
When there is a disagreement between the employer and the nanny, the part-time worker is on the nanny's side and helps the nanny speak

author:Casual grapefruit

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My name is Li Ming, I am 35 years old, and I am an ordinary employee of a small company. The family has an 8-year-old son named Xiaojie, and his wife Wang Fang works in a foreign company. Because of our busy work, our family hired a live-in nanny aunt named Aunt Li, and a part-time worker Xiao Zhao to come to the house for two hours every day to clean. Aunt Li is in her fifties, honest and conscientious, while Xiao Zhao is younger, in her twenties, and she is neat.

That night, Wang Fang and I came home from work and found that the atmosphere at home was a little wrong. Aunt Li was busy in the kitchen with her head down, and Xiao Zhao was wiping the floor in the living room, looking thoughtful. As soon as Wang Fang entered the door, she noticed that something was wrong and asked, "Why is the house so quiet today?" ”

Aunt Li raised her head, looked at us, hesitated for a moment and said, "It's nothing, it's just a little trivial." ”

I quickly asked, "What's the trifle?" How can we help? ”

When there is a disagreement between the employer and the nanny, the part-time worker is on the nanny's side and helps the nanny speak

Xiao Zhao stood up after wiping the ground, looked at Aunt Li, then looked at us, and said, "Aunt Li had a fight with Sister Zhang downstairs. ”

I frowned: "Quarrel? Why are you arguing? ”

Aunt Li sighed: "Alas, today Sister Zhang brought the child to our house to play, and the child made food everywhere, so I said a few words, and she was unhappy, and I had to apologize to her." ”

When there is a disagreement between the employer and the nanny, the part-time worker is on the nanny's side and helps the nanny speak

Wang Fang heard this and was a little angry: "Sister Zhang is like this, I always feel that others should let her." Aunt Li, you didn't do anything wrong, you don't need to apologize. ”

Xiao Zhao interjected beside him: "But Sister Zhang found the property, said that Aunt Li had a bad attitude, and threatened to complain about her." ”

When there is a disagreement between the employer and the nanny, the part-time worker is on the nanny's side and helps the nanny speak

I felt a little uncomfortable all of a sudden: "We can't bear this matter, and we can't let Aunt Li be wronged." I'll go and say on the property side, Xiao Zhao, you can also help Aunt Li say something. ”

Xiao Zhao nodded: "I must be on Aunt Li's side, why should she be wronged by such a good person." ”

Aunt Li's eyes were a little moist with emotion: "Thank you, I really don't want to trouble you." ”

When there is a disagreement between the employer and the nanny, the part-time worker is on the nanny's side and helps the nanny speak

I walked over and patted her on the shoulder: "Aunt Li, you are a member of our family, and everyone will support you." ”

That night, we sat together as a family and discussed what to do. Wang Fang decided to go to the property manager early the next morning to make things clear. I plan to find a few friends in the company and ask them to go to the property to testify to Aunt Li. Xiao Zhao said that she would also go, she said: "With me here, Sister Zhang doesn't want to mess around." ”

Early the next morning, I went to the property office with Wang Fang and Xiao Zhao. Sister Zhang was also there, and as soon as she saw us, she shouted: "Aunt Li's attitude is too bad, I must apologize!" ”

Wang Fang said calmly: "Sister Zhang, the matter was caused by your children first, Aunt Li just said a few words, and you want others to apologize, which is unreasonable." ”

When there is a disagreement between the employer and the nanny, the part-time worker is on the nanny's side and helps the nanny speak

Sister Zhang laughed disdainfully: "Hmph, whose child is not naughty, why does she say that my child?" ”

Xiao Zhao took a step forward and said firmly: "What Aunt Li said is right, it is her responsibility to clean the house, and if the child is messed up, of course she has the right to say it." ”

The property manager looked at us and sighed, "Okay, let's get rid of it." Aunt Li is a good nanny recommended by our property, and I am sure she will not be vexatious. That's it. ”

When there is a disagreement between the employer and the nanny, the part-time worker is on the nanny's side and helps the nanny speak

Sister Zhang wanted to say something, but seeing so many of us on Aunt Li's side, she had to leave in a huff.

Although the matter was resolved, my heart has not been very calm. When I came home at night, looking at Aunt Li's silent appearance, I always felt that this incident hurt her a lot. So I decided to find a chance to have a good chat with her.

When there is a disagreement between the employer and the nanny, the part-time worker is on the nanny's side and helps the nanny speak

One night, after dinner, I asked Xiaojie to do his homework and pulled Aunt Li to sit down in the living room. Wang Fang was also beside her, silently pouring us tea.

I spoke: "Aunt Li, you don't seem to be in a good mood these days, are you still worried about Sister Zhang's affairs?" ”

Aunt Li smiled reluctantly: "It's okay, it's all over." I'm just afraid of affecting you. ”

When there is a disagreement between the employer and the nanny, the part-time worker is on the nanny's side and helps the nanny speak

Wang Fang held her hand: "Aunt Li, you are a member of our family, and we will definitely face things together." You don't have a psychological burden. ”

Aunt Li's eyes were a little red: "Thank you, I just feel that I may not be good enough to always cause trouble for you." ”

I felt sour: "Aunt Li, we all see your contribution to our family, without you, Xiaojie would not be so obedient, and we can't work with peace of mind." Don't think so. ”

Xiao Zhao came in at this time, she heard our conversation, and also came over: "Aunt Li, you really don't have to think about it. Sister Zhang's kind of person annoys her, everyone knows that you are a good person. ”

When there is a disagreement between the employer and the nanny, the part-time worker is on the nanny's side and helps the nanny speak

Aunt Li nodded movingly: "Thank you for your understanding, I will be more careful in the future and not embarrass you." ”

Time passed slowly, and our family returned to a peaceful life. Under the care of Aunt Li, Xiaojie's academic performance gradually improved. Our relationship with Xiao Zhao has also become closer, and it feels like a family.

But fate always likes to play tricks on people. One night, I came home from overtime and noticed that something was wrong at home. Aunt Li and Xiao Zhao sat on the sofa with serious expressions. Wang Fang was busy in the kitchen, her face full of sadness.

When there is a disagreement between the employer and the nanny, the part-time worker is on the nanny's side and helps the nanny speak

"What's wrong? What happened? I quickly asked.

Aunt Li hesitated: "Xiao Zhao's salary is in arrears, and the boss also said that her salary will be deducted." ”

Xiao Zhao nodded, and his voice was low: "I went to ask for my salary today, and the boss said that I had a bad work attitude and wanted to deduct my salary this month." ”

I was furious: "How can this work! Why did he withhold your salary? You come to clean on time every day and are never late. ”

Aunt Li also chimed in: "Yes, Xiao Zhao has always been very serious about her work, how can you treat her like this?" ”

Wang Fang came over and comforted: "Don't worry, let's figure it out together." ”

I nodded and decided to go to Xiao Zhao's boss tomorrow to theorize. We can't let the people around us be wronged anymore this time.

Early the next morning, Xiao Zhao and I went to her company together. When I got there, I went directly to the boss and said sternly: "Why are you deducting Xiao Zhao's salary?" ”

The boss looked impatient: "She has a bad work attitude, which affects the company's image." ”

I sneered: "Xiao Zhao works hard and has a very good attitude, and everyone sees it." Are you so unreasonable, are you afraid that we will sue the Labor Bureau? ”

The boss's face changed, and he said hesitantly: "I... I'll think about it again. ”

In the end, the boss reluctantly made up Xiao Zhao's salary. When we got home, Xiao Zhao said gratefully, "Thank you, I don't even know how to thank you." ”

I smiled, "We are friends, and we should help each other when we are in trouble." ”

Aunt Li also smiled on the side: "Yes, everyone is a family, and it is appropriate to help each other." ”

In the process, our family has become more united and our relationship has deepened. Although the days are ordinary, because of each other's support and understanding, everything seems so warm and happy.

This is life, there will always be ups and downs, but as long as we are heart-to-heart, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

Since Xiao Zhao's salary incident was resolved, our family's life has been much calmer. Aunt Li takes care of Xiaojie, Xiao Zhao comes to clean on time every day, we get along in harmony, although the days are ordinary but full of warmth. Until one day, I suddenly received a call from Wang Fang, and her tone was urgent: "Li Ming, you come back soon, there is an accident at home!" ”

I quickly asked for leave and rushed home, thinking that I didn't know what was going on. When I opened the door, I saw Aunt Li sitting on the sofa, her face pale, holding a letter in her hand. Xiao Zhao stood next to him, his eyes were red, obviously he had just cried.

"What's wrong? What the hell is going on? I asked anxiously.

Wang Fang handed me the letter: "Take a look. ”

I took the letter and skimmed through it quickly, and it was sent by Aunt Li's daughter, saying that Aunt Li's wife was seriously ill and hoped that she would go home to take care of her immediately. Aunt Li's wife has always been in poor health, but this time it seems that the situation is very serious.

Aunt Li's voice trembled: "I really don't know what to do, I don't want to leave you, but my wife's side..."

I hurriedly comforted her: "Aunt Li, don't worry, we will take care of the family." Your wife is seriously ill, so of course you have to go back and have a look. ”

Xiao Zhao also persuaded beside him: "Yes, Aunt Li, you go back, we will find a way." ”

Aunt Li burst into tears: "Thank you, I will come back as soon as possible." ”

Aunt Li packed up her things and left our house. The house suddenly became a little deserted, and Xiaojie asked me, "Dad, when will Grandma Li come back?" ”

I touched his head: "When Grandma Li takes care of grandpa, she will come back, you have to be obedient." ”

A few days passed like this, and Wang Fang and I discussed it many times, and decided to ask Xiao Zhao to help me for a while now. Xiao Zhao readily agreed, but I could see that she was also struggling.

Just as we were doing our best to deal with this unexpected situation, another unexpected happened. Xiao Zhao suddenly told us that her mother was also sick and needed her to go back to her hometown to take care of her for a while.

Wang Fang and I looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while. Suddenly there were two right-hand men at home, and we were too busy to separate. In the evening, Wang Fang and I lay in bed, discussing our next plans.

Wang Fang sighed: "What should I do?" Xiao Zhao is also leaving, how can we survive? ”

I shook my head helplessly: "I can only find someone to help again." But where can I find the right person for a while? ”

Wang Fang held her hand: "Xiao Zhao, it's okay, you go and take care of your mother first, and we will find a way to deal with the family affairs." ”

Xiao Zhao nodded, his eyes moist: "Thank you, I will come back as soon as possible." ”

Xiao Zhao also left, and our family fell into chaos all of a sudden. Wang Fang gets up early in the morning every day to take care of Xiaojie for breakfast, while I take care of the cleaning. After work, I have to pick up Xiaojie, and I am busy at home and outside.

During those days, although it was very hard, our family was more united. Every time I see Xiaojie's well-behaved and sensible appearance, the fatigue in my heart has also decreased a lot. Although they sometimes complain, they are more about supporting each other and getting through the difficulties together.

Just when we thought that this difficult time would last forever, one day, I received a call from Aunt Li. Her voice sounded tired, but with a hint of strength: "Li Ming, my wife's condition has improved, and I plan to come back in a few days." ”

I was overjoyed when I heard it: "Aunt Li, it's so good!" We've been waiting for you to come back. ”

Aunt Li sighed softly: "I miss you too, but I have to arrange things at home first during this time." ”

I hurriedly comforted her: "You take your time, our side can still hold on." ”

After hanging up the phone, I told Wang Fang and Xiaojie the good news. Xiaojie jumped up happily: "Great! Grandma Li is coming back! ”

Wang Fang also breathed a sigh of relief: "There is finally good news." ”

A few days later, Aunt Li returned to our house. She looked a little haggard, but she was still in good spirits. Xiaojie ran over and hugged her, and said excitedly, "Grandma Li, I miss you so much!" ”

Aunt Li touched his head with tears in her eyes: "Grandma misses you too, Xiaojie." ”

Aunt Li's return has put our family's life back on track. Although it was a hard time for everyone, we were able to get through it because of each other's support. Wang Fang and I sighed that the power of family is infinite.

I patted her on the shoulder: "Xiao Zhao, don't worry about family affairs, go take care of your mother first." ”

Xiao Zhao nodded and left with tears.

The days got busy again, and Wang Fang and I had to share more chores again. Although Aunt Li is back, because of her wife's illness, she often needs to ask for leave to go back to see.

In this case, we decided to find another part-time worker to help. This time, we found a young man named Xiao Liu. He was neat and cheerful, and quickly integrated into our family.

The addition of Xiao Liu has restored peace to our lives again. Not only is he capable, but he also brings us laughter. Xiaojie also likes him very much and often plays with him. Aunt Li was also full of praise for him, saying that he was a good and sensible boy.

One night, our family was sitting in the living room, and Xiao Liu was helping Aunt Li prepare dinner. Wang Fang smiled and said, "Xiao Liu, after you came, the atmosphere at home has become different. ”

Xiao Liu scratched his head and smiled shyly: "Thank you, Sister Wang, I like it very much here, it feels like being in my own home." ”

I patted him on the shoulder: "You are a member of our family, just say whatever the difficulties." ”

Xiao Liu nodded, his eyes shining with gratitude: "Thank you, Brother Li, I will do a good job." ”

With Xiao Liu joining, our family's life is back on track. Xiaojie's academic performance is also improving, and Wang Fang's work is getting smoother and smoother. Wang Fang and I lamented that although life sometimes brings us challenges, as long as the family is united, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

One day, Aunt Li told us that her wife's condition had stabilized, and she decided to quit her job as a nanny and return to her hometown to take care of her. We were all reluctant to hear the news, but we also understood her decision.

That night, our family sat with Aunt Li and talked a lot about the past. Xiaojie hugged Aunt Li and refused to let go, and said with tears in his eyes: "Grandma Li, don't go, I can't bear you." ”

Aunt Li also had red eyes and touched Xiaojie's head: "Xiaojie, grandma can't bear you, but grandma wants to go back to take care of grandpa." ”

Wang Fang held Aunt Li's hand, her eyes were full of gratitude: "Aunt Li, thank you all these years, without you, we really don't know what to do." ”

Aunt Li smiled with tears in her eyes: "You are all good people, I am lucky to have met you." ”

A few days later, Aunt Li left our house. Although there is some reluctance in our hearts, we all know that this is her best choice. Xiao Liu took over her work, and our family's life continued to go on calmly and warmly.

One day, Xiao Zhao suddenly came back. Her mom's condition improved, and she decided to continue to return to work. We were all very happy to see her back, and Xiaojie was even more excited.

Xiao Zhao looked at us with tears in his eyes: "Thank you for your continued support, I will work hard." ”

I smiled and said, "Welcome back, Xiao Zhao, with you at home, we are also at ease." ”

As the days passed, our family was getting better and better with the help of these people. Although there were twists and turns and difficulties in the process, we all survived together. The support of family and the help of friends make us even more convinced that as long as we are heart-to-heart, any difficulties can be overcome.

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