
China's Aerospace Huangpu Harbin Institute of Technology, why did it win the lunar soil? Netizen: Why don't you see Tsinghua University and Peking University

author:Xiao Ke jumped 957 likes

Recently, a news that "Harbin Institute of Technology monopolized 1.33 grams of lunar soil" instantly detonated the science and technology circle.

China's Aerospace Huangpu Harbin Institute of Technology, why did it win the lunar soil? Netizen: Why don't you see Tsinghua University and Peking University
China's Aerospace Huangpu Harbin Institute of Technology, why did it win the lunar soil? Netizen: Why don't you see Tsinghua University and Peking University

That's right, in this battle for lunar "native products" between Chinese universities, the dark horse Harbin Institute of Technology won the first place with an absolute advantage by virtue of its years of lunar exploration strength, and enjoyed precious lunar soil samples exclusively. On the other hand, Tsinghua University and Peking University were collectively absent from this lunar feast.

China's Aerospace Huangpu Harbin Institute of Technology, why did it win the lunar soil? Netizen: Why don't you see Tsinghua University and Peking University

As soon as this news came out, people couldn't help but be surprised: In the field of lunar exploration, there were still opponents that Qingbei did not dare to understand?

China's Aerospace Huangpu Harbin Institute of Technology, why did it win the lunar soil? Netizen: Why don't you see Tsinghua University and Peking University

In fact, the reason why Harbin Institute of Technology can laugh at the moon exploration circle is not a fluke, but the result of years of hard work.

As a veritable "China's Aerospace Whampoa", Harbin Institute of Technology's achievements in the aerospace field are obvious to all. From the Dongfanghong-1 satellite to the Chang'e lunar exploration, from the Shenzhou spacecraft to the Tianwen-1 ...... Whenever there is a major task in the national aerospace industry, Harbin Institute of Technology will inevitably take the lead and take the lead in the expedition.

China's Aerospace Huangpu Harbin Institute of Technology, why did it win the lunar soil? Netizen: Why don't you see Tsinghua University and Peking University

Especially in terms of lunar exploration, Harbin Institute of Technology is the leader: solving the mystery of lunar soil water ice and revealing the mystery of the formation of lunar rocks...... The scientific research achievements that have attracted the attention of the world all demonstrate the extraordinary strength of this century-old engineering school.

China's Aerospace Huangpu Harbin Institute of Technology, why did it win the lunar soil? Netizen: Why don't you see Tsinghua University and Peking University

In contrast, although Tsinghua University and Peking University are leaders in the field of universities, their presence on the aerospace track seems to be a little "left behind". Although it has also participated in some aerospace projects, it is far from forming the cluster advantage and core competitiveness like Harbin Institute of Technology.

China's Aerospace Huangpu Harbin Institute of Technology, why did it win the lunar soil? Netizen: Why don't you see Tsinghua University and Peking University

Some netizens even ridiculed: Has Qingbei always been obsessed with being the leader of the "academic hegemony", dominating the field of basic disciplines, but falling behind in engineering practice and application research?

China's Aerospace Huangpu Harbin Institute of Technology, why did it win the lunar soil? Netizen: Why don't you see Tsinghua University and Peking University

Qingbei's absence from the moon party reflects some of the limitations of their development path.

It is true that Qingbei has its own merits and has made remarkable achievements in basic research and other fields. However, in the face of major national strategic needs, colleges and universities should bear in mind the "great power of the country", base themselves on the mission, face the problems directly, and demonstrate their own value in serving the national strategy. This is also the success code of Harbin Institute of Technology.

China's Aerospace Huangpu Harbin Institute of Technology, why did it win the lunar soil? Netizen: Why don't you see Tsinghua University and Peking University

In this regard, some scholars pointed out that in today's world, innovation-driven development has become the general trend.

If universities want to become a new force for innovation, they must find their own positioning, find a balance between basic research and application development, and promote scientific and technological achievements "from the laboratory to the factory floor". And this is inseparable from the improvement of top-level design and the precise force of relevant policies.

China's Aerospace Huangpu Harbin Institute of Technology, why did it win the lunar soil? Netizen: Why don't you see Tsinghua University and Peking University

Objectively speaking, the lunar exploration project is just a microcosm. On the journey of building a strong country in science and technology and achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance, it is necessary for first-class universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University to assume more responsibilities, make efforts in more key core technology fields, and explore a set of effective innovation paradigms in basic research, application development, achievement transformation and many other links.

China's Aerospace Huangpu Harbin Institute of Technology, why did it win the lunar soil? Netizen: Why don't you see Tsinghua University and Peking University

At the same time, behind the lunar exploration project is the continuous struggle of Chinese astronauts for decades. This enlightens us that scientific and technological innovation should not only look up to the stars, but also be down-to-earth. Only in this way can Chinese universities have more outstanding representatives like Harbin Institute of Technology, sit on the "cold bench" of basic research, rush fiercely in the "hot battlefield" of application development, and be determined to climb for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with the vision of "prime minister" and the spirit of "foolish prince".

China's Aerospace Huangpu Harbin Institute of Technology, why did it win the lunar soil? Netizen: Why don't you see Tsinghua University and Peking University

Harbin Institute of Technology won the "C position" of lunar soil, which is a proof of strength and a kind of spiritual publicity.

Through this news, we should see the vivid practice of China's higher education competition, as well as the valuable quality of the vast number of scientific research workers who care about the country and make selfless contributions. It is expected that on the road to the construction of an innovative country, more universities that are proud of the Chinese people will emerge and jointly write a brilliant new chapter in the take-off of China's science and technology.

China's Aerospace Huangpu Harbin Institute of Technology, why did it win the lunar soil? Netizen: Why don't you see Tsinghua University and Peking University

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