
Party discipline study and education | Communists "cannot fail to enforce stricter discipline than ordinary civilians"

author:The rule of law wild goose pagoda
Party discipline study and education | Communists "cannot fail to enforce stricter discipline than ordinary civilians"

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The party must manage the party in order to manage the party well; Only by administering the party strictly can the party be well governed. ”

I don't know if you've heard the story of Huang Kegong and Liu Ligong.

Party discipline study and education | Communists "cannot fail to enforce stricter discipline than ordinary civilians"

One or two Communist Party members who seriously undermined discipline

Huang Kegong, a native of Nankang, Jiangxi, participated in the revolution when he was a teenager and experienced the Jinggangshan struggle and the Long March.

After arriving in northern Shaanxi, Huang Kegong met Liu Qian, a female student in northern Shaanxi, and the two developed a romantic relationship.

However, in the later relationship, Liu Qian found that the two were very different in terms of experience and personality, so she told Huang Kegong that she wanted to end this relationship.

On the evening of October 5, 1937, Huang Kegong asked Liu Qian to go to the beach by the Yan River to have a dialogue, during which he coerced Liu Qian to marry her, but Liu Qian sternly refused. Huang Kegong was so angry that he took out a pistol and shot Liu Qian, taking the girl's life.

After the Huang Kegong case, public opinion was boiling, and people formed two opinions on what kind of punishment Huang Kegong should be imposed.

Most people believe that Huang Kegong, as a Communist Party member and Red Army cadre, went so far as to kill revolutionary comrades in order to achieve his personal goals, violated the criminal law of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region, and undermined the iron discipline of the revolutionary ranks, and should be sentenced to capital punishment to set an example.

There are also a small number of people who believe that it is the time to resist Japan and employ people, and although Huang Kegong's crimes are unforgivable, he is a veteran Red Army cadre who has participated in the revolution for many years, and he himself is brave and good at fighting, and has repeatedly made meritorious contributions to the revolution.

After Huang Kegong himself was arrested and pleaded guilty, he imagined that the party and the government of the border region would open up to him and reduce his punishment because of his old qualifications and great merits. So he wrote to the High Court of the Border District and Mao Zedong, asking for "forgiveness for my crime for a while and spare my life, so that I can do my last bit of loyalty to the party in the future", saying that he would rather hold a gun and die on the way to the charge than die on the court field.

What are the results of Huang Kegong? Let's press the table first, and then talk about Liu Ligong.

Liu Ligong was an intellectual who traveled to Yan'an from the Kuomintang and joined the Chinese Communist Party in 1938. After Liu Ligong came to Yan'an, he first studied at the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, and after graduation, he attended a training class at the Central Party School, where he specialized in party building courses. During his studies, Liu Ligong's performance did not meet the requirements and had many shortcomings. Based on his performance in the course of study, the Party organization appraised him as follows: "He is very arrogant and arrogant, and there are many views that a Communist Party member should not have." ”

After Liu Ligong graduated, the party organization decided to send him to work in the anti-Japanese base areas in North China to receive grassroots training in a difficult environment, considering that he was a new party member with no work experience.

Liu Ligong was very dissatisfied with the party organization's decision. He proposed to the organization that he would go to work at the Marxist-Leninist Institute in Yan'an, otherwise he would be sent back to his hometown to work. He also claimed that if he did not agree to his demands, he would quit the party.

In the face of Liu Ligong's erroneous behavior of disobeying the organizational arrangement, the party organization considered that he was a new party member, and in order to educate and help him, they talked to him seven times, and Chen Yun also did his ideological work in his busy schedule, hoping to make him realize his lost path and obey the organizational arrangement.

However, Liu Ligong was obsessed and could not persist in grassroots work. The party organization conscientiously studied Liu Ligong's request and held that it was unacceptable. Because Yan'an Marxist-Leninist College is a specialized school for the party to train theoretical cadres, people like Liu Ligong are not suitable to work there. But if he is sent back to his hometown to work, it will only satisfy his family values, not only will it not help the local work, but it will also be harmful to his career. Therefore, the party organization seriously rejected Liu Ligong's request.

Seeing that the requirements were not met, Liu Ligong put forward new conditions. He said that if he must be allowed to go to North China, he would have to go to the upper organs and work at the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army. The party organization warned Liu Ligong: It is an organizational decision that the party sends you to North China to do grassroots work, and you must obey it. If you insist on disobeying the assignment, the party organization will punish you or even expel you from the party. However, Liu Ligong still refused to carry out the party's decision.

So in the end, did the party organization meet Liu Ligong's requirements?

Party discipline study and education | Communists "cannot fail to enforce stricter discipline than ordinary civilians"

2. Mao Zedong's "Letter to Lei Jingtian" and Chen Yun's "Why Should Liu Ligong Be Expelled from the Party"

With regard to Huang Kegong's case, the court held that Huang Kegong violated iron discipline and undermined the laws of the border region by brutally killing revolutionary comrades at a time when the country and the nation were at stake, and should be sentenced to death. Lei Jingtian, the presiding judge of the case, reported this opinion to the Party Central Committee and Mao Zedong.

On October 10, 1937, Mao Zedong wrote a letter to Lei Jingtian, which was only more than 400 words, but it was very rich in content and far-reaching:

First, it clarified a clear attitude toward the Huang Kegong case. Mao Zedong solemnly pointed out that "the history of Huang Kegong's past struggles is glorious," but as long as he violates the party's discipline, he must accept sanctions, otherwise "there will be no way to educate the party, the Red Army, revolutionaries, and ordinary people." Although Mao Zedong and other central leading comrades felt sorry for Huang Kegong, "the Central Committee and the Central Military Commission had no choice but to punish him with capital punishment on the basis of his criminal behavior and the discipline of the Party and the Red Army."

Second, it emphasized that Communist Party members should play an exemplary role. Mao Zedong pointed out in the letter: "The Communist Party and the Red Army cannot but enforce stricter discipline on their own Party members and Red Army members than ordinary civilians. Mao Zedong pointed out that as a member of the Communist Party, he should have a higher consciousness than ordinary civilians, and he should play an exemplary role and become a model of abiding by discipline and law.

Third, the whole party and the whole army should be warned to keep in mind the lessons and lessons. Mao Zedong pointed out in the letter: "All commanders and fighters of the Red Army and all revolutionary elements must take Huang Kegong as the precept. On October 11, 1937, the government of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region and the High Court held a public trial of Huang Kegong and read Mao Zedong's letter in public.

Immediately, the firing squad tied Huang Kegong to the execution ground and confirmed that he was executed after being executed.

Liu Ligong, who also seriously violated party discipline, failed to realize his "demands" in the end. The Central Party Affairs Committee held that "the individual is subordinate to the organization, the minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower levels are subordinate to the superiors, and the whole party is subordinate to the Central Committee" is the party's discipline and no one is allowed to undermine it. In view of the fact that Liu Ligong's behavior violated party discipline and that he refused to correct his mistakes, for the sake of strict discipline, he should be expelled from the party and announced to the whole party.

In response to Liu Ligong's case, Comrade Chen Yun specially wrote an article entitled "Why Should Liu Ligong Be Expelled from the Party?"

The article provides an in-depth analysis of the correct attitude that party members should have in the face of the work assigned by the party. When Party members assign work to themselves in the Party organization, they only have the right to express their own opinions, and only have the obligation to unconditionally carry out the resolutions after the Party has decided, otherwise they will violate the Party's discipline and become "subordinate to the individual."

The article pointed out that "there are no 'special figures' or 'special organizations' who do not abide by discipline within the party. "Why does the Communist Party place such an emphasis on discipline?" This is because it is not an easy task for the Communist Party to lead the proletarian revolution and the working people to fight for complete liberation. One of the basic conditions for the victory of the revolution is to make the party of the proletariat an organized and unified force...... This requires strict discipline. Finally, the article expressed the determination of the Central Committee, stressing that "there must be no room for those elements who knowingly commit crimes and cannot consciously abide by discipline."

Party discipline study and education | Communists "cannot fail to enforce stricter discipline than ordinary civilians"

3. Use strict discipline to govern the whole party and govern the whole party

The incidents of Huang Kegong and Liu Ligong still have reference and warning significance for us today.

The two articles written by Mao Zedong and Chen Yun are of great significance to our party's rectification of party rules and discipline and the strengthening of party building. For example, party members and cadres must be disciplined more strictly than ordinary people, and "there are no 'special people' or 'special organizations' who do not abide by discipline within the party", these concepts have become the party's discipline and rules after continuous precipitation, development, and promotion, and have been written into the party constitution and the party's rules and regulations.

For example, the party constitution stipulates that one of the obligations of a Communist Party member includes: "Conscientiously abide by the party's discipline, first of all, the party's political discipline and rules, abide by the laws and regulations of the state in an exemplary manner, strictly guard the secrets of the party and the state, carry out the party's decisions, obey the organization's assignments, and actively fulfill the party's tasks." ”

The "Several Guidelines on the Political Life of the Party in the New Situation" stipulates: "We must uphold that all are equal before discipline, that there is no privilege in observing discipline, that there are no exceptions in the enforcement of discipline, and that there are absolutely no special organizations and special Party members who are not subject to discipline within the Party." ”

The Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China stipulate: "All are equal before Party discipline. Party organizations and Party members who violate Party discipline must strictly and fairly enforce discipline, and no Party organization or Party member who is not subject to discipline is allowed within the Party. ”

Communist Party members are subject to stricter supervision and restraint than ordinary people.

For example, party members and cadres who drink and drive will be subject to serious party discipline and government sanctions while receiving administrative punishments.

For another example, the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" stipulates that those who live extravagantly, are extravagant and wasteful, greedy for pleasure, and pursue low-grade tastes, causing adverse effects, shall be given a warning or serious warning; where the circumstances are serious, a sanction of removal from internal Party positions is to be given.

Where it violates social order and good customs, and has inappropriate words or deeds in public places or cyberspace, causing a negative impact, a warning or serious warning is to be given; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party. Where there are other serious violations of social mores or family virtues, sanctions ranging from warnings to expulsion from the Party shall be given in light of the specific circumstances.

History is the best textbook. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that our party is a Marxist political party organized by revolutionary ideals and iron discipline, and strict discipline is the party's glorious tradition and unique advantage. Over the past 100 years, our party has consistently strengthened the building of discipline to ensure that the whole party forms a unified thinking, unified will, and unified action, and forged the party into an invincible piece of hard steel. Embarking on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, the situation and tasks have put forward new and higher requirements for party members and cadres to strictly abide by party discipline. The majority of party members and cadres must know and respect, guard against fear, keep the bottom line, be cautious to the end, diligently dust off the "ideological dust", often break the "thief in the heart", take history as a mirror, take party discipline as the yardstick, and consciously be a qualified party member with strict discipline.

Source: The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission Today's Wild Goose Pagoda

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