
He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

author:Recreation Room Twelve
He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31
All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources of information and is detailed at the end of the article
He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

On the TV screens everywhere in our lives, there are some faces that we may not be able to name, but they must sound familiar to you, right? Gao Bo, is such a low-key celebrity, he has worked in obscurity on the big stage of CCTV for many years. When it comes to the title of "CCTV First Brother", the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is those big-name hosts who can take away the hearts of the audience. However, behind these glamorous and glamorous, there are actually many people like Gao Bo who pay silently and shine brightly.

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

Mr. Gao, who is known as the "invisible brother of CCTV", has not so high exposure in the eyes of the public. Despite the fierce competition and the star-studded colleagues, he has been in the industry for 22 years with his dedication and hard work. Along the way, his hard work and wonderful performance in front of the stage have been recorded by time.

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

Born in the prairie of Inner Mongolia in 1979, his family conditions are not the kind of wealthy family that makes people envious, jealous and hateful. He has changed from an ordinary young man to such a respected host, how many hardships and challenges he has experienced in the process, which has also shaped his unique personality charm and professional quality.

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

Although there was no professional artistic atmosphere in his living environment when he was a child, this did not dispel his love for the broadcasting and hosting career; On the contrary, under the guidance of his family, especially his father, he has been practicing his eloquence in various social situations since he was a child, slowly cultivating excellent speaking skills, and finally turning this talent into the motivation to realize his dreams.

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

A top student in the Department of Broadcasting and Hosting of Communication University of China, his excellent academic performance made him dare to challenge himself, and he has repeatedly appeared on the stage of CCTV, and he has been honored. Behind the glory is his countless days and nights of hard work, as well as his deep passion for this profession.

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

In those bright nights, Gao Bo is like a star in the sky, illuminating his own corner. In 1995, Gao Bo was successfully admitted to Baotou No. 1 Middle School with excellent results, which opened a new chapter in his life. During that time, his dream of broadcasting and hosting gradually sprouted and grew.

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

In adolescence, life is like a wordless book, which needs to be experienced through thinking and feeling. At an age of ideals and enthusiasm, he began to be not satisfied with the knowledge in the textbook, but paid more attention to the teacher's teaching style, the expression skills of the TV host, and even began to imagine that he would one day be able to stand on the stage to express his views and convey emotions.

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

A dream is like a seed, and only in the right environment can it bloom into a beautiful flower. Fortunately, Gao Bo's parents were very supportive and understanding of him, so not long after the start of his freshman year, he put his dream into practice - that is, he received an admission letter from the Department of Broadcasting and Hosting of Communication University of China.

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

Campus life is like a fertile land, nourishing everyone with dreams. In his freshman year, he used his spare time to participate in a part-time job at CCTV, although the competition at that time was not as fierce as it is now, but it was undoubtedly a huge challenge for him who had just stepped into the society. A young man who is so precocious and far-sighted to lay a solid foundation for his future is sure to be fruitful in his life's journey.

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

It is not only a place of academic knowledge, but also a stage for practice, allowing him to hone his skills while learning, and at the same time show extraordinary talent, so that he can prepare for his future career path while in school, record the traces of his next victory, and earn himself valuable social experience and professional recognition.

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

With the passage of time, Gao Bo gradually shined on the stage of CCTV. After winning many awards in competitions such as "Challenge the Host", he made a name for himself in front of the media and audiences from all walks of life. The arrival of the graduation season in 2002 did not bring him too many opportunities to be confused and wandering, and he successfully entered the CCTV financial channel with a solid professional foundation and rich practical experience, and served as a location host in the program "Tourism Wind Vane".

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

The calm and humorous hosting style made Gao Bo quickly recognized by the audience in his post. Three years of hard work and unremitting pursuit have allowed him to obtain more job opportunities. His growth is inseparable from a serious attitude to his work and consistent professionalism.

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

2005 was an important year for him, from a location host to a talk show host, and there was one more familiar face on the stage of "Tonight" - that is Gao Bo. As soon as the program was broadcast, it achieved good results, and achieved the 9th place in the national TV program in the same period, which also marked that the audience's understanding of him has reached a new height.

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

After that, the door to a broader stage was completely opened for him - whether it was serving as a judge across borders, or participating in the process of selecting a new host of "Happy Dictionary", or even dealing with big-name stars from all over the country, all of which added a strong touch to his career, and made more and more people begin to pay attention to this hard-working, unknown young man.

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

On the road of hosting, Gao Bo has experienced a lot of ups and downs. 2013 was really a special year for him, he succeeded Li Yong and became the new host of CCTV's classic program "Very 6+1". This is not only a rare opportunity, but also a new challenge - in the face of such a long-established program that the audience loves, and a popular former host, Gao Bo has to withstand the expectant and critical eyes of countless audiences.

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

Although the pressure is great, he is not alone on this road, and the audience slowly discovers that this "Xiao Li Yong" actually has his own unique charm and talent. He is humorous and funny, and can also analyze cultural phenomena in simple terms, popularize common sense of life, and every time he tries to shape his own hosting style.

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

With his deep involvement in the show and the continuous tempering of his role, he gradually entered the public's attention, and in terms of personal life, he also gained a lot - experiencing the ups and downs of being a parent with his beloved. At this time, the support of his family is particularly important, and it has also become a solid backing for his career.

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

Whether it's at events big or small, or in the live broadcast room, you can always see those who are working hard with the microphone. They convey joy or deep emotion with vivid expressions and affectionate tones. Such a way of life and work attitude allow them to accumulate wisdom and the power to grow in the baptism of years.

No matter how times change, they always adhere to their professionalism and have a firm pursuit of their dreams. In the past 22 years, they have not only accumulated rich experience in variety show production, but also improved their stage performance ability. Looking back at the past days now, all the dedication and hard work have become the precious wealth of their sticking to their posts.

He is the host of CCTV's "most low-key", dedicating 22 years to his work, and marrying his first love before becoming a father at the age of 31

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