
Family challenges during the Chinese New Year: Dealing with bad behavior of inappropriate relatives is a big test

author:Xiao Liu's view of the world 1

Society is a melting pot of all kinds of people and things. As individuals in society, it is natural for us to behave in accordance with the norms and values of society. But sometimes, our actions are ridiculous.

Family challenges during the Chinese New Year: Dealing with bad behavior of inappropriate relatives is a big test

The family is the cell of society, and the relationship between family members is extremely close. In the family, we learn to love and be loved, to respect and understand. That's why we attach great importance to the relationship between our relatives. But what if there is a deviation in family values?

Family challenges during the Chinese New Year: Dealing with bad behavior of inappropriate relatives is a big test

The Spring Festival, which is supposed to be full of reunion and joy, has left some families in a difficult situation. Rural families, in particular, face a variety of challenges. In addition to the comings and goings between relatives and friends, there are also those who are not so popular in the countryside.

Family challenges during the Chinese New Year: Dealing with bad behavior of inappropriate relatives is a big test

Bad behavior of inappropriate relatives

Some families are well-off, and they will show off their wealth, eat and drink, and even waste food during the Chinese New Year. This is understandable, after all, every family has its own hard work and dedication. But the problem is that they reject those poor households and do not want to be with them.

Family challenges during the Chinese New Year: Dealing with bad behavior of inappropriate relatives is a big test

Kinship and social evaluation

Such behavior not only makes poor households feel embarrassed and helpless, but also brings trouble to other relatives and families. After all, everyone feels something about each other's family members. If the children of a family are diligent and thrifty, and honor their parents, then the family is undoubtedly popular. But if the children of the family only know how to swagger and spend aggressively, then the family is easy to be criticized.

Family challenges during the Chinese New Year: Dealing with bad behavior of inappropriate relatives is a big test

Influences and coping with family relationships

Because of this, some families will face the problem of "picking the uncle and picking the aunt" when it is ugly, and "worrying about it" if it is good. They will try their best to avoid those "bad relatives" from coming, but these "bad relatives" have unspeakable kinship. As a result, during the Spring Festival, these families fell into a "dilemma".

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