
Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift, what is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

author:Grandpa Niu said something

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Wei Dongyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, is known as "Wei Shen" for his outstanding achievements in the field of mathematics. Recently, Wei Shen wore a new white T-shirt and a mask from his cousin and stepped into the gate of the Palace Museum.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift, what is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

Wei Shen was in the treasure hall of the Forbidden City, engrossed in admiring a white jade forest treasure. Wei Shen's gaze was firmly locked on this treasure, and his eyes revealed his love and dedication to art. He carefully observes every detail of the jade, as if in a profound dialogue with history. At this moment, Wei Shen is no longer the genius who dominates the field of mathematics, but an explorer full of awe of art. His dedication and dedication have impressed the tourists around him.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift, what is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

Wei Shen walked under the walls of the Forbidden City, he walked forward bareheaded, striding forward. The sun shone on his body, outlining his upright figure. His steps are firm and powerful, full of confidence and calmness. At this moment, Wei Shen seemed to be one with this ancient city wall, and his figure looked particularly tall against the backdrop of the city wall. From his back, we seem to see his firm belief and indomitable spirit on the road of mathematical research. His self-confidence and calmness not only come from his academic achievements, but also from his love of life and recognition of himself.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift, what is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

Wei Shen passed through the Zhaode Gate. His figure seemed a little small in the doorway, but his spirit was incomparably taller. He looked relaxed, with a tall figure and a straight neck. This shot seems to be a symbol, symbolizing the scene of Wei Shen stepping out of history and stepping into modern life. With respect for history and anticipation for the future, he walked forward firmly. In this moment, we feel the inner world of Wei Shen, who is not only a scholar with full respect for traditional culture, but also a pioneer of the times who actively embraces modern life.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift, what is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

In addition to these wonderful moments in the Forbidden City, there are some little secrets in Wei Shen's life. Wei Shen liked his little nephew very much, and in order to express his love, he gave his little nephew an environmentally friendly cloth bag as a gift. This bag has the logo of Peking University on it, and the fabric is thick and very strong. This small gift not only carries Wei Shen's care for his little nephew, but also reflects his support for environmental protection and his love for Peking University.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift, what is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

When it comes to Wei Shen's physical condition, it may surprise many people. Although Wei Shen has read books for more than 20 years, he is not short-sighted. In fact, Wei Shen is short-sighted, but the prescription is not very deep, so he does not often wear glasses. This also allows us to see Wei Shen's good habits in study and life, he knows how to protect his eyes, so that he can better devote himself to study and research.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift, what is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

Regarding Wei Shen's height, there are also some rumors on the Internet. Some netizens said that Wei Shen is 1.85 meters tall, but his cousin revealed that his real height is 1.82 meters. Although this is only a small detail, it gives us a better understanding of the true side of Wei Shen. He is not just an academic genius, but also an ordinary person of flesh and blood.

The cousin also said that Wei Shen is actually a big boy and needs to be taken care of. She promised to visit him more often in the future. This sentence makes us feel the warmth of the Wei Shen family and the power of family affection. On the road to pursue his academic dreams, the support and love of his family is his most solid backing.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift, what is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

Wei Shen's story has attracted widespread attention and discussion online. Netizens have expressed their admiration and love for him. Some netizens said that they wanted to go to Beijing, to blow the wind blown by Wei Shen, and the road they had walked. Some netizens said that Wei Shen is very cute, as Tolstoy said: "People are not cute because they are beautiful, but they are beautiful because they are cute." "Wei Shen's charm lies not only in his academic achievements, but also in his personality and love of life.

Wei Shen's influence is not limited to the academic field, and his spirit has penetrated into all corners of society. His focus, his persistence, and his love have all become the beacons on our way forward.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift, what is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

On the road to pursuing our dreams, we often encounter various difficulties and setbacks. Sometimes, we feel lost, doubt our abilities, and even want to give up. However, when we look at the story of Wei Shen, we will find that success is not out of reach. As long as we are like Wei Shen, we maintain our love for life and our dedication to our dreams, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and realize our own value.

The wisdom and efforts of Wei Shen also make us understand that the power of knowledge is infinite. He used his knowledge to make great contributions to the development of the field of mathematics. At the same time, he also made us realize that learning is a lifelong process. We should constantly enrich ourselves and improve our abilities to adapt to the development and changes of society.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift, what is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

We should follow the example of God Wei and draw strength from Him. In our work, we must strive to be focused and conscientious, and constantly improve our professional level. In life, we must maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, love life, and cherish the people and things around us. Only in this way can we, like Wei Shen, shine in our own field and contribute our strength to the progress of society.

Let us work together, inspired by the spirit of Weishen, work hard and pursue excellence. I believe that with our joint efforts, our society will be filled with more positive energy, and our country will be more prosperous. Our future will be like a brilliant and colorful picture, slowly unfolding in our hands. And the spirit of Wei Shen will always inspire us, let us continue to move forward on the road of life, and create our own brilliance.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift, what is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

Let us once again pay tribute to God Wei for the revelation and strength he has brought to us. May we all become people like Wei Shen, write our own wonderful lives with wisdom and hard work, and make the world a better place because of our existence. Let us move forward towards the future with dreams and hopes, because under the example of Wei Shen, we firmly believe that anything is possible!

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift, what is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

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