
Windfall? Kind aunt staged a real version of "Picking up gold"

author:Red evergreen

In Xuchang, Henan, a sudden "million surprise" befell Aunt Wang, but this simple aunt used practical actions to interpret the old principle of "a gentleman loves money and takes it in the right way", which makes people's hearts warm.

How to be specific, and listen to Sister Hong's story.

"Is a strange call a blessing or a curse?"

On June 29, Aunt Wang received a phone call from Shijiazhuang, the other party called several times, and the moment she connected, the other end of the phone was not a sales pitch, not harassment, but a woman's crying voice for help.

At this time, Aunt Wang muttered in her heart: "What kind of thing is this?" ”

Windfall? Kind aunt staged a real version of "Picking up gold"

"2.26 million! Auntie, did you win the 'jackpot'? ”

Ms. Tian was anxious on the phone, saying that she accidentally transferred the payment of 2.26 million yuan to Aunt Wang's Alipay account. That's not a small amount for most people.

When Aunt Wang heard this, she chuckled in her heart, she usually doesn't even use Alipay much, and this windfall sounds like a fantasy, more like a new trick of fraud.

Windfall? Kind aunt staged a real version of "Picking up gold"

"Would you rather believe it than believe it?"

Although Aunt Wang was suspicious, listening to the other party's anxious crying voice, she still comforted Ms. Tian not to worry, and promised that she would not touch the money.

After all, the matter of "pie in the sky" is not so simple.

She hurriedly took her daughter to the police station, thinking that she would ask the police comrades to help distinguish the real from the fake.

"In the police station, the truth is revealed!"

When they arrived at the police station, when the police heard about it, it was the first time they encountered it. After a detailed investigation and verification, it was confirmed that this was really not a fraud, but a real transfer error. Looking at the bright numbers on the bank flow, Aunt Wang believed it completely this time, and Ms. Tian's hanging heart finally let go of half of it.

Windfall? Kind aunt staged a real version of "Picking up gold"

"A kind act, a heart-warming act!"

After confirming that it was correct, Aunt Wang didn't say a word, but operated on the spot, and transferred 2.26 million back to Ms. Tian one by one.

At that moment, Aunt Wang's smile was warmer than the summer sun, and Ms. Tian was grateful and thanked her repeatedly.

"Netizens are hotly discussed, full of positive energy!"

As soon as this incident went online, netizens blew up and praised one after another: "In these years, there are too few such good people!" ”

"Auntie is not only kind-hearted, but also very sensible, praise one!"

"There is true love in the world, applaud Aunt Wang's high wind and bright festival!"

"Yu people are kind, and virtue spreads thousands of miles!"

Aunt Wang used her actions to teach this impetuous society a lesson.

2.26 million is not a small amount for anyone, but in front of conscience and morality, money seems so small.

In this story, we see the brilliance of humanity and feel the power of integrity, as the old saying goes, "Gold has a price, but a human heart is priceless." ”

In this era of information explosion, Aunt Wang's story is like a clear stream, reminding us that no matter how technology develops, the kindness and honesty of people's hearts will always be the most valuable treasure.

Windfall? Kind aunt staged a real version of "Picking up gold"

Let's pass on this positive energy together and make the world a better place because of every kind choice!

That's all for today's story, thank you for listening.

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