
Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle

author:Big and small snow lx
Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle

"Foreigner Chris" took his Shandong daughter-in-law and mixed-race daughter to go back to Norway to live, and the family of three crossed thousands of miles and poured the plane three times and finally arrived home.

To say that Chris is really a jack of all trades in China, I believe that anyone who has watched his video knows that he is even more proficient in Chinese culture than our people, such as Chinese food, how many people are willing to bow to him, the key is to be able to do it, you order a dish casually, he is sure to make it for you, and the taste is authentic.

Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle

For example, there are some customs, and the head of what he talks about is the Tao, which is more proficient than our people.

No, when I return to Norway and am used to eating a single local food, I will naturally miss our great Chinese cuisine.

For example, he recently was particularly hungry for Chinese dumplings stuffed with eggs and leeks, saying that it was too late, and that time was fast, so act quickly.

Eggs are okay to say that they can be bought at any time, to say that leeks he ran and hurt his legs, went to a few supermarkets and didn't buy them, and finally saw them in a supermarket in Vietnam, but picked them up and looked at them, Chris suddenly threw them down and left.

Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle

It turned out that Chris found that the leeks were only 80 grams, and the price was 55 yuan.

Later, when he heard that wild leeks tasted similar to leeks, he was very happy, and wild leeks didn't cost anything, so he decided to try his luck in the Norwegian Forest.

searched all the way, and found a wild leek under the guidance of a foreigner.

He said: It stands to reason that Norwegians don't know wild leeks, how can this Norwegian know them?

It turned out that this foreigner's neighbor turned out to be us Chinese. The wild leeks that the Chinese teach foreigners to know.

Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle

Originally, I heard that we Chinese are famous all over the world for growing vegetables, but now it is a world-famous recognition dish.

Don't say it, Chris really came home with a full load of wild leeks.

Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle

Then, go home and wash and start operating (this kid still pays attention to his eyes, and leaves some wild leeks to eat next time). Then, fry the eggs and stir them together.

When his parents heard that he was making leek egg dumplings, they came with Dehua and his younger siblings and a family of five or six to brush together.

With everyone's help, the leek egg stuffed dumplings were finally served, and before eating, Chris's younger siblings took a photo and didn't forget to send a circle of friends to "show off".

Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle
Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle
Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle
Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle

Then, everyone picked up the hot dumplings dipped in vinegar with chopsticks and put them in their mouths to their hearts.

It's particularly appetizing to watch through the screen.

Moreover, his father was not busy and joked that there were too few chopsticks at home, and the fork he used really affected his performance in eating dumplings.

Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle

After eating, Dad still doesn't forget what to eat for the next meal? One vigorously said that he ate pizza, his uncle, uncle, uncle.

Seeing this, I really laughed to death. What is Uncle Pizza? Chris shouted to netizens online: I hope everyone will give advice and make a suggestion, otherwise it will be exposed.

If you want to talk about pizza, it is said that after eating pizza and grandma (pie) a few years ago, Chris's father has always wanted to eat pizza for his grandfather, but because Chris is in China, he has never had the opportunity to make it for his father.

Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle
Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle

No, after he returned to Norway this time, he had to make arrangements immediately, and after careful consideration and advice from netizens, he finally adopted the pizza and his grandfather is meat sandwich bun.

So, he went to several supermarkets to buy the best meat, and after a series of operations, he cooked the meat and fried steamed buns.

Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle
Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle
Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle

After everything was done, he looked up and saw that there were people in the yard of his house, and many neighbors were standing in the whole yard, and later learned that all of them were brought by his father.

It turned out that the father specified that they were all here to see his granddaughter, but in fact, the father asked them to come and eat meat and steamed buns.

Later, while eating, it was not enough to have a round of steamed buns.

Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle
Laughing can't be! The foreigner Chris made dumplings, and the father was satisfied with the food, and arranged the pizza for his uncle

Chris really brought Chinese culture to Norway, not only food, but also square dancing, shuttlecock kicking and other entertainment sports to the local area, and the local people also swept up a craze for learning Chinese.

I have to say that Chris is really a Norwegian ambassador for promoting China, and has played a great role in helping the culture between the two countries.

It is hoped that Chris will continue to make persistent efforts to give full play to his abilities and promote friendly relations between the two countries.



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