
The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

author:Ōkami Monk Bun

Text|Editor: Flowers bloom and become rich


The current school violence is really worrying, those young children.

He was even more ruthless than an adult, and he had no scruples at all.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

On June 30, a heart-wrenching incident occurred in Jingbian County, Yulin, Shaanxi Province: a girl who was only 14 years old.

In the underground garage of his own community, he was bullied and insulted by four peers in turn.

That video made people panic, I can't imagine how sad the girl's parents would be when they saw it.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

When will the bullying between children have a head?

A vicious incident in the underground garage where a 14-year-old girl was bullied

What happened on June 30 is heart-wrenching.

A 14-year-old girl.

In the underground garage of his community, he was surrounded by four companions and was bullied.

As soon as this incident went online, the video went viral.

Seeing that people's hearts were tight, they were distressed.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

In the video, two girls slap the girl in a red plaid shirt one by one.

He kept swearing and swearing.

The girl who was beaten didn't resist the whole time, that helpless.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

You can feel it through the screen.

The surrounding spectators were not happy, and they all thought that these children had to take responsibility for their actions.

After the police intervened in the investigation.

The truth is embarrassing: the oldest of these violent children is only 16 years old, and two are only 13 years old.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

At such a young age, he is so ruthless.

One can't help but wonder, how could they have such violence?

This makes people reflect on the violent tendencies of these children.

Where are the roots? Is it the lack of schooling, or is it the lack of family education? Society, school, family.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

We all have to think carefully about how such a tragedy can not be repeated.


Insiders broke the news

Speaking of which, it was just a little friction that day.

Liu Mouquan and the four of them had a few words with Liu Mouqing, but as a result, they were stunned and made a big fuss.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

The most unpleasant thing is that there are still people in it who have bad ideas.

Let the person next to you shoot a video, now it's good, it's on the Internet as soon as you shoot it, and the people of the whole country know about it.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

In the Internet age, information is faster than a rocket.

This matter immediately became a hot topic of everyone's attention.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

We'll have to figure it out, these half-grown kids.

How can you make such a ruthless move?

Is it because the family is not taught enough, or is the atmosphere outside biased?

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

No matter what you say.

This reminds us that children's education and growth environment are very problematic.

Fortunately, the police uncles in Jingbian moved quickly and had already called the children for questioning.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

The matter is still under investigation.

Everyone is looking at it with a hard eye, hoping for a fair result.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

Give an explanation to the bullied child, and also tell everyone that violence cannot solve the problem, and the law does not matter how old you are, you have to take responsibility for making mistakes.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

The underage perpetrator has drawn outrage from the population

The incident at the south gate of the South Garden made the surrounding residents very angry, and everyone witnessed the scene of the children beating people.

I call out how today's children are so bold and unrelenting.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

Residents generally feel that these children do not look too young, and should be old enough to take responsibility for their actions.


The police report came as a surprise to everyone.

It turned out that among the four hands-on children.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

The eldest was only 16 years old, and the two boys were only 13 years old.

As soon as this age comes out, it is really infuriating and sighing.

Such a small baby.

Fighting people is so ruthless, people have to wonder, where did they learn this violent behavior?

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

Is it the lack of family education, or the influence of the Internet and social environment?

Netizens angrily denounced school violence

Many netizens couldn't stand it after watching the video.

The description said that the girl had been slapped hundreds of times in a row, and her face was swollen like a red persimmon;

Her nose was bleeding, and she was not allowed to block it, and that scene, like the underworld in the movie, made people's hearts burn.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

Some people were puzzled and asked why the girl didn't fight back.

But informed netizens explained.

The opponent is numerous, about a dozen, and resistance may only be exchanged for a more ruthless fight.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

What's even more chilling is that it was the perpetrators who shot the video.

Not only did they commit violence, but they also dared to record and post them on the Internet, which was extremely arrogant.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

Some netizens shared that when they picked up their children, they saw two boys bullying one.

It was useless for a few adults to stop drinking, lamenting that today's children are really bold, as if no one can control it.

During the discussion, it was mentioned that it was probably because they knew that they were minors.

The girl was bullied by 4 people in the underground garage Follow-up: Summoned by the police, she was a minor, and the insider spoke out

The legal punishment is limited, and these children are so unscrupulous.

Netizens unanimously called for severe punishment for these perpetrators.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to resolve the people's anger, after all, they are so arrogant at such a young age, and they will have to grow up.