
Mother-in-law's helplessness: home, what is home?

author:Red evergreen


It was late at night, but Aunt Li's tears slipped quietly.

Mother-in-law's helplessness: home, what is home?

Yesterday, the originally warm door of the home has now become a pain in her heart. The son's sentence "Mom, please!" Let's go to a nursing home! Like a needle, it hurt her heart.

Its ins and outs, and listen to Sister Hong's story.

Who understands the old figure?

Aunt Li, an ordinary retired old man, has a pension of 4,000 yuan, which is a good time to enjoy her old age. But she chose to work for her son's family and helped take care of the child for 10 years. But who would have thought that in the past ten years, in exchange for today's "eviction order".

"Mom, grandma was scolded by mom again." The little grandson's words made Aunt Li's heart cut like a knife.

Mother-in-law's helplessness: home, what is home?

In the past two years, the quarrels between her son and daughter-in-law have become more and more frequent, she originally thought it was a trivial matter, but she didn't expect that there was her shadow behind it.

The family changes, who is in charge of the ups and downs?

It turned out that the daughter-in-law had long had the idea of letting Aunt Li go alone.

Two years ago, in the name of investment, they took Aunt Li's savings, and sold the old house for a new car.

Now that he has no money to buy a house, he wants to send her to a nearby nursing home.

But the son couldn't bear it, he knew his mother's hard work, and he also knew his mother's loneliness.

"Mom, I really can't help it." Tears welled up in his son's eyes. How could he not know his mother's dedication? But in the face of pressure from his daughter-in-law, what can he do?

Raising children to prevent old age, or raising children to gnaw old age?

Aunt Li has mixed feelings in her heart. She has given too much for this family, but in exchange for such a result. She remembered those years, when she pulled her son to grow up alone, and worked hard just so that he could have a good future.

Mother-in-law's helplessness: home, what is home?

But now, where is her future?

Where to go, who can figure it out?

Aunt Li didn't want to go to a nursing home, she heard that the elderly there were not happy.

What she wants is the warmth of home and the companionship of family. But now, it seems that this family can't accommodate her.

"Why don't I go live with my niece?"

Mother-in-law's helplessness: home, what is home?

Aunt Li had such a thought in her heart. My niece is in the countryside and is close to her, and maybe it can give her a fresh start.

Netizens are hotly discussed, and people are warm and cold

Aunt Li's story has caused heated discussions online.

Someone sighed: "Pity the hearts of parents all over the world!" Someone angrily reprimanded: "This son and daughter-in-law are too unfilial!" ”

Another person said: "The old man has worked hard all his life, but he ended up like this in his old age, which is really sad." ”

Home and everything is prosperous, why can't you bear to hurt your mother's heart?

Home is a warm harbor and a destination for the soul. But in this home, Aunt Li felt unprecedented cold. She didn't know where her future was, and she didn't know if this home would be able to give her a little warmth.

I hope that every family can cherish each other, and don't let the wind and frost of the years blow away the warmth of home.

I also hope that Aunt Li can find her own happiness and enjoy her old age in peace.


In this noisy world, let us warm those lonely hearts with more love.

Because, everyone deserves to be loved, and every home should have warmth.

Mother-in-law's helplessness: home, what is home?

I hope that Aunt Li's story can arouse more people's reflection and attention, and let us work together to make every home full of love and warmth.

That's all for today's story, thank you for listening.

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