
Top 10 Staple Foods That Make It Easy to Get Fat 1. Fritters 2. Oil Cake 3. Fried Rice 4. Chow Mein 5. Pizza 6. Meat buns

author:Jin Ling

1. Fritters

Youtiao is an ancient Chinese noodle dish that is usually eaten for breakfast. It is made with flour as the main ingredient and deep-fried.

The taste is crispy and fragrant, and it brings a pleasant taste sensation.

It's quick and easy to buy at the street breakfast stands.

High calorie: After frying, the fritters absorb a lot of oil, and the calories per 100 grams of fritters are about 386 kcal, which is a high-calorie food.

Unbalanced nutrition: During the production process of fried dough sticks, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are lost, and carbohydrates and oils are mainly provided.

The quality of the grease is difficult to guarantee: the oil used in street stalls can be heated repeatedly, producing harmful substances that are not good for health.

The acrylamide content in churros may be higher. Acrylamide is a potentially carcinogenic substance that is easily produced during high-temperature frying. Long-term consumption of fried dough sticks may also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Top 10 Staple Foods That Make It Easy to Get Fat 1. Fritters 2. Oil Cake 3. Fried Rice 4. Chow Mein 5. Pizza 6. Meat buns

2. Oil cake

Similar to fried dough sticks, oil cakes are made with flour as the main ingredient and fried in oil.

The taste is fragrant, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

The feeling of satiety is strong, which can relieve hunger for a certain period of time.

High calories and high fat: The calories per 100 grams of oil cake are about 403 kcal, and the fat content is high, which can easily lead to weight gain.

Single nutrient composition: mainly carbohydrates and oils, lacking nutrients such as protein, vitamins and dietary fiber.

Heavy digestive burden: Fried foods are difficult to digest and can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Regular consumption of oil cake may lead to increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, which in turn affects blood lipid metabolism and increases the risk of atherosclerosis.

Top 10 Staple Foods That Make It Easy to Get Fat 1. Fritters 2. Oil Cake 3. Fried Rice 4. Chow Mein 5. Pizza 6. Meat buns

3. Fried rice

Fried rice is a delicacy made by stir-frying rice with various toppings.

Variety of flavors: Eggs, ham, shrimp, vegetables and other toppings can be added according to personal preference to enrich the taste.

Easy to make: Leftovers can be turned into delicious fried rice with a little processing.

High fat content: In order to make fried rice taste better, more oil is usually added, which increases the calorie intake.

High salt content: If the added ingredients contain more salt, such as pickles, ham, etc., it is easy to lead to excessive sodium intake.

Easy to overeat: Because fried rice is delicious, it is easy to eat too much unknowingly, resulting in excess calories.

The rice in fried rice is usually steamed and then stir-fried, which may further increase the glycemic index, and should be consumed with caution for people with diabetes or poor blood sugar control.

Top 10 Staple Foods That Make It Easy to Get Fat 1. Fritters 2. Oil Cake 3. Fried Rice 4. Chow Mein 5. Pizza 6. Meat buns

Fourth, fried noodles

Chow mein is made by stir-frying noodles with vegetables, meat, and other ingredients.

Abundant ingredients: It can be paired with a variety of vegetables and meats to increase nutritional intake.

Satiety: The noodles themselves have a certain feeling of satiety, and the ingredients can provide energy for a longer period of time.

High calories: Chow mein requires a lot of oil during the preparation process and is high in calories, about 150 - 200 kcal per 100 grams of chow mein.

Fat and salt are easy to exceed: In order to improve the taste, more oil and salt are often added, which is not good for health.

High carbohydrate content: Noodles are mainly made up of carbohydrates, and excessive consumption can easily lead to a rise in blood sugar and weight gain.

Some improvers may be added to the noodles in chow mein during processing, and long-term consumption of large amounts may have potential health effects. In addition, the way chow mein is cooked tends to destroy nutrients such as vitamins in vegetables.

Top 10 Staple Foods That Make It Easy to Get Fat 1. Fritters 2. Oil Cake 3. Fried Rice 4. Chow Mein 5. Pizza 6. Meat buns

5. Pizza

Pizza is a cuisine that originated in Italy and usually consists of pasta, sauces, cheese, and a variety of toppings.

Rich flavors: Different sauces, cheeses and toppings can be selected according to personal preferences to meet a variety of taste needs.

Convenient and fast: You can dine-in in the restaurant or order takeaway for easy consumption.

High calorie and high fat: Dough cakes are usually fermented and baked, with plenty of cheese and oily toppings such as sausages, bacon, etc., which are extremely high in calories and fat. A slice of regular-sized pizza (about 100 grams) can have between 200 - 300 kcal.

Higher salt: Sauces and toppings may contain more salt, and long-term excessive consumption may lead to health problems such as high blood pressure.

Difficult to digest: Cheese and dough are not easy to digest and can easily cause gastrointestinal upset.

The ketchup in pizza may be high in sugar, while some toppings, such as cured meats, olives, etc., may contain higher levels of nitrite, which is not good for health if consumed in excess.

Top 10 Staple Foods That Make It Easy to Get Fat 1. Fritters 2. Oil Cake 3. Fried Rice 4. Chow Mein 5. Pizza 6. Meat buns

Sixth, meat sandwich buns

Meat sandwich bun is one of the traditional specialties of Shaanxi, which is made up of a combination of white Ji bun and bacon meat.

The flavor is rich: the preserved meat is fat but not greasy, thin but not firewood, and it complements the white Ji bun well.

Portable: It can be used as a portable delicacy and is suitable for eating when you are out and about.

High calorie and high fat: Cured meat usually contains more fat, and Baiji bun is also made from flour, which combines the two with higher calories.

Nutritional imbalance: mainly carbohydrates and fats, with relatively little protein, vitamins and dietary fiber.

High salt content: More salt and seasonings may be added during the production of cured meat, and the salt intake is easy to exceed the standard.

If the source of the cured meat in the meat bun is unknown or the processing is not standardized, there may be potential food safety hazards, such as excessive bacteria.

Top 10 Staple Foods That Make It Easy to Get Fat 1. Fritters 2. Oil Cake 3. Fried Rice 4. Chow Mein 5. Pizza 6. Meat buns

7. Hamburgers

Hamburgers are one of the staple foods in modern Western fast food and usually consist of bread, meatloaf, vegetables, cheese, and sauces.

Convenient and fast: It can be purchased quickly in fast food restaurants, which is suitable for a fast-paced life.

Variety: There are a variety of flavors and ingredients to choose from to suit different people's needs.

High calories: Bread, patties, and cheese are all high in calories, and with plenty of sauces, a regular burger typically has between 400 - 600 kcal.

Nutritional imbalance: less vegetables, higher carbohydrates and fats, and protein quality needs to be improved.

May contain additives: To extend shelf life and improve taste, meatloaf and sauces in burgers may contain a variety of additives.

If the patties in burgers are fried or over-processed, they may produce some harmful substances such as heterocyclic amines. In addition, long-term reliance on hamburgers as a staple food can lead to malnutrition.

Top 10 Staple Foods That Make It Easy to Get Fat 1. Fritters 2. Oil Cake 3. Fried Rice 4. Chow Mein 5. Pizza 6. Meat buns

8. Twist

Twist is a specialty fried pasta snack with a crispy and sweet taste.

The taste is unique: fragrant, sweet, crispy and crispy, which is loved by many people.

Easy to preserve: Frying and drying for a relatively long shelf life.

High calorie and high sugar: Twist flowers usually need to be fried, and a lot of sugar is added, which is extremely high in calories and sugar. The calories per 100 grams of twist are about 524 kcal.

Mononutrient: The main ingredients are flour and oil, and other important nutrients are lacking.

The quality of the oil is difficult to guarantee: the oil used in the frying process may be used repeatedly, which can affect health.

Excessive consumption of twist flowers may lead to oral problems such as tooth decay, gingivitis, etc., because the characteristics of high sugar are easy to breed bacteria.

Top 10 Staple Foods That Make It Easy to Get Fat 1. Fritters 2. Oil Cake 3. Fried Rice 4. Chow Mein 5. Pizza 6. Meat buns

IX. Porridge

Zongzi is a traditional food of the Dragon Boat Festival and is usually made from glutinous rice, fillings, and zongzi leaves.

Rich cultural connotation: as a traditional festival food, it has strong cultural significance.

Variety of flavors: There are a variety of flavors to choose from, such as sweet rice dumplings (such as red date dumplings, bean paste rice dumplings) and salty rice dumplings (such as egg yolk rice dumplings, meat rice dumplings).

High calorie: Glutinous rice itself is high in calories, and with the fat and sugar in the filling, the calories of a zongzi should not be underestimated.

Not easy to digest: glutinous rice is sticky and slow to digest, which is easy to cause gastrointestinal discomfort, especially for people with weak digestive function.

Salt or sugar may be exceeded: The salt content in salty rice dumplings and sugar content in sweet rice dumplings is high, and excessive consumption is not good for health.

If the rice dumplings are not stored properly during storage, they are prone to the growth of bacteria and molds, which may lead to food poisoning after consumption.

Top 10 Staple Foods That Make It Easy to Get Fat 1. Fritters 2. Oil Cake 3. Fried Rice 4. Chow Mein 5. Pizza 6. Meat buns

10. Sweet bread

Sweet bread is a baked goods made with flour, sugar, butter, eggs, etc. as the main ingredients.

Fluffy and sweet: Rich milky and sweet, it is satisfying.

Convenient to buy: It can be found everywhere in supermarkets, bakeries, etc., and it is convenient to buy.

High in sugar and oil: In order to ensure the taste, sweet bread usually has a lot of sugar and butter added to it, which is high in calories and fat.

Unbalanced nutrition: Mainly provides carbohydrates and fats, and contains less protein, vitamins and dietary fiber.

May contain trans fatty acids: The margarine used in some sweet breads may contain trans fatty acids, which are not good for cardiovascular health.

Long-term consumption of sweet bread may affect insulin sensitivity and increase the risk of diabetes.

Top 10 Staple Foods That Make It Easy to Get Fat 1. Fritters 2. Oil Cake 3. Fried Rice 4. Chow Mein 5. Pizza 6. Meat buns

These staple foods are not completely inedible, but they should be eaten in a controlled amount, along with other foods rich in protein, vitamins and dietary fibre to maintain a balanced and healthy diet. Reasonable exercise is also an important means of weight control.

Hope you find the above helpful! If you have any other needs, please feel free to let me know.

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