
At the age of 17, he volunteered to act in a "third-level film", married a wealthy family at the age of 34, and was still favored by God after 19 years without giving birth

author:Love with the wind
Source: All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources and is summarized at the end of the article.

Text/Love with the wind

Edit/Love with the wind

Behind the prosperity of the Hong Kong entertainment industry in the last century, there are countless stars hiding the bitterness and tears. Among them, Wen Bixia, known as the "most beautiful Daji", has become an existence that cannot be ignored with her unique charm and tenacious character.

Her acting career is not smooth sailing, but full of choices and persistence. Unlike other actresses who were forced, she embarked on the road of star at the age of 17 because of her poor family.

Because she is beautiful and voluntarily filmed, she has become a sought-after actress in the eyes of the director for a long time.

At the age of 17, he volunteered to act in a "third-level film", married a wealthy family at the age of 34, and was still favored by God after 19 years without giving birth

01. A poor family that was almost sold at one point

In 1966, Wen Bixia was born in a poor family in Tiu Keng Ling, Hong Kong.

When she was five or six years old, her family was so poor that she could barely make ends meet, and as the youngest child and a girl, she was almost sold by her mother.

Fortunately, the buyer was so sad to see her crying, and he couldn't bear to leave her and the money behind.

At the age of 17, he volunteered to act in a "third-level film", married a wealthy family at the age of 34, and was still favored by God after 19 years without giving birth

This experience left a deep psychological shadow on the young Wen Bixia, and also made her more determined to get rid of poverty and improve her family life.

In middle school, Wen Bixia gradually showed a rebellious side, she skipped class, was keen to dress up, and became a "problem girl" on campus.

02. A rare opportunity to enter the showbiz for the first time

It was this period of rebellion that unexpectedly brought her to a turning point in her life. At the age of 15, she was discovered by talent scouts and entered the entertainment industry, and she was too eager for the opportunity to change her fate.

At the age of 17, he volunteered to act in a "third-level film", married a wealthy family at the age of 34, and was still favored by God after 19 years without giving birth

This decision not only allowed her to achieve financial independence, but also allowed her to start her acting career.

After entering the entertainment industry, Wen Bixia quickly won the love of the audience with her excellent appearance and talent.

Her first film, Pretty Girl, was a success, and the role had many similarities with her real-life age and experience, so he played the role well, and she was nominated for Best New Actor at the Hong Kong Film Awards.

She had a bright future, but in her subsequent acting career, she chose a different path - to play a "star".

At the age of 17, he volunteered to act in a "third-level film", married a wealthy family at the age of 34, and was still favored by God after 19 years without giving birth

This choice was not out of helplessness, but Wen Bixia's attempt to actively seek breakthroughs and transformations. She believes that as an actor, you should have the courage to experiment with different types of roles and performances.

03. There have been several twists and turns in the career

Therefore, she has taken on a number of large-scale film works, including "Can't Stop Love" with Andy Lau.

But the good times didn't last long, because Wen Bixia's roles in this period were far from her previous style, and as the audience's acceptance of "stars" gradually decreased, Wen Bixia's acting career also fell into a trough.

At the age of 17, he volunteered to act in a "third-level film", married a wealthy family at the age of 34, and was still favored by God after 19 years without giving birth

People began to criticize her more, and negative public opinion came to her overwhelmingly, overwhelming her.

So she once again shifted her attention to the TV series.

In 1992, "Fire Rose", in which she played the leading role, was released, and with her carefully honed acting skills, it became popular again and became popular all over the streets.

But at this moment, she made another change and almost annihilated her star career. She took over the filming of "Shocking Change", the scale of this drama is staggering, so Wen Bixia's reputation and reputation plummeted again.

At the age of 17, he volunteered to act in a "third-level film", married a wealthy family at the age of 34, and was still favored by God after 19 years without giving birth

At this time, his father also died, and Wen Bixia, who suffered the double blow of her career and family, couldn't bear it anymore and chose to take a break and go out to relax.

In the process, Wen Bixia met someone who was very important to her - her husband. When the two met in Weiwei, they have been supporting each other and working together.

04. Meet by chance and spend the rest of your life together

When Wen Bixia's career was at a low point, her husband was always by her side, giving her support and encouragement. Their love story has also become a good story in the entertainment industry.

At the age of 17, he volunteered to act in a "third-level film", married a wealthy family at the age of 34, and was still favored by God after 19 years without giving birth

At one resort in Hawaii, sun, sand and waves are a beautiful picture. And in this picture, Wen Bixia and He Zuguang met by chance.

He Zuguang, the son of a wealthy family, fell in love with Wen Bixia at first sight and launched a fierce pursuit.

Wen Bixia has always hesitated, she knows that the status of the two is very different, and she is worried that this relationship will not last long, but He Zuguang's persistence and sincerity finally moved her, even if everyone hesitated about this relationship, the two still came together.

In 2000, Wen Bixia and He Zuguang held a gorgeous wedding in Thailand.

At the age of 17, he volunteered to act in a "third-level film", married a wealthy family at the age of 34, and was still favored by God after 19 years without giving birth

This wedding witnessed the love between the two, and also marked Wen Bixia's official marriage into a wealthy family. The life of a wealthy family did not make her lose herself, but made her more determined in her beliefs and pursuits.

She is not willing to sacrifice her career and dreams for the sake of a wealthy life, she wants to find a balance between family and career.

After marriage, due to the shadow of the family when she was a child and being a perfectionist herself, Wen Bixia made a request that surprised everyone - she was unwilling to have children.

At the age of 17, he volunteered to act in a "third-level film", married a wealthy family at the age of 34, and was still favored by God after 19 years without giving birth

This request is difficult for wealthy families to accept, but He Zuguang did not hesitate to support her decision. He respected her choice, understood her thoughts, and gave her plenty of space and support.

This kind of understanding and support made Wen Bixia more determined in her choice, and also made her cherish this marriage even more. And He Zuguang was not dissatisfied with Wen Bixia of this team, but always loved her wholeheartedly and gave her enough security.

Although Wen Bixia does not have children of her own, she has experienced the taste of maternal love through adoption. In 2010, she adopted a child with He Zuguang, raising and loving him as if he were her own child.

At the age of 17, he volunteered to act in a "third-level film", married a wealthy family at the age of 34, and was still favored by God after 19 years without giving birth

The arrival of this child made Wen Bixia's life more fulfilling and happy, and also made her more aware of the greatness and selflessness of maternal love.

Today, Wen Bixia, who is nearly sixty years old, is still so beautiful, and her figure is not out of shape.

05. Devote yourself to philanthropy and live your life

In addition to running her own acting career, Wen Bixia is also actively involved in charity. She uses her influence to provide help to those in need within her capacity, and has become a well-respected public welfare ambassador in the entertainment industry.

Her acts of kindness not only convey love and positive energy, but also make her life more fulfilling and meaningful.

Wen Bixia's life is full of choices and persistence.

At the age of 17, he volunteered to act in a "third-level film", married a wealthy family at the age of 34, and was still favored by God after 19 years without giving birth

She bravely faced the pressure and doubts of public opinion, and adhered to her beliefs and pursuits; She fearlessly pursues her love and marriage, unrestricted by her status; She firmly chose not to have children and stuck to her lifestyle and values, which made her a unique presence in the entertainment industry.

She will always maintain a clear understanding and will not compromise for the environment around her.

At the age of 17, he volunteered to act in a "third-level film", married a wealthy family at the age of 34, and was still favored by God after 19 years without giving birth

As viewers and fans, we should respect and support Wen Bixia's choices and decisions. Her courage and tenacity are worth learning from.

In life, how rare it is to be able to stay sober, let us praise and bless Wen Bixia's happy life together!

Source: 1. Baidu Encyclopedia
At the age of 17, he volunteered to act in a "third-level film", married a wealthy family at the age of 34, and was still favored by God after 19 years without giving birth
At the age of 17, he volunteered to act in a "third-level film", married a wealthy family at the age of 34, and was still favored by God after 19 years without giving birth