
I am 34 years old and I am a father of three children, and my wife is working hard outside to take care of the baby at home, giving me 4,000 pocket money every month

author:Light Emotion

### The "sweet" daily life of the father of the third child: my wife makes money and I take care of the family

**Brief introduction**

Hello everyone, my name is Li Hao, I am 34 years old this year, and I am a happy father of three children. In this era when the traditional concept of "male protagonist outside and female protagonist inside" is gradually fading, I chose the life model of "female protagonist outside and male protagonist inside". My wife is working hard while I take care of my three lovely babies at home, and every month, she will give me 4,000 yuan of pocket money for me to spend freely. Today, I would like to share with you my "sweet" routine.

I am 34 years old and I am a father of three children, and my wife is working hard outside to take care of the baby at home, giving me 4,000 pocket money every month


I remember when we first got married, my wife and I both had dreams of working hard in the big city. However, with the arrival of the children, we had to replan our lives. Considering the education and growth of my children, my wife resolutely decided to continue to struggle in the workplace, while I chose to return to the family and become a full-time dad.

In the beginning, I did get a little uncomfortable. Every day, I often feel overwhelmed by the crying, mischievous and mischievous of the three little ones. However, as time went on, I gradually found the joy and sense of accomplishment of having a baby. Watching my children grow up healthily under my care every day makes me feel extremely happy and satisfied.

My daily life is full. In the morning, I prepare breakfast for the children and then take them to school. After I came back, I started to do chores such as housekeeping, laundry, cooking, etc. I feel tired at times, but when I see the innocent smiles of the children and the grateful eyes of my wife, I feel that everything is worth it.

Of course, as a father of three children, I also have my own little troubles. For example, the issue of children's education makes me feel stressed. I want to make sure that they have a good education, that they develop their interests and morals. To this end, I often consult various educational materials, attend parent-teacher conferences, and communicate with teachers. It takes a lot of time and effort, but when I see the progress my children make in their academics and hobbies, I feel that it is all worth it.

I am 34 years old and I am a father of three children, and my wife is working hard outside to take care of the baby at home, giving me 4,000 pocket money every month

In addition to educating my children, I also have to deal with some household chores. For example, home appliance maintenance, utility bill payment, shopping, and so on. These seemingly trivial things also take a certain amount of time and energy to deal with. However, it was these trivial things that made me realize the importance of family more deeply. I realized that as a member of the family, I had to take on my own responsibilities and obligations to contribute to the happiness of the family.

In the process, I gradually discovered my own changes. I have become more attentive, patient and responsible. I started to pay more attention to my family's needs and feelings, and I didn't focus only on my work and career as much as I used to. I also began to cherish my relationship with my wife even more. Although we have different divisions of labor, our hearts are always closely connected. We support and encourage each other to work together for the happiness of our families.

I am 34 years old and I am a father of three children, and my wife is working hard outside to take care of the baby at home, giving me 4,000 pocket money every month

Of course, as a full-time dad, I also have my own little luck. Every month, my wife will give me 4,000 yuan of pocket money so that I can spend it freely. It's not a lot of money, but it's enough for me. I can buy something I like or go out to dinner with friends, watch a movie, etc. These little treats make me feel better and more fulfilled in life.


In this fast-paced society, many people are working hard to make a living. But I think family is our most important support and support. Only when the family is happy, our life will be more beautiful and fulfilling. So, no matter what lifestyle you choose, don't forget to cherish and love your home and family. Let's work together to contribute to the happiness of our families!

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