
There are more than 1,000 founding generals, who are the two Xiao, three Yang, and four Chen referring to? What rank was awarded in 55?

author:Conversations between historians


After the implementation of the military rank system in New China in 1955, more than 1,000 founding generals were awarded titles. This is an important move in the history of the new Chinese army, and it is not only a high honor for the generals who have made outstanding contributions to the cause of the liberation of the country and the people, but also an affirmation and praise of their heroic struggle and selfless dedication. In the course of the protracted revolutionary struggle, our army has emerged a number of strategist, leading soldiers and generals who can win battles, and at the same time, they have the same surname and are praised by people in a combination of numbers. Today, the editor will take you to take stock, who are the famous "Er Xiao", "San Yang" and "Four Chen" among the founding generals? And what historical merits do they have? What rank was awarded in 55?

First of all, let's talk about the "two Xiao" from Siye, that is, Xiao Jinguang and Xiao Ke. Of course, some people refer to Xiao Hua, the general of political work, and the two of them as the three Xiaos, and the author of this article mainly introduces Xiao Jinguang and Xiao Ke, two revolutionary predecessors.

"Guarding the soul of Lenin" founding general Xiao Jinguang

Xiao Jinguang is a famous founding general with both military and political excellence, and he is highly valued by Chairman Mao because of his comprehensive and outstanding ability. In his early years, he actively established the 10-member National Salvation Group with Ren Bishi and others of our party, and then went to Moscow to study at the Eastern University with Liu Shaoqi, Ren Bishi and others, and also attended the Third Congress of the Communist International as an observer and had the privilege of listening to Lenin's speech. During the Great Revolution, he participated in the famous Northern Expedition and belonged to a PLA general with deep revolutionary qualifications. During his time in the Red Army, he experienced the mishandling of the "left" adventurist leaders, when Li De and others expelled him from the party and the army on the grounds that he was responsible for the loss of Li Chuan, but he always maintained his faith in the party. Subsequently, with the efforts of Chairman Mao, Mr. Zhu and others, he returned to the Red 3rd Army Corps and served as chief of staff after the Zunyi Conference.

There are more than 1,000 founding generals, who are the two Xiao, three Yang, and four Chen referring to? What rank was awarded in 55?

Xiao Jinguang on the left, Chairman Mao on the right

During the War of Liberation, Xiao Jinguang participated in the command of Sibao Linjiang and made important contributions to reversing the situation in the Northeast. During the siege of Changchun, he adopted military encirclement, economic blockade, political disintegration, and other means, so that the 100,000 defenders of the Kuomintang were cornered and forced to surrender, setting a precedent for the People's Liberation Army to peacefully liberate large cities through the tactics of "long-term siege and long siege". After the founding of New China, he was ordered to set up a leading organ of the People's Navy, and served as commander of the Navy for more than 30 years, playing a key role in the construction and development of the mainland navy. It is worth mentioning that among Xiao Jinguang's six children, there are 3 generals, 2 vice chairmen, and 1 vice minister, who have performed well in their respective fields and made great contributions to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

"A generation of Confucian generals" founding general Xiao Ke

Xiao Ke was a native of Jiahe, Hunan Province, and one of the important backbones of the early revolution. In 1925, under the influence of Sun Yat-sen's thoughts, he joined Rong and participated in the Northern Expedition. After Chiang Kai-shek's split revolution, he joined the Communist Party and participated in the Nanchang Uprising. During the Red Army, Xiao Ke was one of the youngest senior commanders, he served as a commander at the age of 25, led the advance troops of the Red Sixth Army Corps to the west at the age of 27, and became the deputy commander-in-chief of the Red Second Front Army at the age of 29. During the Anti-Japanese War, Xiao Ke was the deputy commander of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and he and Marshal He Long jointly established and expanded the anti-Japanese base area in the northwest of Shanxi. In the Battle of the "Ten Roads Siege", he led his troops to fight bravely against the Japanese invaders. After 14 days of fierce fighting, more than 800 Japanese puppet troops were finally annihilated and 1 plane was shot down.

There are more than 1,000 founding generals, who are the two Xiao, three Yang, and four Chen referring to? What rank was awarded in 55?

In the War of Liberation, he actively organized and commanded key battles such as the Battle of Chengde and the Battle of Ye (Baishou) Chi (Feng). He successfully commanded the troops to take control of the transportation hub connecting North China and Northeast China, and this action created important conditions for a large number of our party's cadres and troops to advance into Northeast China. And in the two attacks of the Kuomintang army on Shijiazhuang, he twice made a big plan to empty the city, and successfully defeated the attack of many enemy divisions with less than one brigade. Subsequently, during his tenure as chief of staff in Siye, he assisted Lin Biao in carrying out the operation of chasing Bai Chongxi's troops for thousands of miles, and finally liberated Hunan, Hubei, Zhejiang, Guangzhou, Guizhou and other provinces. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Xiao Ke will devote himself to military education and devote himself to the study and teaching of military theory. At the same time, his war novel "Bloody Luoxiao" won the Honorary Award of the 3rd Mao Dun Literature Award. Later generations spoke highly of General Xiao Ke, and he was widely regarded as a "generation of Confucian generals" with both outstanding military talents and profound cultural literacy. On October 24, 2008, at the age of 102, General Xiao Ke passed away, ending his legendary and glorious life.

Let's talk about this "Sanyang", Premier Zhou once humorously said: "Sanyang (Yang) Kaitai, Long March side dishes!" In fact, it refers to Yang Dezhi, Yang Chengwu, and Yang Yong, the three founding generals.

"Yongguan Three Armies" Founding General "Sanyang"

Yang Dezhi participated in the Southern Hunan Uprising. During the Red Army's Long March, he served as the commander of the first division and the first regiment of the Red First Army, his troops were the pioneers of the Long March, and the forced crossing of the Dadu River was his famous battle, which was deeply appreciated by Chairman Mao. In the victory of Pingxingguan, Yang Dezhi's 685th Regiment was one of the main combat units, and this battle broke the myth of the invincibility of the Japanese army. During the Liberation War, Yang Dezhi completely annihilated 17,000 people of the Kuomintang Third Army in the Battle of Qingfengdian, and then completely annihilated two divisions of Fu Zuoyi's most elite 35th Army in the Pingjin Campaign. On the Korean battlefield, Yang Dezhi served as the commander of the 19th Corps and commanded the troops to participate in the famous Battle of Shangganling. In 79, he also partnered with Xu Shiyou to jointly command the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, which can be described as a lifetime of Rong Ma and great achievements.

There are more than 1,000 founding generals, who are the two Xiao, three Yang, and four Chen referring to? What rank was awarded in 55?

General Yang Yong was both wise and brave, and was deeply loved by Chairman Mao, and praised him in public many times, calling him "upright and resolute". He threw himself into the revolution at a young age, served successively as a squad leader, a company political instructor, and a battalion commander, and participated in all the struggles against "encirclement and suppression" in the Central Soviet Region and the world-famous 25,000-mile Long March. During the Anti-Japanese War, Yang Yong was the deputy commander of the 686th Regiment of the 115th Division, and participated in the command of the Pingxingguan Victory and performed well. During the War of Liberation, he participated in and commanded major battles such as southwest Lu, Huaihai, and crossing the river, in the Huaihai Campaign, he annihilated more than 5,000 enemies in the Zhanggongdian area and captured Mi Wenhe, the deputy commander of the lieutenant general, and then fought fiercely in the Shuangduiji area for 9 days and nights, destroying more than 16,000 enemies, and played a key role in the victory of the battle. During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, he served as the commander of the 20th Corps of the Chinese People's Volunteers, led his troops to participate in the summer counterattack and commanded the Battle of Jincheng. It made an important contribution to the armistice and peace talks.

There are more than 1,000 founding generals, who are the two Xiao, three Yang, and four Chen referring to? What rank was awarded in 55?

Yang Chengwu is Marshal Nie Rongzhen's most trusted and capable cadre. At the age of 15, he took part in the peasant uprising in western Fujian and joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. During the Long March, Yang Chengwu and Yang Dezhi were both pioneers, and led their troops to participate in the Jinsha River and the four battles of crossing the Chishui. In the victory of Pingxingguan, Yang Chengwu was the commander of the independent regiment of the 115th Division, and led his troops to block several times the Japanese reinforcements of his own, buying time for his brother troops to annihilate the Japanese army in Pingxingguan. Subsequently, he killed Lieutenant General Abe Guixiu, the supreme commander of the Japanese army's "Mongolian Xinjiang Garrison Army", at the Loess Ridge in Laiyuan County, Hebei Province, and this achievement was highly praised by Chairman Mao. During the War of Liberation, Yang Chengwu led his troops to annihilate more than 24,000 Kuomintang troops in the Battle of Shijiazhuang, and this battle was also called "a pioneering example of seizing a big city" by Mr. Zhu. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he also participated in and commanded the 1950 Campaign to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the 1958 Bombardment of Kinmen, the 1959 Tibetan counterinsurgency operation, and the 1962 Sino-Indian border self-defense counterattack. His life is a glorious portrayal of loyalty and dedication to the cause of the Chinese revolution, so he is known as "Zhao Zilong in the army".

According to the records of relevant departments, "Sanyang" was added together and served as commander of six major military regions, namely, the Beijing Military Region, the Jinan Military Region, the Wuhan Military Region, the Kunming Military Region, the Fuzhou Military Region, and the Xinjiang Military Region.

As we all know, Erye's "Three Chens" are very famous, and today we are talking about who are the "Four Chens" among the founding generals?

"Experienced in a hundred battles" founding general "Si Chen"

Chen Xilian was born in Hong'an, Hubei, and his famous battle was to lead his troops to attack the Japanese airfield at Yangmingbao at night and blow up 24 Japanese fighters. In the campaign to liberate northern Henan, Chen Xilian led his troops to completely annihilate the Kuomintang's Second Rapid Column, creating an example of our army completely annihilating a well-equipped mechanized division with inferior equipment. In addition, in the Huaihai Campaign, he commanded troops to capture the strategic Suxian County, which played a key role in isolating Huang Wei's corps and eventually annihilating the unit. Chen Xilian was once known as "the number one in the number of wars" for his outstanding military ability and brave and warlike spirit.

There are more than 1,000 founding generals, who are the two Xiao, three Yang, and four Chen referring to? What rank was awarded in 55?

Chen Zaidao was born in Macheng, Hubei Province, and participated in the Autumn Harvest Rebellion and the Jute Uprising in November of the same year. During the Red Army, he participated in the struggle against "encirclement and suppression" in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Region and the world-famous 25,000-mile Long March. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he served as the deputy brigade commander of the 386th Brigade of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army. In the 1947 Battle of Southwest Lu, he led his troops to fight fiercely for 12 days and nights, and finally annihilated the 66th Division of the Kuomintang Army, and shot down two enemy planes. Marshal Chen Yi was full of praise for Chen Zaidao's performance, and Chairman Mao also praised him many times for being "a general", "very brave in battle", and "really not simple".

There are more than 1,000 founding generals, who are the two Xiao, three Yang, and four Chen referring to? What rank was awarded in 55?

Everyone may be familiar with Chen Xilian and Chen Zaidao, so the founding general Chen Bojun who will talk about next is actually very famous. He was the only founding general with experience in the first, second, and fourth fronts of the Red Army, and was also called a "talent" of the Red Army by Chairman Mao. Born in Daxian County, Sichuan Province, he was involved in the progressive student movement in his early years and later joined the Chinese Communist Party. After the Autumn Harvest Uprising, he followed Chairman Mao to Jinggangshan and went through five anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaigns in the Central Soviet Region. During the Long March, Chen Bojun led his troops to carry out the task of breaking off, and repeatedly blocked the pursuing enemy several times his own. Especially in the Battle of Xiangjiang, he personally led his troops to fight fiercely for a day and a night in the Kuomintang army's pinching attack, which well covered the main force to cross the river, and thus won the reputation of "iron ass". During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chairman Mao gave full play to his expertise and transferred him to the work of Kang Da, and trained a large number of anti-Japanese military and political cadres for our party and army. During the War of Liberation, he served as the deputy commander of the 12th Corps of Siye and led his troops to participate in the battles of Hengbao and Guangxi. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he continued to engage in the cause of military education in New China and devoted a great deal of effort to the modernization of the armed forces.

There are more than 1,000 founding generals, who are the two Xiao, three Yang, and four Chen referring to? What rank was awarded in 55?

Chen Shiyu was born in Jingmen City, Hubei Province, and he followed Chairman Mao to Jinggangshan after the Autumn Harvest Uprising and became an important member of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. He performed well in the anti-"encirclement and suppression" struggles in the Central Soviet Region, especially in the fifth anti-encirclement and suppression, in the Wenfang battle under his command, he won more than 4,000 enemy troops with fewer victories. During the Anti-Japanese War, he participated in the opening of the anti-Japanese base in western Shanxi, and skillfully set up an ambush in the battle of Guangyang, annihilating more than 1,000 Japanese soldiers and capturing Japanese prisoners of war for the first time. During the Liberation War, he assisted Chen Yi and Su Yu in diverting from the south to the north, and annihilated the 74th Division of the Kuomintang ace army in one fell swoop in the Battle of Menglianggu. Subsequently, he led his troops into the Central Plains, participated in strategic decisive battles such as the Eastern Henan Campaign and the Huaihai Campaign, and made great contributions to the liberation of the whole country. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chen Shiyu was responsible for leading the construction of national defense projects and missile and atomic bomb test bases, and ensured the smooth implementation of major national defense scientific research projects such as the "two bombs and one satellite."

There are more than 1,000 founding generals, who are the two Xiao, three Yang, and four Chen referring to? What rank was awarded in 55?

In fact, in addition to the above-mentioned founding generals "Four Chen", there are many founding generals surnamed Chen, such as the famous Marshal Chen Yi, as well as the world-famous General Chen Geng, the famous uprising general Chen Mingren and the "Military Law General" Chen Qihan.


In the magnificent revolutionary years, these generals stepped forward, and they may have strategized and won a decisive victory; Or take the lead, charge into battle, and make great achievements for the birth of New China. The evaluation of the founding generals is a profound memory of this history and these heroes, and it is also an encouragement and spur for future generations. So the question is, in addition to the more famous founding generals with the same surname listed by the above-mentioned editor, who else do readers know? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.
