
He saw through Song Jiang and lied that he went back to his hometown to visit his mother, but he never returned, and became the person with the best ending in the Water Margin

author:Dexterous orange 6s

There is such a wise man in "Water Margin", he does not appear much, but he has made great achievements at critical moments. Song Jiang was full of praise for him and hoped that he could stay in Liangshan to give advice. However, this wise man seems to have seen a lot through it, but he has never debunked it. He always had his own opinion on whether to stay in Yangsan. When Song Jiang led the heroes of Liangshan to accept the imperial court's recruitment, many generals were killed in the battle against Fangla. However, he chose to retreat bravely from the rapids and left Liangshan early. Who is this person? Why did he make such a choice? And how did he end? Let's unravel this mystery together and explore the saga of this wise man.

Gongsun Sheng, a mysterious character in "Water Margin", has a unique background and origin. He was born in Taoism, and since he was a child, he practiced in Taoist temples and devoted himself to the study of Taoism. It is rumored that his master was a famous Taoist master at that time, who had traveled all over the world and recruited disciples. Gongsun Sheng was gifted and intelligent, and soon stood out among many disciples and became the most proud successor of the master.

In Taoism, Gongsun Sheng not only studied Taoism, but also extensively dabbled in the doctrines of Confucianism and Buddhism, forming a unique ideological system. He is proficient in Qimen Dunjia, Five Elements Bagua, and is even better at spells. It is said that with a piece of paper charm, he made an ancient temple that was about to collapse as stable as Mount Tai, which amazed everyone.

It is with these amazing Taoist techniques that Gongsun Sheng gradually became famous in the rivers and lakes. He often traveled far and wide, casting spells to help the people solve their problems. On one occasion, he passed through an arid village where the villagers struggled to cultivate without water. Seeing this, Gongsun Sheng immediately cast the Dao method and summoned a timely rain to solve the urgent needs of the villagers. Since then, the title of "Cloud Dragon" has spread all over the country.

However, Gongsun Sheng was not satisfied with just being famous. He traveled far and wide and witnessed first-hand the corruption of the imperial court and the suffering of the common people. This gave him the idea to change the status quo. He began to think about how to use his ability to help more people and how to realize the ideal of "helping the world and the people".

At this moment, Gongsun Sheng heard about Liang Shanbo's deeds. The behavior of the heroes of Liangshan to rob the rich and help the poor and do the right thing for heaven coincides with his ideals. After careful consideration, Gongsun Sheng decided to go to Yangsan, hoping to find like-minded partners to realize his ambitions together.

After Gongsun Sheng came to Liangshan, he quickly won the respect of everyone with his wisdom and Taoism. He became seven brothers with Wu Yong, Zhiduoxing Gongsun Sheng and others, and became important members of Liangshan. In Yangshan, Gongsun Sheng not only used Taoism to help Liangshan win many battles, but also spread his ideas to other heroes, which had a profound impact on the development of Liangshan.

He saw through Song Jiang and lied that he went back to his hometown to visit his mother, but he never returned, and became the person with the best ending in the Water Margin

However, as time passed, Gongsun Sheng gradually discovered that Liangshan's current situation seemed to be somewhat different from his original ideals. Especially when Song Jiang went up the mountain, the atmosphere of Liangshan underwent a subtle change. This made Gongsun Sheng start to think about whether he should continue to stay in Liangshan.

In an important battle, the heroes of Liangshan encountered a powerful opponent, Gao Lian. Gao Lian is also proficient in spells, and the people of Liangshan can't deal with it. At the critical moment, Song Jiang sent someone to invite back Gongsun Sheng, who had already left. Gongsun Sheng used the Taoist method and finally defeated Gao Lian and won the victory for Liangshan.

This battle not only showed Gongsun Sheng's strength, but also made his position in Liangshan more stable. However, Gongsun Sheng was not complacent because of this. On the contrary, he observed the changes in Liangshan more calmly and thought about his future path.

Gongsun Sheng's background and origin, as well as his original intention of joining Liangshan, provide important clues for us to understand the subsequent behavior of this character. His Taoist background, the title of "Yunyunlong", and his pursuit of ideals all became key factors influencing his actions in Liangshan. These experiences shaped Gongsun Sheng's unique personality and way of thinking, and also laid the groundwork for his major decisions in the future.

As a Taoist priest, Gongsun Sheng has always maintained the habit of calm observation. His observation of Song Jiang can be described as insightful, especially in the changes before and after Song Jiang Shangliangshan, Gongsun Sheng has unique insights.

Before Song Jiang went to Liangshan, he was already a small official in Yuncheng County, and he acted chivalrous and righteous in the name of "timely rain". Gongsun Sheng had heard about Song Jiang's deeds many times and had a good impression of him. However, when Song Jiang actually came to Liangshan, Gongsun Sheng found that Song Jiang's behavior had changed subtly from before.

The most obvious change is Song Jiang's words and deeds. In the past, Song Jiang acted in a low-key manner, just silently helping people in need. But after going up the mountain, he began to preach the concept of "doing the right thing for heaven". Gongsun Sheng noticed that Song Jiang emphasized this point many times in the Juyi Hall, as if he was looking for justification for his actions.

This change aroused Gongsun Sheng's alarm. As a person who is a person who is a person of the fine channel method, he knows the truth of "the avenue is invisible, and the sound is loud". True righteous deeds do not need to be deliberately promoted, and Song Jiang's actions are the opposite.

What made Gongsun Sheng even more uneasy was that soon after Song Jiang went up the mountain, he changed the Juyi Hall to the Zhongyi Hall. This move may seem insignificant, but it means a lot in Gongsun Sheng's eyes. "Juyi" emphasizes brotherhood, while "loyalty" implies allegiance to an object. Gongsun Sheng couldn't help but wonder if Song Jiang's so-called "loyalty" was loyalty to the Liangshan brothers or loyalty to the imperial court?

He saw through Song Jiang and lied that he went back to his hometown to visit his mother, but he never returned, and became the person with the best ending in the Water Margin

As time passed, Gongsun Sheng's observation of Song Jiang became more and more in-depth. He found that Song Jiang often showed an ambivalent attitude when dealing with Liangshan affairs. On the one hand, Song Jiang cared for the Liangshan brothers and thought about them everywhere; On the other hand, he often reveals his yearning for the imperial court.

Once, the heroes of Liangshan talked about the future at a banquet, and someone proposed to dominate the world. Song Jiang's face suddenly changed, and he reprimanded sternly: "We are just doing the right thing for heaven, how dare we have such a rebellious heart?" These words made everyone present stunned, only Gongsun Sheng was thoughtful.

Gongsun Sheng also noticed that whenever news about the imperial court came, Song Jiang always showed special attention. Whether it was a change in the policy of the imperial court or a personnel adjustment of officials, Song Jiang would carefully inquire about the details. This attitude is in stark contrast to other Liangshan heroes.

What made Gongsun Sheng even more uneasy was Song Jiang's attitude towards the court officials. Although Liang Shan took it as his responsibility to rob the rich and help the poor, Song Jiang was unusually polite when dealing with certain officials. Once, the heroes of Liangshan caught a corrupt official, and everyone advocated severe punishment. But Song Jiang easily let him go on the grounds that "this person may be recommended for us in the future".

This series of observations made Gongsun Sheng doubt Song Jiang's true intentions. He began to think, is Song Jiangkou's "doing the right thing for heaven" just a pretense? Is his real purpose to attract the attention of the imperial court and finally gain Zhao'an?

Gongsun Sheng's observations and thoughts gave him his own judgment on the future of Liangshan. He foresaw that under Song Jiang's leadership, Liangshan would eventually be on the path to Zhao'an. This judgment is very different from the ideal he had when he first joined Liangshan.

However, Gongsun Sheng did not make these ideas public. As a wise man, he knows the truth that "if you say too much, you will lose". He chose to observe silently and wait for the right moment.

Gongsun Sheng's unique observation of Song Jiang not only reflected his insight, but also laid the groundwork for his future decisions. He saw Song Jiang's apparent benevolence and inner contradictions, and also foresaw Liangshan's possible ending. This kind of deep insight is the reason why Gongsun Sheng was able to make the right choice at a critical moment.

Gongsun Sheng's position in Liangshan can be described as unique. As a Taoist priest, his contributions are not limited to the battlefield, but also reflected in the resourcefulness and spirituality. Compared with Wu Yong, another thinker in Liangshan, Gongsun Sheng's wisdom is more profound and long-term.

He saw through Song Jiang and lied that he went back to his hometown to visit his mother, but he never returned, and became the person with the best ending in the Water Margin

In terms of resourcefulness, Gongsun Sheng is often able to put forward unique opinions. Once, Liang Shan encountered a tricky enemy, who was a strong martial artist and repeatedly repelled Liang Shan's heroes. When everyone was discussing countermeasures, Wu Yong proposed a plan for a strong attack. However, Gongsun Sheng suggested adopting the strategy of "overcoming rigidity with softness". He proposed to send someone to pretend to surrender, secretly probe the enemy's reality, and then wait for an opportunity to move. This strategy was ultimately successful, not only defeating the enemy, but also avoiding unnecessary casualties.

Gongsun Sheng's wisdom is not only reflected in tactics, but also in his grasp of the overall situation. When Liang Shan faced internal contradictions, Gongsun Sheng was often able to look at the problem from a higher perspective. Once, several heroes had a dispute over the uneven distribution of the spoils, and they were about to fight. Gongsun Sheng stood up at this time, not to judge who was right and who was wrong, but to remind everyone of Liangshan's original intention. He said: "We gathered in Liangshan in order to do the right thing for heaven and help the poor. If you hurt the harmony for the sake of petty profits, wouldn't you have lived up to your original oath? These words not only calmed the dispute, but also brought everyone back together.

In the battle against Gao Lian, Gongsun Sheng's role is even more crucial. Gao Lian is not only strong in martial arts, but also proficient in demon arts, and the heroes of Liangshan are helpless against him. At the critical moment, Song Jiang sent someone to invite back Gongsun Sheng, who had already left. Gongsun Sheng didn't say a word and immediately rushed back to Liangshan. He fought with Gao Lian and performed various mysterious Taoist techniques. The two of you come and go, fighting in the dark. In the end, Gongsun Sheng finally defeated Gao Lian with his superb Taoist skills and extraordinary wisdom. This battle not only saved Liangshan's crisis, but also made Gongsun Sheng's position in Liangshan more stable.

In addition to resourcefulness and Taoism, Gongsun Sheng's unique Taoist ideas also had a profound impact on Liangshan. He often taught the Taoist philosophy of life to the heroes of Liangshan, such as "goodness is like water" and "rule by doing nothing". These ideas imperceptibly influenced Liang Shan's decision-making and actions. For example, when dealing with the enemy who surrendered, Gongsun Sheng put forward the idea of "convincing people with virtue", believing that the other party should be given a chance to mend his ways. This treatment not only won the gratitude of the enemy, but also earned Yangsan a good reputation.

Gongsun Sheng's relationship with other heroes is also quite special. Although he was not a good drinker and did not like to make noise, he was deeply respected by everyone. Lin Chong once commented: "Although Mr. Gongsun is not good at martial arts, his words and deeds are mysterious, and he is really the treasure of my Liangshan." Wu Song also said: "Talking with Mr. Gongsun is like drinking a sweet spring, which is refreshing." Even Li Kui, who is unruly on weekdays, is in awe of Gongsun Sheng.

Once, Li Kui made trouble after getting drunk, and he didn't listen to anyone's advice. Gongsun Sheng rushed over when he heard the news, just whispered a few words, and Li Kui obediently quieted down. Someone asked Li Kui why he listened to Gongsun Sheng's words so much, and Li Kui replied honestly: "Mr. Gongsun speaks, like an immortal in the sky is talking, how dare I not listen?" "

Gongsun Sheng's contribution and status in Liangshan are not only reflected in his wisdom and Taoism, but also in his influence on Liangshan's spiritual outlook. His existence has made Liangshan not only a powerful cottage, but also a group with ideas and ideals. It is this influence that has allowed Liangshan to win more respect and support in the rivers and lakes.

However, as time passed, Gongsun Sheng also became more and more aware of Liangshan's limitations. He saw Song Jiang's ambition and foresaw Liangshan's possible ending. This insight allowed him to make choices that were different from others at critical moments.

Gongsun Sheng's decision to leave Liangshan caused quite a stir at the time. As an important member of Liangshan, his departure not only surprised many heroes, but also caused a lot of speculation. However, the real reason for Gongsun Sheng's departure is little known.

He saw through Song Jiang and lied that he went back to his hometown to visit his mother, but he never returned, and became the person with the best ending in the Water Margin

On the surface, Gongsun Sheng left Liangshan because he wanted to travel all over the world and visit famous mountains and rivers. Before leaving, he said to Song Jiang: "Poor Dao has lived in Liangshan for a long time, and I feel quite difficult in my heart. If you want to travel the world, visit all the famous mountains, in order to improve the Tao. This may seem reasonable, but it obscures a deeper reason.

In fact, Gongsun Sheng's decision to leave Liangshan was closely related to his foresight of Liangshan's future. As a person with strong insight, Gongsun Sheng had already seen the fate of Liangshan. He foresaw that under Song Jiang's leadership, Liangshan would eventually go down the road to Zhao'an. This was a far cry from the ideals he had when he first joined Yangsan.

When Gongsun Sheng joined Liangshan, he held the concept of "doing the right thing for heaven". He hoped that through the platform of Liangshan, he would realize the ideal of helping the poor and helping the needy and supporting justice. However, as time went on, he found that Liang Shan's behavior was more and more deviated from his original intention. Especially after the Song River ascended the mountain, the nature of Liangshan began to undergo subtle changes.

Once, Liangshan attacked a small county town. According to the previous practice, Liangshan would punish corrupt officials and save the people. But this time, Song Jiang ordered the whole city to be looted, even the ordinary people were not spared. Gongsun Sheng raised objections at the time, but Song Jiang prevaricated on the grounds of "urgency of military needs". This incident made Gongsun Sheng deeply disappointed.

What made Gongsun Sheng even more vigilant was that Song Jiang began to have frequent contact with court officials. Once, a degraded official passed by near Yangsan. Song Jiang not only did not punish this corrupt official who had oppressed the people, but instead set up a banquet to entertain him and give him heavy gifts. Gongsun Sheng asked Song Jiang at that time: "This person has a bad record, why should I be so hospitable?" Song Jiang said with a smile: "Although this person has lost power, there is still a foundation in the DPRK and China." In the future, you may be able to say a few kind words for us. These words made Gongsun Sheng realize that Song Jiang had begun to pave the way for Zhao'an.

In addition to this, Gongsun Sheng also noticed changes within Liangshan. At first, the heroes of Liangshan worked with one heart and one mind to fight for their ideals. But as time went on, internal contradictions began to emerge. Some clash over turf, while others quarrel over the unequal distribution of spoils. These actions are far from the chivalrous spirit in Gongsun Sheng's heart.

Once, several heroes fought over a sum of stolen money. Gongsun Sheng wanted to persuade him, but found that no one was willing to listen to him. At this time, he suddenly realized that his influence in Liangshan was gradually weakening.

What made Gongsun Sheng even more unsettling was that he found that some of his suggestions were beginning to be ignored. In the past, whether it was fighting or dealing with internal affairs, Song Jiang would consult him. But recently, Song Jiang has begun to rely more on Wu Yong's schemes. Gongsun Sheng realized that this might be because Wu Yong's suggestion was more in line with Song Jiang's mind.

In an important battle, Gongsun Sheng came up with a sound plan. But Song Jiang adopted Wu Yong's risky plan. The result, although victorious, was accompanied by heavy casualties. This incident made Gongsun Sheng realize that his values had diverged from the direction of Liangshan's development.

He saw through Song Jiang and lied that he went back to his hometown to visit his mother, but he never returned, and became the person with the best ending in the Water Margin

It was this series of events and observations that made Gongsun Sheng make the decision to leave Liangshan. He saw the future of Liangshan and realized that he was powerless to change the trend. Instead of staying and watching Liangshan deviate from his original intention, it is better to leave and find a new way to realize his ideals.

Gongsun Sheng's departure was a silent protest against Liangshan's future. Instead of publicly expressing his displeasure, he chose to leave silently. This kind of behavior not only reflects his wisdom, but also shows his helplessness.

On the day he left, Gongsun Sheng did not alarm anyone. He just left a letter briefly explaining the reason for his departure. The letter said: "The poor road is not to avoid disaster, nor to fear difficulties. Just because the Tao is different, they don't conspire with each other. I hope that all the heroes, don't forget your original intention. These few short sentences revealed the real reason for his departure.

After Gongsun Sheng left Liangshan, his whereabouts became a major mystery in the rivers and lakes. Some people say that he lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests and devoted himself to cultivation; Some people say that he travels all over the world and acts chivalrous and righteous. However, according to the news that circulated one after another, Gongsun Sheng's experience after leaving Liangshan can be described as ups and downs and full of legends.

According to legend, Gongsun Sheng first went to Zhongnan Mountain after leaving Liangshan. Zhongnan Mountain has been a Taoist holy place since ancient times, and Gongsun Sheng's trip was intended to visit the masters and further improve his Taoism. During his stay at Zhongnan Mountain, Gongsun Sheng met a Taoist priest named Xuan Qingzi. Xuan Qingzi saw that Gongsun Shengdao was profound, so he accepted him as an apprentice and taught him many mystical spells.

On one occasion, a village near Jungnan Mountain was hit by a severe drought. Seeing that the crops were about to die, the villagers fell into despair. Gongsun Sheng rushed to hear the news and performed the "rain prayer method" taught by Xuan Qingzi. I saw that he had words in his mouth and pinched the trick in his hand, and after a while, the sky was covered with dark clouds and heavy rain poured down. This timely rain not only saved the crops, but also spread the reputation of Gongsun Sheng in the local area.

After practicing in Zhongnan Mountain for a period of time, Gongsun Sheng decided to go down the mountain and walk the rivers and lakes. He believes that the true Tao should be used to help the world and save people, not to hide in the mountains and cultivate themselves. So, Gongsun Sheng began his wandering career.

In the process of traveling, Gongsun Sheng encountered many injustices. Once, he came to a place called Bluestone. There is a bully landlord here, who often oppresses the people with the support of the government. Gongsun Sheng couldn't see it and decided to help. Instead of directly confronting the bullies, he used stratagems to make the bullies show their true colors. On the night of the full moon, Gongsun Sheng cast a spell to make the bully's actions appear in the sky in the form of a phantom and be seen by the people of the town. This move not only exposed the bullie's crimes, but also led to an investigation by the state capital, which eventually brought the bully to justice.

Although Gongsun Sheng's whereabouts are erratic, his deeds are widely spread among the people. Some say he rescued a lost caravan in the desert of the Western Regions; It is also said that he quelled a plague in the water town south of the Yangtze River. Although these legends are difficult to verify, they all reflect the original intention of Gongsun Sheng to save people.

He saw through Song Jiang and lied that he went back to his hometown to visit his mother, but he never returned, and became the person with the best ending in the Water Margin

It is worth mentioning that after Gongsun Sheng left Liangshan, he did not completely cut off contact with his past life. It is said that he once secretly helped some Liangshan heroes who were in distress. Once, Li Kui was seriously injured in a fight and was on the verge of death. Just when everyone was helpless, a masked Taoist priest appeared and saved Li Kui with a miraculous drug. Although the Taoist priest quickly disappeared, everyone speculated that it might be Gongsun Sheng.

Gongsun Sheng's whereabouts not only affected the rivers and lakes, but also the imperial court. It is rumored that Han Qi, the prime minister at the time, once secretly summoned Gongsun Sheng and asked him about how to govern the country. The advice given by Gongsun Sheng is said to have had a significant impact on some of the later policies. Although this rumor cannot be confirmed, it also reflects from the side that Gongsun Sheng's influence has gone beyond the scope of rivers and lakes.

Among the people, the image of Gongsun Sheng was gradually deified. Some people say that he can call the wind and rain, and some people say that he can predict the future. There are even rumors that Gongsun Sheng has become an immortal, and only occasionally incarnates as a mortal and walks in the world. Although these legends cannot be trusted, they also reflect the people's admiration and expectation for Gongsun Sheng.

Gongsun Sheng's whereabouts after leaving Liangshan are full of legends, but they also leave many questions. Why did he choose to walk alone instead of gathering together like other good guys? Is he really disappointed in Yangsan's future? These questions remain a historical mystery to this day.

However, it is undeniable that Gongsun Sheng's behavior after leaving Liangshan shows a life choice that is different from other Liangshan heroes. He did not choose Zhao'an, nor did he continue to live a life of fighting and killing, but chose a unique path. Although the road is full of unknowns and dangers, it is closer to the ideal he had when he first joined Yangshan.

The story of Gongsun Sheng is not only a personal legend, but also a microcosm of that turbulent era. It reflects the contradictions of the society at that time, and also reflects the choices and responsibilities of intellectuals in troubled times. Although Gongsun Sheng's whereabouts are elusive, the impact he left behind is far-reaching.

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