
"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

author:Carp leaps over the dragon gate

[Lei Hong: From a poor boy to a realistic version of Wei Xiaobao, and then to a new life]

Have you ever heard of the real-life version of Wei Xiaobao? He once had 6 beautiful wives and lived an enviable and luxurious life. This seemingly beautiful life fell apart overnight. This man is the once beautiful actor Lei Hong.

Lei Hong's life can be called a legend of ups and downs. From a poor peasant boy to a well-known actor who won the Golden Bell Award, to a polygamous lover, and finally became a debt-ridden person. His experience is like a roller coaster with big ups and downs, which makes people sigh.

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

Just when people thought that Lei Hong had fallen to the bottom of his life, fate gave him another chance to start over. At the age of 71, he married a confidante who was more than 20 years younger and regained hope in life. What kind of adventure was this? What charm can attract such a young and beautiful woman to Lei Hong?

Let's walk into the legendary life of Lei Hong and appreciate this emotional storm that spans half a century.

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

[From a poor boy to a successful actor]

Lei Hong was born into a poor rural family, and the hardships of life accompanied him from an early age. The family was so poor that his father was an honest farmer who supported the family with a pair of rough palms.

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

Destiny is like a master of pranks who like to play tricks on people. When Lei Hong was 6 years old, his sister suddenly fell seriously ill. The family's savings were smashed into the hospital, but in the end, they still failed to save the young life of their sister. This incident cast a shadow on Lei Hong's young mind.

In order to ease the burden on his family, 12-year-old Lei Hong had to drop out of school to work. Imagine a child who is supposed to be happily studying in school, but has to get up early every day and work late to do the work of adults. I am afraid that many people will find it difficult to understand this hardship.

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

However, Rayon was not brought down by life. He is like a tenacious little grass that struggles to grow in difficult environments. At the age of 20, Lei Hong came to the city and worked as a security guard. During the day, he dutifully guards the building, and at night, he sings in the KTV to release his inner enthusiasm.

Lei Hong's desire for acting has never been extinguished. He often squatted next to the film and television crew and learned from his teachers. When I got home, I had to practice my lines and body in front of the mirror repeatedly. This spirit of hard work reminds people of the old saying: One minute on stage, ten years off the stage.

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

Hard work pays off. Lei Hong finally became famous through his own efforts, and at the age of 55, he won Taiwan's prestigious Golden Bell Award. From an unknown little security guard to an excellent actor standing on the podium, Lei Hong used his own experience to interpret the saying that as long as you work hard, your dreams will eventually come true.

[From a successful actor to a realistic version of Wei Xiaobao]

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

After becoming famous, Lei Hong lost himself. Perhaps it was the long-term poverty that made him have an irrepressible desire for money and material things, or it may be that he was carried away by fame and fortune. In short, Rayon began to live a life of extravagance and indulgence.

He began to take concubines and prostitutes, and soon had 6 beautiful wives and concubines. In order to please these wives, Lei Hong spent a huge amount of money to buy a luxury villa and let them live in it. Every month, he also gives 70,000 yuan of pocket money to each wife.

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

What's even more jaw-dropping is that Lei Hong also encourages his wives and concubines to invest and manage their finances. This is simply Guan Gong playing a big knife in front of him, killing himself! Those spoiled beauties don't know how to manage money, and they will only try to squeeze more money out of Lei Hong.

Some netizens once ridiculed: Lei Hong is treating himself as an ATM! Where is this investment and financial management, it is clearly playing with fire and self-immolation.

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

Indeed it is. Lei Hong is like a tree trunk that has been hollowed out by ants, seemingly leafy, but in fact it is full of holes. Those beautiful wives who used to be obedient to him have now become golden eggs waiting to be picked.

[From love saint to debt]

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

Sure enough, disaster soon struck. Because of his greed and confusion, Lei Hong lost all his money overnight, owed a huge debt of up to 60 million, and was on the verge of bankruptcy.

It was a bolt from the blue for Rayhon. The wives and concubines who used to talk sweetly abandoned him when he needed help the most. In the past, the harem was full of flowers, and now only Lei Hong is left standing alone at the crossroads of life.

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

Some netizens commented angrily: These women are simply a bunch of vampires! When Lei Hong was rich, they scrambled to post it up, and now that Lei Hong is bankrupt, they turn their faces and don't recognize people. This kind of snobbish behavior is really disgusting!

Some people also said sympathetically: Lei Hong is also to blame. How is it possible for one person to take care of 6 wives at the same time? Isn't this self-inflicted?

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

In the face of such a blow, Lei Hong once had the idea of committing suicide. But when he did intend to do so, he found that it was not the solution.

【Reborn from the Fire】

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

Just when Lei Hong was in a desperate situation, the god of fate once again reached out to him.

One day, Lei Hong suddenly fainted on the construction site and was taken to the hospital. When he woke up, he found a young nurse standing next to the bed, taking care of him tenderly.

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

This little nurse is only in her early twenties, beautiful and gentle, and her personality is innocent and kind. She took care of Lei Hong meticulously, and melted Lei Hong's cold heart with kindness and warmth.

Slowly, an indescribable affection developed between the two. The little nurse was impressed by Lei Hong's perseverance after the vicissitudes of life, and Lei Hong found the courage to start over in the little nurse.

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

In the end, despite the huge age difference, this cute little nurse still chose to marry the 71-year-old Lei Hong.

Some people questioned this marriage: Isn't this just another woman who covets Rayhon's money?

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

But many more applaud their love: true love knows no age. We are sincerely happy to see Rayon find happiness again.

【Life Impressions】

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

Rayhon's experience has given us profound inspiration:

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

Money and beauty are fleeting, but what can really make people happy is inner wealth and sincere feelings.

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

Don't get carried away by momentary success. Keeping the original intention and cherishing the people around you who are really good to you is the true meaning of life.

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

Even if you fall into a low point in your life, don't give up hope. As long as you have good thoughts, there will always be noble people to help.

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

The story of Lei Hong tells us that there are no hurdles in life that cannot be overcome. Even if you have fallen, as long as you have the courage to face it, you can always get back up.

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

What do you think of Rayhon's experience? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's discuss the true meaning of life together. Don't forget to like and retweet it, so that more people can see this inspirational story!

"6 wives" live together, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per month, and his 20-year-old wife serves him as a father.

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