
I can't laugh anymore, the little Chinese girl reported the BUG to Musk successfully, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

author:Dana said everything in the world
I can't laugh anymore, the little Chinese girl reported the BUG to Musk successfully, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

Text/Dana said everything in the world

Editor/Wow West Frog Fun Facts


7-year-old Molly found a small bug in Tesla online and boldly asked Musk if he could fix it. Musk replied, Sure! This minor bug will soon disappear in the next upgrade. Is Tesla's inspector going to be replaced by a child?


The video comes from Ask Musk

Technology is changing with each passing day, and Tesla's name is well known, but this time it was poked by a 7-year-old Chinese girl, Molly.

I can't laugh anymore, the little Chinese girl reported the BUG to Musk successfully, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

Not only did she discover Tesla's software bugs, but she also unceremoniously "crusade" directly to Musk, which was really eye-opening.

I can't laugh anymore, the little Chinese girl reported the BUG to Musk successfully, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

Interestingly, instead of arrogantly saying "what do you know", Musk responded with a cheerful response of "Sure!" "It's a scene that's better than a movie. Think about it, a billionaire and a big name in the technology industry was picked by a little girl, it's amazing!

I can't laugh anymore, the little Chinese girl reported the BUG to Musk successfully, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

As soon as the topic was posted on the Internet, the comment area instantly exploded! Tens of thousands of comments poured in

What kind of family background, can actually have a Twitter account

I can't laugh anymore, the little Chinese girl reported the BUG to Musk successfully, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

What platform can I use to show the video to Musk?

I can't laugh anymore, the little Chinese girl reported the BUG to Musk successfully, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

It's Tesla's drawing board function, no matter how long or short it is, even if it's 1 stroke, you can only draw 10 strokes, and after 10 strokes, the first stroke will be eliminated, which is really primitive

I can't laugh anymore, the little Chinese girl reported the BUG to Musk successfully, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

But it doesn't stop there. What we have to ask is, how can a large company like Tesla make it embarrassing for their R&D team to let a child find bugs? Do you have to ask children to check the software testing in the future?

Molly's children's "revelations" actually reveal a common phenomenon: no matter how advanced technology products are, they are inseparable from user feedback. On the road to innovation, enterprises should not forget the user experience, especially those seemingly inconspicuous small problems, often hide big loopholes. Tesla was named by the "little reviewers" this time, and it is estimated that their testing team will have to meet to review.

In addition, it is also a wake-up call for parents. Don't underestimate children's observation and creativity, if they can find a Tesla bug today, they may be able to achieve a big business tomorrow. Cultivating children's curiosity and hands-on ability is more meaningful than instilling a bunch of theories.

Returning to this incident, Musk's response is also worthy of praise. Accepting criticism calmly and quickly addressing it is the attitude that an entrepreneur should have. After all, no one is perfect, but those who are willing to admit their mistakes and correct them are the ones who are truly strong.

The development of science and technology is inseparable from continuous discovery and improvement. With her innocent eyes, Molly saw Tesla's shortcomings and gave us hope for the future. Every child has the potential to be the innovator of tomorrow, and all they need is an environment where they are valued and encouraged.

So finally, I would like to ask: should companies listen more to the voices of users, especially those small feedbacks? What do you think about this?




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