
Tianbing Technology: During the test run, the rocket body fell and disintegrated, and the personnel were evacuated in advance, and there were no casualties.

author:Temper tantrum 83

On a sunny afternoon not long ago, the sky in Gongyi City, Henan Province, suddenly crossed an unusual trajectory. It was not an ordinary plane or flying machine, but the Tianlong-3 large liquid launch vehicle that Tianbing Technology was proud of. This test drive, which was originally full of expectations, turned into a thrilling fall in an instant, which thrilled many witnesses and attracted widespread attention inside and outside the technology circle.

Tianbing Technology: During the test run, the rocket body fell and disintegrated, and the personnel were evacuated in advance, and there were no casualties.

On the day of the test, the atmosphere in the comprehensive test center of Gongyi City, Henan Province was tense and excited. The technicians of Tianbing Technology have long been ready and are waiting for the start of the hot test of the Tianlong No. 3 one-stage nine-machine parallel power system. This rocket is not only a proud work independently developed by Tianbing Technology, but also a bright new star in China's aerospace industry. It was originally designed to meet China's growing demand for satellite Internet constellation.

Tianbing Technology: During the test run, the rocket body fell and disintegrated, and the personnel were evacuated in advance, and there were no casualties.

As the countdown ended, the rocket ignited and lifted off as scheduled. At that moment, the roar of the engine was deafening, as if the whole sky was trembling. The flames erupting from the tail of the rocket were like a giant dragon dancing between heaven and earth. However, just after this shocking moment, the unexpected happened.

Tianbing Technology: During the test run, the rocket body fell and disintegrated, and the personnel were evacuated in advance, and there were no casualties.

During the lift-off, the rocket suddenly deviated from its intended trajectory, and billowing black smoke came out of its tail. According to eyewitness accounts, the black smoke grew thicker and thicker, and soon enveloped the entire sky. At the same time, the speed of the rocket slowed down significantly, as if it had lost its forward momentum. Immediately afterwards, the rocket fell in the mountains 1.5 kilometers southwest of the test bench, and with a loud bang, the rocket disintegrated into fragments and scattered all over the place.

Tianbing Technology: During the test run, the rocket body fell and disintegrated, and the personnel were evacuated in advance, and there were no casualties.

This sudden change caught everyone off guard. However, fortunately, because the test site is far away from Gongyi City, and before the test, Tianbing Technology and the local government have jointly improved the safety and security measures and organized the evacuation of surrounding personnel in advance. Thus, although the rocket fell and caused a wildfire, there were no casualties.

Tianbing Technology: During the test run, the rocket body fell and disintegrated, and the personnel were evacuated in advance, and there were no casualties.

What caused this accident? According to the information statement released by Tianbing Technology, it turned out that the structure of the connection between the rocket body and the test bench failed, causing the rocket to break away from the launch pad after liftoff. And the computer on the rocket, after detecting the anomaly, took the initiative to shut down the operation, trying to avoid greater losses. However, because the rocket has lost control, it is still difficult to escape the fate of falling in the end.

Tianbing Technology: During the test run, the rocket body fell and disintegrated, and the personnel were evacuated in advance, and there were no casualties.

Although this test ended in failure, the potential of the Tianlong-3 launch vehicle should not be underestimated. With a diameter of 3.8 meters and a take-off mass of 590 tons, the rocket has a staggering 17 tons in low earth orbit (LEO) and 14 tons in sun-synchronous orbit (SSO). Such performance is enough to make it comparable to SpaceX's Falcon 9.

Tianbing Technology: During the test run, the rocket body fell and disintegrated, and the personnel were evacuated in advance, and there were no casualties.

Nine TH-12 (Tianhuo 12) engines of one sub-stage were ignited at the same time in the test run of the power system of the Tianlong-3 launch vehicle, which was the first power system test run with the largest thrust in the development process of the launch vehicle of the mainland at this stage. Such a design not only demonstrates the innovation ability of Tianbing Technology, but also injects new vitality into China's aerospace industry.

Tianbing Technology: During the test run, the rocket body fell and disintegrated, and the personnel were evacuated in advance, and there were no casualties.

For this accident, Tianbing Technology said that it would complete the failure zeroing as soon as possible and organize the production and testing of new products. They firmly believe that in the near future, Tianlong-3 will definitely be able to take off again and show its true strength.

Although this accident is regrettable, it also shows us the tenacity and perseverance of China's aerospace industry. On the path of exploring the unknown, every failure is a sure way to success. Tianbing Technology and all the people who have worked hard for China's aerospace industry are worthy of our admiration and expectation.

Tianbing Technology: During the test run, the rocket body fell and disintegrated, and the personnel were evacuated in advance, and there were no casualties.

This incident also reminds us that the development of technology is never smooth sailing. On the road of pursuing innovation, we must always be vigilant and cautious, constantly sum up lessons and lessons, and constantly improve our ability and level. Only in this way can we make greater breakthroughs and achievements in the field of science and technology.

Although the test run of the Tianlong-3 large liquid launch vehicle encountered an accident, the potential and strength it showed are still full of expectations. We believe that in the near future, this rocket will be able to take off again and write a new brilliant chapter for China's space industry.

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