
The emergence of silicone face masks has brought certain challenges to social security

author:Xiao Liu's view of the world 1

In recent years, with the continuous development of science and technology, various high-tech products have begun to enter our lives, including silicone face masks. This mask was originally created to meet the needs of the film and television industry for special effects makeup, but in recent years, it has become a new tool for some criminals to commit crimes. Recently, the Shanghai police cracked a case of using silicone face masks to disguise theft, and the occurrence of this case has also attracted the attention of all walks of life to the chaos in the sale and use of silicone face masks.

The emergence of silicone face masks has brought certain challenges to social security

Recently, the Xuhui Branch of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau successfully cracked a case of camouflage theft using silicone face masks. One day in early June this year, a suspect wearing a silicone face mask sneaked into the homes of residents in a small area of Xuhui District, and successfully stole more than 100,000 yuan of property without the residents being prepared.

By accessing the surveillance video of the crime scene, the police quickly locked the identity of the suspect and arrested him recently. It is reported that the suspect's name is Xiao Zhang, 28 years old this year, and the reason why he was able to successfully commit the crime was all due to a silicone face mask.

The emergence of silicone face masks has brought certain challenges to social security

Originally, the silicone face mask was a high-tech product, which could be customized according to the needs of customers to be almost exactly the same as the real person, and even if you look closely, it is difficult to see the flaws in it. In the beginning, this mask was mainly used in the makeup of film and television dramas or stage plays.

The emergence of silicone face masks has brought certain challenges to social security

In this theft case, the reason why the suspect Xiao Zhang was able to be so arrogant was because his mask was made very realistically, and even the victim said that it was hard to believe that he would be stolen by a stranger.

The emergence of silicone face masks has brought certain challenges to social security

It is precisely because the silicone face mask has such a high degree of simulation that once it falls into the hands of criminals, it will bring great hidden dangers to social security. After the police successfully cracked this case, it also sparked a discussion from all walks of life on how to regulate the production, sale and use of silicone face masks.

Relevant departments should also strengthen the supervision of silicone face masks, formulate more detailed laws and regulations, and clearly stipulate which occasions can use silicone face masks, which behaviors are illegal and criminal, and the corresponding punishment measures.

As ordinary citizens, we should also enhance our understanding of silicone face masks, understand the potential risks that its use may bring to society, so as to remain rational in the process of purchase and use, and avoid being used by criminals.

The emergence of silicone face masks has brought certain challenges to social security


The emergence of silicone face masks has brought certain challenges to social security, but as a technological product, it has not caused harm to society, and the key lies in how we can view and use it correctly.

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