, I have a friend here who also needs to find a helper, do you want to take a look?" ”

I hesitated, but thought that I could make more money, so I agreed: "Okay, you send me the address, I'll take a look." ”

Lin Xue's friend is an elderly couple who need help with housework and simple care. The old couple was very kind, and when they saw me coming, they greeted me warmly: "Sister Lin, I heard Lin Xue say that your skills are good, we need help here, can you come?" ”

I looked at them and hesitated, but nodded and agreed: "Yes, I will try to arrange the time." ”

On the way home, I thought about the future arrangements, and I was both worried and expectant. Over the years, I've been trying to make life better for myself and Komine, and now I'm finally seeing the glimmer of hope.

Life continues to advance in a hectic way. As time went on, my job at the Su family gradually stabilized, and Mrs. Su became more and more dependent on me. Mr. Liu also started working from home, and the atmosphere at home has become much warmer. Every time I look at their harmonious family, I also feel a sense of satisfaction in my heart, as if I have become a part of this family.

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