
Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

author:China's new school of cold geese
Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

It is said that Dongfang Selection was "rumored and slandered", Yu Minhong immediately issued a warning but ❗️ the landscape of Guizhou was "broken", who will be responsible?

Just when the Dongfang self-selected anchor described the mountains and rivers of Guizhou as "broken mountains and rivers", the incident was in an uproar, Dongfang self-selected and Yu Minhong suddenly issued a statement!

Dongfang Selection said that the company has never asked the government for publicity fees, and insists on not charging so-called pit fees to any enterprises and businesses. However, there have been many organized rumors and smears on the Internet recently, saying that "Dongfang Selection requires and collects pit fees and publicity fees", which touches the bottom line of Dongfang Selection.

Netizens asked rhetorically: Is this trying to divert everyone's attention?

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

In the statement, Dongfang Selection said that the company will report to the police as soon as possible to resolutely defend the legitimate rights and interests of Dongfang Selection by attempting to slander, slander and concoct rumors to slander Dongfang Selection through malicious slander, slander and rumors.

Yu Minhong also reposted the statement on his personal Douyin account, with the caption "We accept criticism, but do not accept rumors and slander."

Netizens have said that Yu Minhong does not accept "rumors and slander", can you accept "broken mountains and rivers"?

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

Some netizens sarcastically chose Dongfang "It is a fact that the mountains and rivers are broken, and it is also a fact that there are big spiders in the hotel, and it is also a fact that Guizhou Cultural Tourism deleted so the video of a certain selection [cover face] [cover face] The Internet has memory, no one has smeared it for no reason, it is all on the news, it is either an apology letter or an apology video, hey.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

Hu Xijin "lost his principles" again, and netizens were angry!

Hu Xijin responded: "This matter is really not big, the anchor of Dongfang Selection uses this metaphor, geographically, I believe everyone can fully understand what this word corresponds to!" ”

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

Hu Xijin, the wall-riding faction, has started his fake mercy performance again! Its tirade and painstaking interpretation are nothing more than an unprincipled self-performance!

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

Hu Xijin, open your eyes and see what netizens think of this matter?

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

However, on the "Suzhou incident," Hu Xijin had a completely different attitude and made a 180-degree turn. He even posted three articles in succession, saying: "Everyone should stand up and condemn the perpetrator of the murder, and let the Japanese see our attitude." ”

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

Yu Minhong, Hu Xijin, if you read Du Fu's "Spring Hope" again, you will know the taste of "broken mountains and rivers"!

The country is broken by mountains and rivers, and the city is deep in spring grass and trees,
When I feel the tears, I hate the birds,

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, but the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin, what are you anxious about?!


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