
In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

author:Gardenia blooms 8382

In the history of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Liu Yalou is a well-known name. He is not only a battle-hardened general, but also the founder of the Chinese Air Force. On October 1, in the salute of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Yalou was entrusted with a major mission - to build the People's Air Force. This appointment marks the beginning of the construction of China's air force.

Liu Yalou is well aware of the importance of the air force in modern warfare, and he clearly realizes that a country without an air force is like a country without defense. However, in the face of this difficult task, Liu Yalou was not confident at first. He studied the Army in the Soviet Union and had very limited knowledge of the Air Force. In the face of Chairman Mao's trust and orders, he felt unprecedented pressure. But Liu Yalou did not back down, he accepted this important task, and quickly began the formation of the air force.

In 1958, when Liu Yalou reviewed a report on the construction of the Air Force, he found many typos. This made him very angry. In his opinion, the construction of the Air Force is a serious job, and any slightest negligence can lead to serious consequences. He expressed his strong displeasure at the negligence of the staff and severely criticized this irresponsible work attitude. This incident reflects Liu Yalou's strict requirements for work and also reflects the extreme importance he attaches to the construction of the Air Force.

Liu Yalou's strict requirements are not only reflected in the examination of written materials, but also in every link of the air force construction. He personally participated in the design of the Air Force's organizational structure, personnel training, equipment procurement and other aspects. Under his leadership, the Air Force grew from scratch and grew from small to large, gradually developing into a powerful and modern service.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

Liu Yalou's emphasis on the construction of the Air Force is also reflected in his training of pilots. He is well aware that pilots are the core competitiveness of the Air Force. Therefore, he vigorously promoted the construction of aviation schools and selected outstanding young people to join the Air Force and receive rigorous flight training. He also personally participated in the training of pilots, studying tactics and summing up experience with the pilots.

Under Liu Yalou's leadership, the Chinese Air Force grew rapidly. In just a few years, the Chinese Air Force has a flight team capable of performing a variety of missions. They are not only able to defend the airspace of the motherland, but are also able to support the combat operations of other services when necessary.

Liu Yalou's leadership has laid a solid foundation for the construction of the Chinese Air Force. His strict demands and unremitting efforts have injected a strong impetus into the development of the Chinese Air Force. Under his leadership, the Chinese Air Force has grown from its humble beginnings to glory and has become an important force in safeguarding national security.

In 1958, the construction of the Chinese Air Force was in a critical period, and Liu Yalou, as the first commander of the Air Force, was strict with every detail of the Air Force. In this year, a seemingly insignificant incident profoundly demonstrated his rigorous attitude towards his work. In the process of reviewing materials related to the Air Force, Liu Yalou found many typos. These small mistakes, which may be negligible in the eyes of ordinary people, are intolerable in his opinion.

Liu Yalou's anger is not unfounded, and he is well aware of the importance and urgency of air force construction. The Air Force is an important part of national defense, and any small negligence may lead to defeat on the battlefield and even affect national security. Therefore, he was furious about the typos in the material, which was not only a strict requirement for the quality of work, but also a manifestation of a rigorous attitude towards the construction of the Air Force.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

In Liu Yalou's view, every report and document of the Air Force represents the image of the Air Force and is the embodiment of the Air Force's professionalism and discipline. The presence of typos is undoubtedly a detriment to this image. He demanded that every member of the Air Force have a high sense of responsibility and mission, be meticulous in their work, and tolerate no mistakes.

Liu Yalou's strict requirements soon formed a culture within the Air Force. He often stressed that the building of the Air Force cannot be completed overnight, but requires long-term accumulation and unremitting efforts. What he advocates is a kind of work attitude of excellence, a kind of ultimate pursuit of details. Under his leadership, remarkable results have been achieved in the construction of the air force, and great progress has been made in the training level of pilots, the performance of fighter aircraft, and the innovation of tactics.

Liu Yalou's strict requirements for the construction of the Air Force are also reflected in his selection and training of pilots. He firmly believes that only the best people can fly the most advanced fighters and defend the blue sky of the motherland. Therefore, he is extremely strict in the selection of pilots, requiring them not only to have excellent flying skills, but also to have a firm will and noble qualities. In the training of pilots, he paid attention to the combination of theory and practice, and encouraged pilots to constantly sum up their experience and improve their combat skills in actual combat.

In addition, Liu Yalou also attaches great importance to the scientific research work of the Air Force. He realized that science and technology are an important support for the development of the Air Force, and only by continuously promoting scientific and technological innovation can the Air Force always maintain its leading position. Therefore, he vigorously supported the construction of the Air Force's scientific research institutions and encouraged scientific research personnel to make bold innovations and overcome technical problems. Under his promotion, the Chinese Air Force has made major breakthroughs in the fields of aviation technology, radar technology, and missile technology.

Liu Yalou's strict requirements for the construction of the Air Force have not only improved the overall quality of the Air Force, but also laid a solid foundation for the long-term development of the Air Force. His spirit still has a profound impact on every officer and soldier of the Air Force and inspires them to make unremitting efforts to build a powerful and modern Air Force.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

On October 1, 1949, with the birth of New China, a new era began. In this era, the security and development of the country needs to be supported by a strong national defense force. Among the many branches of the armed forces, the air force has become one of the focal points of national defense construction because of its unique strategic position and combat capability. Liu Yalou, a general who has made many achievements in the army, was entrusted with a major mission - to be responsible for the construction of the Chinese Air Force.

Liu Yalou is well aware of the importance of the air force, and he understands that in modern warfare, mastering air supremacy has a decisive impact on the outcome of a war. However, the Chinese Air Force at that time was almost a blank sheet of paper, there were not enough aircraft, there was no perfect training system, and there was a lack of systematic air force theory and actual combat experience. Faced with such a situation, Liu Yalou felt unprecedented pressure and challenges.

Despite this, Liu Yalou did not back down. He firmly believed that under the leadership of the party and relying on the support of the masses, the Chinese Air Force will certainly be able to grow rapidly. He began to plan the development strategy of the Air Force, starting with personnel training, equipment construction, tactical research, and other aspects to comprehensively promote the building of the Air Force.

Personnel training is the cornerstone of the Air Force's construction. Liu Yalou attaches great importance to the selection and training of pilots, and he personally participates in the selection of pilots and strictly checks to ensure that the best pilots are selected. He also promoted the establishment of several aviation schools to train pilots and aviation technicians. These schools not only teach flying techniques, but also focus on developing students' strategic thinking and tactical skills.

Equipment building is the key to enhancing the combat capability of the Air Force. Liu Yalou actively sought the strong support of the state and introduced a number of advanced aircraft and equipment. At the same time, he also encouraged domestic scientific research institutions and enterprises to independently develop aircraft and related equipment, and strive to improve the level of localization of air force equipment. Under his promotion, the equipment level of the Chinese Air Force has been significantly improved.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

Tactical research is an important way to enhance the combat effectiveness of the Air Force. Liu Yalou knows very well that only by constantly innovating tactics can he gain an advantage in future wars. He organized a group of outstanding military theorists and pilots with rich experience in actual combat to jointly study air combat tactics and air force combat theory. They made an in-depth analysis of the combat experience of the air forces of various countries in the world and, in light of China's actual conditions, put forward a series of innovative tactical concepts and combat methods.

Under Liu Yalou's leadership, the Chinese Air Force has grown from scratch and from small to large, and has gradually developed into a modern service with a certain scale and combat capability. His contribution is not only reflected in the construction and development of the Air Force, but also in the fact that he has injected a spirit into the Air Force -- a spirit of daring to face difficulties and pioneering and innovating. This spirit has become the driving force for the Chinese Air Force to keep advancing.

Liu Yalou's leadership and efforts have laid a solid foundation for the building of the Chinese Air Force. His strict demands and unremitting efforts have injected a strong impetus into the development of the Chinese Air Force. Under his leadership, the Chinese Air Force has grown from its humble beginnings to glory and has become an important force in safeguarding national security.

Liu Yalou, a general who has repeatedly made meritorious contributions in the history of China's revolutionary war, faced a new challenge after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 - building the People's Air Force. Despite the fact that he was an experienced commander in the Army, the Air Force was a completely new field for him. At first, Liu Yalou was not confident that he would be able to take on this heavy responsibility, after all, the construction of the air force involves complex technology, tactics, and completely new military theories.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

However, Chairman Mao's trust and orders gave Liu Yalou great encouragement. Chairman Mao took a fancy to Liu Yalou's military talent and firm revolutionary will, believing that he had the ability to overcome difficulties and successfully form an air force. With the encouragement and support of Chairman Mao, Liu Yalou finally accepted this important task and was determined to contribute his strength to the national defense cause of New China.

After accepting the task of forming the Air Force, Liu Yalou began intense and orderly work. First of all, he conducted an in-depth investigation and study on the development of the air force at home and abroad to understand the development trend of the air force and the experience of air force construction in advanced countries. At the same time, he also realized that the construction of the air force was not achieved overnight, and required long-term planning and sustained efforts.

Liu Yalou's first step in establishing the Air Force was to establish the organizational structure and command system of the Air Force. He is well aware that an efficient and orderly organizational structure is the foundation of the Air Force's construction. Therefore, in light of China's actual situation and with reference to foreign experience, he designed a set of organizational structures for the Air Force suited to China's national conditions, and quickly established a command system for the Air Force.

Next, Liu Yalou focused on talent training. He is well aware that the combat effectiveness of the Air Force comes from high-quality pilots and technicians. To this end, he promoted the establishment of a number of aviation schools to select potential young people for training. In the construction of the aviation school, Liu Yalou paid attention to the combination of theory and practice, and emphasized the cultivation of pilots' flying skills and tactical literacy.

In addition to personnel training, Liu Yalou also attaches great importance to the equipment construction of the Air Force. He clearly understands that advanced equipment is the key to enhancing the combat capability of the Air Force. With the support of the state, Liu Yalou introduced a number of advanced aircraft, radar and other equipment, and began to develop domestic equipment. He also encouraged scientific research personnel to carry out technological innovation and improve the independent research and development capability of the Air Force's equipment.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

In terms of tactical research, Liu Yalou also put a lot of energy into it. He organized a group of experienced pilots and military theorists to jointly study air combat tactics and air force operational theory. They made an in-depth analysis of the combat experience of the air forces of various countries in the world and, in light of China's actual conditions, put forward a series of innovative tactical concepts and combat methods.

Under Liu Yalou's leadership, remarkable progress has been made in the construction of the Air Force. From the establishment of the organizational structure to the cultivation of talents, from equipment construction to tactical research, every link embodies Liu Yalou's hard work and wisdom. Although he was not confident in building the Air Force at first, Liu Yalou successfully promoted the formation and development of the Chinese Air Force with firm belief and unremitting efforts.

After Liu Yalou became commander of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force, he knew very well that the primary task of air force construction was to cultivate talent. He decided to start from the basics, starting with the establishment of the Air Force School, drawing on the experience of the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, and establishing the guiding ideology of "doing everything for the sake of running an aviation school well." He firmly believes that only by training batch after batch of outstanding pilots and aviation technicians can the Chinese Air Force become truly strong.

The establishment of the Air Force School has attracted the attention of aspiring young people from all over the country. Many enthusiastic young people, with the dream of flying to the blue sky, have signed up for the selection of the Air Force Academy. Liu Yalou attaches great importance to the selection work, and he personally participates in the formulation of the selection criteria to ensure the selection of young people with real potential and enthusiasm. The selection criteria of the Air Force School are very strict, requiring not only good physical fitness of cadets, but also firm will and noble qualities.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

Cadets selected for admission to the Air Force School will receive systematic flight training and aviation technical education. Liu Yalou personally participated in the formulation of the syllabus, emphasizing the combination of theory and practice, and paying attention to the cultivation of students' practical ability. During the training, the trainees not only learn flight techniques, but also learn aviation theory, tactical application and other knowledge. In addition, Liu Yalou also placed special emphasis on ideological and political work, and demanded that the cadets establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, and values, and train them to become revolutionary soldiers with ideals, morality, education, and discipline.

The establishment and development of the Air Force School has laid a solid foundation for the training of personnel in the Chinese Air Force. Batch after batch of outstanding pilots and technical personnel have come out of here, and they have become the backbone of the Chinese Air Force. Under Liu Yalou's leadership, the Air Force Academy has not only trained pilots, but also trained aviation engineers, tactical experts, and other professionals, providing strong talent support for the construction and development of the Chinese Air Force.

Liu Yalou's foresight and unremitting efforts have made the Chinese Air Force School a cradle for cultivating air force talents. His contribution is not only reflected in the establishment of the Air Force Academy, but also in the fact that he has set a benchmark for the talent training of the Chinese Air Force and provided valuable experience and inspiration for later air force builders. Under the leadership of Liu Yalou, the Chinese Air Force has grown from scratch and from weak to strong, and has gradually developed into a powerful force capable of effectively defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

At the beginning of his tenure as commander of the Air Force of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Liu Yalou profoundly realized that the key to the building of the Air Force lies in talent. He decided to start from the basics, starting with cultivating talents, and the first task of cultivating talents is to build a school. Drawing on the successful experience of the Anti-Japanese University, he was determined to create an air force school capable of producing excellent pilots and aviation technicians.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

Under the leadership of Liu Yalou, the construction of the Air Force School was quickly put on the agenda. He is well aware that this school should not only teach flying skills, but also develop students' strategic thinking and tactical skills. To this end, he personally participated in the planning and construction of the school, from site selection, design to curriculum setting, every link has been condensed with his hard work.

In the process of building the Air Force Academy, Liu Yalou particularly emphasized the importance of combining theory and practice. He drew on the experience of anti-Japanese universities and made practical teaching an important part of school education. The trainees not only learn theoretical knowledge in the classroom, but also practice and improve in flight training. This teaching mode not only exercises the students' flying skills, but also cultivates their actual combat experience.

In the construction of the teaching team, Liu Yalou also invested a lot of energy. He knows that excellent teachers are the soul of school education. Therefore, he personally selected a group of instructors with rich flying experience and theoretical knowledge, who taught not only flying techniques, but also tactical thinking and strategic vision. Under the leadership of Liu Yalou, the teaching staff of the Air Force School gradually grew and became the backbone of school education.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

In the process of building the school, Liu Yalou received great assistance from the Soviet Union. At that time, China and the Soviet Union were in a golden period of friendship and cooperation, and the Soviet Union gave China tremendous support in terms of aviation technology and experience. The Soviet Union not only provided advanced equipment such as aircraft, engines, and radars, but also sent experts and advisers to China to help China establish an air force school and train pilots.

With the help of the USSR, the construction of the Air Force School progressed rapidly. Liu Yalou personally participated in the site selection, planning and construction of the school to ensure that the school could meet the needs of pilot training. The school is located in an area with excellent geographical location and suitable climatic conditions, which provides good conditions for the training of pilots. The school's infrastructure has also been rapidly promoted, including classrooms, dormitories, canteens, training grounds, etc.

The establishment of the Air Force School not only solves the hardware problem of pilot training, but more importantly, it provides systematic education and training for pilots. Liu Yalou is well aware that the training of pilots is not only technical training, but more importantly, the cultivation of tactical literacy and strategic thinking. Therefore, he pays attention to the combination of theory and practice in the curriculum, including the training of flight technology and the study of tactical theory.

In terms of faculty construction, Liu Yalou has also made great efforts. He selected a group of pilots with rich flying experience and teaching ability from all over the army to serve as instructors in the school. At the same time, he also attaches great importance to the ideological education and political quality of the instructors, ensuring that they can lead by example and set a good example for the students.

The establishment and development of the Air Force School has laid a solid foundation for the training of personnel in the Chinese Air Force. Under the leadership of Liu Yalou, the school has trained a large number of outstanding pilots and aviation technicians, who have become the backbone of the Chinese Air Force. These talents have not only contributed to the development of the Air Force at the technical level, but also provided strong support for the construction and operation of the Air Force at the strategic and tactical levels.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

These young people, with their love for flying and loyalty to the cause of national defense, responded to the call one after another and signed up for the selection of the Air Force Academy. They come from all over the country and come from different backgrounds, but they all have a common dream - to become a member of the People's Air Force, soar above the blue sky of the motherland, and defend this hot land.

The selection criteria of the Air Force School are very strict, requiring not only good physical fitness, but also firm will and noble qualities. General Liu Yalou personally participated in the formulation of the selection criteria to ensure the selection of young people with real potential and enthusiasm. In addition to a basic physical examination and political review, the selection process also includes a psychological aptitude test and a flight skills assessment. These rigorous selection processes ensure that the Air Force Academy can recruit the best cadets.

Cadets selected for admission to the Air Force School will receive systematic flight training and aviation technical education. General Liu Yalou knows very well that air force pilots must not only have superb flying skills, but also have firm political convictions and good military qualities. Therefore, he particularly emphasized the importance of ideological and political work, and demanded that while learning flying skills, the cadets should also profoundly study the party's theory, line, principles, and policies, and train them to become revolutionary soldiers with ideals, morality, education, and discipline.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

In terms of education and training, the Air Force School has adopted a teaching model that combines theory and practice. The trainees should not only learn the theoretical knowledge of flight principles, aviation meteorology, air navigation and other theoretical knowledge in the classroom, but also continue to practice and improve in flight training. This teaching mode not only exercises the students' flying skills, but also cultivates their actual combat experience.

In addition, the Air Force Academy also focuses on developing teamwork and leadership skills among cadets. Through simulated flight missions, tactical drills and other activities, the trainees learned how to cooperate with their comrades and how to make quick decisions in complex situations. The development of these capabilities is critical to their future careers in the Air Force.

The establishment and development of the Air Force School has laid a solid foundation for the training of personnel in the Chinese Air Force. Under the leadership of General Liu Yalou, the school has trained a large number of outstanding pilots and aviation technicians. They have not only contributed to the development of the Air Force at the technical level, but also provided strong support for the construction and operation of the Air Force at the strategic and tactical levels.

Under the training of the Air Force Academy, these aspiring young people have gradually grown into the backbone of the Air Force. Many of them later became senior commanders, flight heroes, and technical experts of the Air Force, and made indelible contributions to the construction and development of the Chinese Air Force. General Liu Yalou's foresight and unremitting efforts have made the Chinese Air Force School a cradle for cultivating air force talents and a solid wing for the take-off of the Chinese Air Force.

During his tenure as commander of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force, General Liu Yalou displayed a distinct leadership style. He manages the Air Force with a strict attitude and demands perfection in every detail. This management style stems from his deep affection for the cause of the Air Force and his high sense of responsibility for national security.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

In the exchange and cooperation with the Soviet Union, General Liu Yalou personally supervised the study of the Russian language to ensure that communication with Soviet experts was barrier-free. He is well aware that language is a bridge of communication, and only by mastering the Russian language can he better learn the advanced aviation technology and management experience of the Soviet Union. Therefore, he not only encouraged the officers and soldiers of the Air Force to learn the Russian language, but also personally participated in teaching, conducting in-depth exchanges with Soviet personnel.

However, General Liu Yalou's sternness and straightforwardness sometimes caused dissatisfaction among some people. In the process of building the Air Force, he adhered to principles, showed no favoritism, and severely dealt with any violation of regulations. Although this style has affected the mood of some people to a certain extent, it has won the respect and trust of more people.

At the critical moment, Chairman Mao affirmed and supported General Liu Yalou's decision-making. Chairman Mao believed that the Air Force is an important strategic force of the country and needs strong leadership to promote its development. He took a fancy to General Liu Yalou's ability and courage and thought that he could take on this important responsibility. Therefore, when General Liu Yalou encountered controversy in the construction of the Air Force, Chairman Mao even said that "let him have the final say", showing his trust in General Liu Yalou's decision-making.

This trust comes not only from General Liu Yalou's personal ability, but also from his contributions to the country and the people. In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, General Liu Yalou commanded the Chinese Air Force to achieve brilliant results, demonstrating the strong strength of the Chinese Air Force. These achievements fully prove General Liu Yalou's leadership ability and strategic vision.

With the support of Chairman Mao, General Liu Yalou pushed forward the construction of the air force more resolutely. He is well aware that the development of the Air Force has a bearing not only on national security, but also on the future of the country. Therefore, he constantly explored and innovated, had the courage to make breakthroughs, and laid a solid foundation for the modernization of the Air Force.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

General Liu Yalou's leadership style and Chairman Mao's support have injected a strong impetus into the development of the Chinese Air Force. Thanks to their joint efforts, the Chinese Air Force has grown from scratch and from weak to strong, and has gradually developed into a powerful force capable of effectively defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity. This strength is not only reflected in the equipment and technology of the Air Force, but also in the morale and combat effectiveness of the officers and men of the Air Force. Under the leadership of General Liu Yalou, it has given solid wings to the take-off of the Chinese Air Force and made indelible contributions to China's national defense cause.

General Liu Yalou is known for being strict in managing the Air Force, and he is well aware that the Air Force, as a highly technical branch of the military, has extremely high requirements for the quality of personnel. Therefore, he is not only strict in his flight skills and tactical training, but also in language communication. At that time, the Soviet Union was an important partner in the construction of the Chinese Air Force, and the Russian language became the key to communication with Soviet specialists. General Liu Yalou personally instructed the study of the Russian language and ensured that the air force personnel could communicate and learn with the Soviet personnel without barriers.

This strict attitude of his is embodied in the all-round requirements for the officers and men of the Air Force. From the selection of pilots to daily training, from theoretical study to actual combat drills, Liu Yalou personally checked and strived to meet the highest standards in every link. He often goes to the training ground to discuss flying skills with the pilots and solve problems encountered during training. In the study of the Russian language, Liu Yalou also took matters into his own hands; he not only asked the officers and men to learn the Russian language, but he also set an example himself, and through continuous study and practice, he quickly mastered the Russian language and was able to communicate directly with Soviet experts.

General Liu Yalou's strict management style, although sometimes stressful, is more motivating and encouraging. His rigor and professionalism have won the respect and trust of the officers and men of the Air Force. In the exchange with Soviet experts, General Liu Yalou showed not only his personal language ability, but also the spirit of the Chinese Air Force's open learning and pursuit of excellence. Through cooperation with the Soviet Union, the Chinese Air Force quickly absorbed advanced aviation technology and management experience, laying a solid foundation for the construction and development of the Air Force.

General Liu Yalou's strict management is also reflected in the shaping of the air force culture. He stressed that the Air Force should have its own spirit and traditions, and cultivate a fighting spirit that dares to face difficulties and meet challenges. What he advocated was a rigorous, pragmatic, and innovative work attitude, which gradually formed a culture in the Air Force and influenced generations of Air Force officers and men.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

Under the leadership of General Liu Yalou, the construction of the Chinese Air Force has achieved remarkable results. From the first few planes to the establishment of a modern air force with a variety of types of aircraft and a variety of combat capabilities, this is inseparable from General Liu Yalou's hard work and strict management. His leadership style and strict requirements for the Air Force provided a strong impetus for the rapid development of the Chinese Air Force and set an example for later Air Force builders.

General Liu Yalou's sternness and straightforwardness are one of the most striking features of his leadership style. In the process of building the Air Force, he always adhered to principles, showed no favoritism, and severely dealt with any violation of regulations. Although this style of work has affected the mood of some people to a certain extent, and even sometimes caused dissatisfaction, it is precisely this unswerving attitude that has ensured the high standards and strict requirements for the construction of the Air Force.

General Liu Yalou's decision-making often requires great courage and determination. In the early days of the Air Force's construction, in the face of all kinds of difficulties and challenges, he dared to break with conventions and put forward innovative ideas and methods. These decisions may be met with different voices and sometimes even questioned during their implementation. However, General Liu Yalou always firmly believed in his own judgment and insisted on his own decision-making.

Fortunately, General Liu Yalou's decision was affirmed and supported by Chairman Mao. As the country's supreme leader, Chairman Mao had far-reaching considerations and a far-sighted vision for national defense construction. He saw the foresight and wisdom of General Liu Yalou's policy decisions, and believed that these policy decisions were in line with the interests of the country and the people and the needs of the development of the Air Force.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

Chairman Mao's support for General Liu Yalou is not only reflected in words of encouragement, but also in action. At critical moments, Chairman Mao will personally come forward to support General Liu Yalou's decisions and ensure that these decisions can be effectively implemented. This kind of support has provided General Liu Yalou with a strong backing, enabling him to promote the construction and development of the Air Force more confidently.

Chairman Mao even said, "Let him have the final say", which fully shows his trust in General Liu Yalou's decision-making. This kind of trust is not only the trust in General Liu Yalou personally, but also the trust in the entire construction of the Air Force. It sends a clear signal: Air force building is an important national strategy and must be given full attention and support.

Chairman Mao's sentence "Let him have the final say" not only reflects his trust in General Liu Yalou's decision-making, but also highly recognizes his leadership ability and strategic vision. In China at that time, the construction and development of the Air Force, as an emerging branch of the military, was full of unknowns and challenges. General Liu Yalou's courage and wisdom in this process won Chairman Mao's full trust.

This trust stems from the professionalism and firm determination shown by General Liu Yalou in many major decisions. At every critical juncture in the construction of the Air Force, he was able to accurately grasp the situation and put forward practical and feasible plans. His decision-making often needs to break through the shackles of traditional thinking, and sometimes even face doubts and resistance from different quarters. But General Liu Yalou was never afraid, he firmly believed in his own judgment, insisted on his own decision-making, and this courage and determination finally won the affirmation of Chairman Mao.

Chairman Mao's remark also reflects the great importance he attaches to the building of the Air Force. Under the international situation at that time, the strategic position of the air force became increasingly prominent, and Chairman Mao was well aware of the importance of building a strong air force for national security. Therefore, he gave General Liu Yalou enough autonomy to make flexible decisions according to the actual situation and promote the rapid development of the Air Force.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

With the support of Chairman Mao, General Liu Yalou pushed forward the work of the Air Force more confidently. He knows very well that the building of the Air Force requires not only advanced equipment and technology, but also a contingent of high-quality personnel. Therefore, he vigorously promoted the construction of the Air Force School and trained batch after batch of outstanding pilots and aviation technicians. He also paid attention to introducing advanced foreign technology to improve the equipment level of the air force, and at the same time, he did not forget to strengthen the strategic research of the air force and enhance the combat capability of the air force.

General Liu Yalou's policy decisions involve all aspects of air force building, from the adjustment of the organizational structure to the innovation of training methods, from the upgrading of equipment to the exploration and practice of tactics, and every decision reflects his strategic vision and forward-looking thinking. In this process, he has always insisted on taking actual combat as the background and improving combat effectiveness as the core, and constantly promoted the development of the Air Force in the direction of modernization and regularization.

Chairman Mao's trust gave General Liu Yalou a bigger stage and a broader space. He lived up to this trust and made great contributions to the construction and development of the Chinese Air Force with his wisdom and efforts. His decisions and actions have laid a solid foundation for the take-off of the Chinese Air Force and set an example for those who come after him.

Under the leadership of General Liu Yalou, the Chinese Air Force has continued to grow and become an important strategic force of the country. His decisions and actions not only won the trust of Chairman Mao, but also won the recognition of history. General Liu Yalou's name will forever be engraved in the glorious history of the Chinese Air Force.

The Korean War was the first large-scale combat test after the establishment of the New China Air Force. In this war, the Chinese Air Force has demonstrated extraordinary courage and combat skills, and its outstanding combat performance has not only won high praise at home, but also won respect and recognition on the international stage.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

At the beginning of the war, the Chinese Air Force faced a significant gap in technology and experience with the US military. Most of the US pilots participated in World War II and have rich combat experience, while most of the pilots of our air force graduated from crash courses in aviation schools, and their flight time is short and their actual combat experience is insufficient. However, even under such unfavorable conditions, the pilots of the Chinese Air Force relied on their tenacious will and superb flying skills to quickly grow up in battle.

On January 21, 1951, the Chinese Air Force damaged a U.S. F-84 bomber in its first engagement with the U.S. military on the Korean battlefield. Then, on January 29, Captain Li Han successfully shot down the first U.S. plane, opening a glorious chapter in the Korean War for the Chinese Air Force. In the ensuing battles, the Chinese Air Force continued to achieve success, including the shooting down of the plane of Davis, the "number one ace" of the United States. The downing of Davis was not only a tactical victory, but also a major psychological blow to the US military at the strategic level.

The rapid growth and actual combat performance of the Chinese Air Force have made the world reevaluate the strength of this emerging air force. U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Vandenberg once said with astonishment: "China has become one of the world's leading air powers almost overnight." 35 This assessment reflects the significant rise in the status of the Chinese Air Force in the international community. The Chinese Air Force has expanded rapidly not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively and tactically. Through its outstanding performance in the Korean War, the Chinese Air Force proved itself capable of an effective confrontation with one of the most powerful air forces in the world.

As the war progressed, the Chinese Air Force continued to accumulate experience in actual combat, and its tactical and command level was also improving day by day. From the initial defensive operations to the later active attacks, the combat scope and influence of the Chinese Air Force have been continuously expanded. In the vicinity of the mouth of the Yalu River into the mouth of the Yellow Sea, the Chinese Air Force and friendly forces have successfully intercepted US planes on many occasions, forming the famous "MiG corridor" and effectively curbing the US military's air superiority.

These achievements of the Chinese Air Force are due to the great importance and investment that the state attaches to the aviation industry, as well as the hard training and heroic combat of the pilots. After the end of the war, the Chinese Air Force continued to grow and develop, constantly introducing advanced technology, improving its training level, and strengthening its strategic capacity. Today, the Chinese Air Force has developed into a modern branch of the armed forces capable of air offensive operations, air defense operations, and airborne airborne forces, and is shouldering the important mission of safeguarding national sovereignty and defending the security of the motherland's territorial airspace.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

The actual combat performance of the Chinese Air Force and the enhancement of its international status are an important milestone in the modernization process of the Chinese armed forces. It not only demonstrated the strength and determination of the Chinese Air Force, but also won honor and respect for the country. With the continuous development and progress of the Chinese Air Force, it will continue to play an important role in safeguarding national security and regional stability, and contribute to world peace and prosperity.

During the Korean War, the outstanding performance of the Chinese Air Force left a strong mark in the world's military history. In this war, the Chinese Air Force not only proved its combat capability, but also made remarkable achievements in the competition with the world's most powerful air force.

In the early days of the war, the Chinese Air Force faced enormous challenges. The U.S. military has a clear advantage in numbers and technology, and most of its pilots are World War II veterans with rich experience. However, the pilots of the Chinese Air Force, although the flight time was short, they grew rapidly in battle with their strong will and brave spirit. Through the baptism of actual combat, they continue to accumulate experience and improve their tactical level.

On January 21, 1951, the Chinese Air Force damaged a U.S. F-84 bomber in its first engagement with the U.S. military on the Korean battlefield. Although this result was not large, it greatly boosted the morale of the Chinese Air Force. Shortly thereafter, on January 29, Captain Li Han successfully shot down the first U.S. plane, marking a substantial victory for the Chinese Air Force in the Korean War.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

The pilots of the Chinese Air Force showed great combat skills and courage in battle. They were not afraid of a strong enemy, dared to fight bayonets in the air, and launched thrilling aerial dogfights with US pilots. In these battles, Chinese Air Force pilots shot down a number of US planes with superb flying skills and extraordinary courage.

One of the most famous results was the shooting down of Davis, the "number one ace" of the US military. Davis is a legendary figure in the US Air Force, and his downing not only caused heavy losses to the US military tactically, but also dealt a heavy blow to the US military psychologically. This victory fully demonstrated the superb skills and tenacious fighting spirit of the Chinese Air Force pilots.

These achievements of the Chinese Air Force quickly spread throughout the world and aroused widespread concern in the international community. Military experts and the media of many countries have spoken highly of the performance of the Chinese Air Force. They believe that the performance of the Chinese Air Force in the Korean War not only proves the combat capability of the Chinese Air Force, but also shows the rapid growth and great potential of the Chinese Air Force.

The outstanding performance of the Chinese Air Force in the Korean War has also laid a solid foundation for the future development of the Chinese Air Force. After the end of the war, the Chinese Air Force continued to develop and grow, constantly introducing advanced technology, improving its training level, and strengthening its strategic capacity. Today, the Chinese Air Force has developed into a modern branch of the armed forces capable of air offensive operations, air defense operations, and airborne airborne forces, and is shouldering the important mission of safeguarding national sovereignty and defending the security of the motherland's territorial airspace.

The performance of the Chinese Air Force in the Korean War is a glorious chapter in China's military history. It not only demonstrated the strength and determination of the Chinese Air Force, but also won honor and respect for the country. With the continuous development and progress of the Chinese Air Force, it will continue to play an important role in safeguarding national security and regional stability, and contribute to world peace and prosperity.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

The rapid growth of the Chinese Air Force and its performance in actual combat, especially in the Korean War, have not only caused great repercussions at home, but also won widespread respect in the international community. During this period, the Chinese Air Force rapidly grew from a fledgling air force to one of the world's air powers, and its development speed and combat effectiveness have attracted the attention of the world.

During the Korean War, the Chinese Air Force faced the most advanced US Air Force in the world at the time, which had a wealth of combat experience and advanced equipment. However, the pilots of the Chinese Air Force braved the strong enemy and bravely faced the battle, and launched a fierce confrontation with the enemy planes in the air. Their heroic performance not only successfully shot down many enemy planes, but also accumulated valuable experience in the war, which is of great significance to the long-term development of the Chinese Air Force.

The growth of the Chinese Air Force did not happen overnight, but through continuous training, actual combat and technological innovation. In the early days of the war, the pilots of the Chinese Air Force underwent rigorous training, and every flight they made in the air was a test of skill and courage. As the war progressed, the Chinese Air Force continued to sum up experience, improve tactics, and increase combat efficiency. In actual combat, they showed superb flying skills and firm will, and won the respect of their opponents.

The rapid growth of the Chinese Air Force has benefited from the country's great attention and investment in aviation. After the Korean War, China further strengthened the building of its air force, introduced advanced aircraft and equipment, established a sound training system, and trained a large number of outstanding pilots and technicians. These measures have greatly enhanced the overall strength and combat capability of the Chinese Air Force.

As China's air force grows, so does its international status. The Chinese Air Force not only plays an important role in regional security affairs, but is also increasingly involved in international affairs, such as UN peacekeeping operations, international rescue and humanitarian assistance. These actions demonstrated the professional capabilities and sense of international responsibility of the Chinese Air Force, and further enhanced the international image of the Chinese Air Force.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

The rapid growth and actual combat performance of the Chinese Air Force have also had a profound impact on international military strategy. Many countries are beginning to reassess China's military capabilities and take into account the Chinese Air Force factor in their military strategy and foreign policy. The development of China's air force is regarded as one of the important symbols of China's comprehensive national strength, and it is also a strong support for China to play a greater role in the international arena.

In short, the rapid growth of the Chinese Air Force and its outstanding performance in actual combat have not only won the respect of the international community, but also established its status as a world air force. With the continuous development and progress of China's Air Force, it will continue to play an important role in safeguarding national security, promoting regional stability, and participating in international affairs, and make greater contributions to world peace and prosperity.

At the last moment of his life, General Liu Yalou was still concerned about the development of the Air Force. He is well aware of the importance of the Air Force to national security, and even when he is sick, he still pays attention to the construction of the Air Force and the training of pilots. General Liu Yalou's professionalism and deep affection for the Air Force have become the precious spiritual wealth he left to those who come after him.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

On May 7, 1965, General Liu Yalou died of illness at the age of 55. His death is a huge loss for the Chinese Air Force and even the entire country. Chairman Mao was deeply saddened when he learned the news of General Liu Yalou's death, and deeply reflected on the death of General Liu Yalou, thinking about whether the pressure on Liu Yalou was too great, causing him to die of overwork.

The death of General Liu Yalou is not only the loss of an outstanding leader of the Chinese Air Force, but also the loss of a loyal guardian of the country. His death touched countless people and strengthened the determination of the officers and men of the Air Force to continue his unfinished business. Although General Liu Yalou is gone, his spirit and contribution will forever inspire the Chinese Air Force to keep moving forward.

General Liu Yalou's life was a life of unremitting struggle for the cause of the Chinese Air Force. From the army to the air force, from the battlefield to the training ground, he has always set strict demands on himself according to the standards of a soldier and guided the construction and development of the air force with the wisdom and mind of a leader. His military talent, strategic vision, and noble qualities have laid a solid foundation for the rapid growth of the Chinese Air Force and the enhancement of its international status.

Although General Liu Yalou passed away, his spirit and legacy have been passed down in the Chinese Air Force. The concepts of strict training, scientific management, and innovative development advocated by him during his lifetime have become valuable experience and operational guidelines for the construction of the Air Force. On the basis of inheriting and carrying forward the spirit of General Liu Yalou, the Chinese Air Force has continuously promoted modernization, enhanced its combat capability, and made important contributions to safeguarding national sovereignty, security, and development interests. General Liu Yalou's name and his contributions to the Chinese Air Force will always be remembered.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

Despite the deterioration of his physical condition, General Liu Yalou still maintained a clear mind and firm determination. He is well aware of the importance of building the Air Force and has far-reaching considerations for the future development of the Air Force. From his hospital bed, he still paid attention to the training and combat readiness of the Air Force, and put forward his own opinions and suggestions on the training and tactical study of pilots. His thoughts and suggestions have had a positive impact on the building and development of the Air Force.

General Liu Yalou's professionalism and strong will have become a precious spiritual wealth that he left to those who came after him. His spirit has inspired the officers and men of the Air Force to rise to the occasion and forge ahead courageously in the face of difficulties and challenges. Under the leadership of General Liu Yalou, the combat effectiveness and cohesion of the air force units have been markedly enhanced, and great progress has been made in the construction and development of the air force.

At the last moment of his life, General Liu Yalou was still concerned about the development of the Air Force, and his feelings and spirit became a good story in the history of the Chinese Air Force. His life was a life of unremitting struggle for the cause of the Chinese Air Force, and his deeds and spirit will forever inspire the Chinese Air Force to continue to advance and make greater contributions to safeguarding national sovereignty, security, and development interests.

General Liu Yalou, as one of the founders of the new Chinese Air Force, his life is closely linked to the development of the Chinese Air Force. When the disease relentlessly invaded his body and the bad news of being diagnosed with liver cancer came, his life had entered the countdown. However, even at the last moment of his life, General Liu Yalou's heart was still with the cause of the Air Force, and his care and thinking never left the blue sky he loved so much.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

Lying on the hospital bed, General Liu Yalou's physical condition deteriorated, but whenever he talked about the affairs of the Air Force, his eyes flashed with an unusual light. He knows very well that the building of the Air Force is not only related to the security of the country, but also the goal and dream of his life. On his sickbed, he still insisted on listening to the Air Force's work report and put forward his own views and suggestions on the Air Force's training, equipment renewal, and tactical research.

General Liu Yalou's deep affection for the Air Force is reflected in his attention to every detail. He often recalls the difficult years of the Air Force's early days, as well as the glorious moments when he and his comrades-in-arms overcame many difficulties and won victory after victory. He was concerned about the growth of a new generation of pilots, the development of Air Force tactics, and the modernization of Air Force equipment. Even at the last moment of his life, he was still concerned about the future of the Air Force, hoping that it would continue to grow and become a strong steel wall for the country.

General Liu Yalou's professionalism and loyalty to the cause of the Air Force have deeply infected and inspired everyone around him. The medical staff, the comrades-in-arms who came to visit, and his family were all touched by his spirit. Although his life is coming to an end, his spirit and legacy are alive and well in people's hearts.

At the bedside of General Liu Yalou's hospital, there are often some materials and photos of the Air Force, which are all testimonies of his life's struggle. He often flipped through these materials, recalled the development process of the Air Force, and thought about the direction of future development. His spiritual world is rich and deep, and even in the last moments of his life, his heart remains with the Air Force and the destiny of his country.

In 58, Liu Yalou said bluntly: I have the final say in the Air Force, Chairman: Then let him have the final say

General Liu Yalou's life is a vivid portrayal of boundless loyalty and love for the country and the cause of the Air Force. His professionalism, strategic vision, and noble character have laid a solid foundation for the construction and development of the Chinese Air Force. His passing is a great loss to the Chinese Air Force, but his spirit and legacy will forever inspire those who come after him to make unremitting efforts to build a more powerful Air Force. General Liu Yalou's name and his contributions to the Chinese Air Force will forever be remembered in the glorious history of the New China Air Force.

On May 7, 1965, General Liu Yalou, the outstanding leader of the Chinese Air Force, died of illness at the age of 55. His death was not only a huge loss for the Chinese Air Force, but also plunged the entire country into deep mourning. Chairman Mao was deeply saddened when he learned the news of General Liu Yalou's death, and at the same time began to reflect on whether he had too much pressure on General Liu Yalou because of his high expectations.

General Liu Yalou served as the commander of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force during his lifetime and shouldered the heavy responsibility of building the new Chinese Air Force. In that special era, the importance of the Air Force to national defense was self-evident, and General Liu Yalou, as the leader of the Air Force, naturally assumed tremendous responsibility and pressure. He worked day and night to continuously promote the construction and development of the Air Force, and made indelible contributions to the modernization of the Chinese Air Force.

Chairman Mao was deeply saddened by the death of General Liu Yalou, and at the same time began to reflect on his own leadership style. He realized that as a leader, he should be more caring and empathetic to his subordinates to avoid putting them under undue pressure at work. Chairman Mao's reflection reflects his cherishing of talents and his sense of responsibility for the cause.

The death of General Liu Yalou has also aroused widespread concern from all walks of life. Many people are beginning to think about how to pay more attention to the physical and mental health of talents while ensuring the quality and efficiency of work. General Liu Yalou's professionalism and loyalty to the cause have become an example for people to learn from, and at the same time, it also reminds everyone to reasonably allocate work and rest and pay attention to their own health.

General Liu Yalou's life was a life of unremitting struggle for the cause of the Chinese Air Force. His death deprived the Chinese Air Force of an outstanding leader and a loyal defender of the country. But his spirit and legacy will forever inspire those who come after him to make unremitting efforts to build a more powerful air force. General Liu Yalou's name and his contributions to the Chinese Air Force will forever be remembered in the glorious history of the New China Air Force.