
What is the attitude of Mongolians towards the Chinese? Netizen: The quality and concept of Outer Mongolia are embarrassing!

author:Xiaowen said a joke

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Today's Xiaowen saw a hot topic on a certain topic: What is the attitude of Mongolians towards Chinese?

In our world, relationships between nations are as complex and delicate as those between neighbours. When it comes to the relationship between China and Mongolia, many people are curious: what is the attitude of Mongolians towards the Chinese?


What is the attitude of Mongolians towards the Chinese? Netizen: The quality and concept of Outer Mongolia are embarrassing!








What is the attitude of Mongolians towards the Chinese? Netizen: The quality and concept of Outer Mongolia are embarrassing!

‬大星星代表中国,小的代表太平洋、大西洋、印度洋、北冰洋。 It symbolizes the prestige of the country in the four seas, and the saintly virtue in the eight wildernesses.

‬四个星星分别代表 东胜神洲、西牛贺洲、南赡部洲和北俱芦洲。

‬大星星是中国共产党,四颗小星星代表工人、农民、知识分子和民族资产阶级,红色代表革命。 It means that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the whole Chinese people, regardless of nationality or class, are united and the revolution is moving forward

‬我从越裔美国人那里听到的版本是:大星星代表中国,四个小星星代表朝鲜日本越南老挝,红色代表tg要带领黄种人反抗西方殖民者。 As an American, this buddy's geography is too good, but as a Vietnamese, this buddy's level of common sense is simply too American.



What is the attitude of Mongolians towards the Chinese? Netizen: The quality and concept of Outer Mongolia are embarrassing!

‬国内蒙族支援他们, 铁改余都去过, 爱的很虔诚。 Inner Mongolia also paid for them to eat in China, live in China, study in China, and learn Mongolian culture

‬这种苦寒流放囚徒之地,值得在知乎每天讨论吗? I don't know which one started the problem out loud.


‬也没啥可倾销的,就低价收资源就行了,让他们挖矿就行了。 The price is set by himself, after all, he can't ship it anywhere else. Freight charges him high.



What is the attitude of Mongolians towards the Chinese? Netizen: The quality and concept of Outer Mongolia are embarrassing!

‬都是什么年代的,谁还去收复他们的地,新世纪玩的是资源控制,文化同化,经济殖民,免签政策,这些一套组合拳生下来又不用负责他们的养老和医疗,又不用负责他们的治安安全,还是以前的玩法吗? It's too low.







‬即便蒙古全民公投要求加入中国,中国还不一定同意。 In a poor and lazy place, the labor and capital have not yet completed poverty alleviation in the western part of the country, and they will take on such a mess like you, and they will worsen the international situation and increase military spending, and they are willing to ask for it.

We can see that the attitude of Mongolians towards the Chinese is friendly and positive. This attitude stems from the deep historical ties between the two countries, modern exchanges, people-to-people exchanges, and a beautiful vision of common development. As a member of the middle-aged group, we should also pay more attention to the development of relations between China and Mongolia and contribute to the friendship and cooperation between the two peoples.

In this regard, what is your attitude towards the Mongolian people towards the Chinese? 您‬对‬蒙古‬人‬有何‬看法‬? Welcome all friends to leave a comment in the comment area, don't forget to like and follow!

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