
Japanese scholars will publish the true materials of the Japanese invasion of China and return the truth to history

author:Half-point 不由人


When it comes to history, many people may have in their minds the image of an old scholar wearing thick glasses and holding a quill in his hand. This seems to tell us that history is heavy and unshakable. However, there is a group of people who use their own hands to cut through the fog of history and show us a more real past. This time, it was the Japanese scholar Seiya Matsuno and Fuji Publishing Co., Ltd., who decided to publish a collection of materials on the Japanese invasion of China - "Materials on the Relationship of the Army Noborito Research Institute".

Japanese scholars will publish the true materials of the Japanese invasion of China and return the truth to history

The book not only records the heinous crimes of the Japanese army invading China, but also restores that unknown history. I am reminded of a philosopher who once said, "He who forgets the past is doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past." So, what exactly is Matsuno's efforts for? Yes, we can't help but ask, what is the point of revealing the truth of history?

Japanese scholars will publish the true materials of the Japanese invasion of China and return the truth to history


"Five years to sharpen a sword", this sentence is appropriate for Matsuno Seiya. Back five years ago, when the Japanese scholar decided to collect and sort out the real information of the Japanese invasion of China, he embarked on a thorny road. Japan's "Army Noborito Research Institute Relationship Materials" is not just a collection of numbers and dates, it is also a microcosm of an era and a painful memory of history.

Japanese scholars will publish the true materials of the Japanese invasion of China and return the truth to history

Imagine that one day you flip through these materials and feel as if you have traveled back in time to that war-torn era. The turning of each page is not only the sound of paper, but also the echo of history. What is recorded in those materials is ironclad evidence of the economic sabotage and special operations carried out by the invading Japanese army against China, and it is a true portrayal of ordinary people who are struggling to survive in the shadow of war.

Japanese scholars will publish the true materials of the Japanese invasion of China and return the truth to history

The publication of these materials is like opening a door that has been sealed for a long time, allowing the sun to shine into the darkest corners. However, the exposure of these truths is not to allow hatred to continue to spread, but to make more people understand the value of peace. Sometimes, humorously, we are like a group of "historical detectives", deciphering the past and looking for future revelations.

Japanese scholars will publish the true materials of the Japanese invasion of China and return the truth to history

【Sublimation at the end】

This is the "Truth Challenge" that Matsuno has done, a seemingly simple task that is full of challenges and controversy. His actions tell us that history is not cold words and pictures, but flesh-and-blood stories, lessons worthy of our respect and reflection.

Japanese scholars will publish the true materials of the Japanese invasion of China and return the truth to history

I believe that many readers will have a new understanding of the word "history" after reading this article. We are no longer just passive recipients, but can be active participants in our own power, influencing and changing the world. As the old saying goes, "the predecessors planted trees, and the later generations enjoyed the shade", everything we do now is for the future "shade".

Japanese scholars will publish the true materials of the Japanese invasion of China and return the truth to history

In the end, letting the truth come to light is not to provoke disputes, but to let us remember history together, cherish peace, and create a better tomorrow. This is not only a respect for history, but also a responsibility for the future. Let us accept and understand these historical truths with an open heart, and then move forward hand in hand to create a better future.

Japanese scholars will publish the true materials of the Japanese invasion of China and return the truth to history

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