
Mr. Hu, is it time to "coexist" again?

author:The wind rises, and the fragrance of flowers overflows

Mr. Hu's advocacy of coexistence with the Anglo-Saxon nation in contemporary society seems to bear a striking resemblance to certain attitudes at certain times in history. This view has been put forward in different historical contexts, often accompanied by complex political, economic, and cultural factors. In today's world, the tide of globalization has made countries more closely connected, and Mr. Hu's view is undoubtedly a profound reflection and forward-looking thinking on international relations.

The Anglo-Saxon nation, as the main nation of Britain, has a wide influence on a global scale. Historically, British colonial expansion has allowed Anglo-Saxon culture to take root in many parts of the globe, resulting in several English-speaking countries including the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. These countries are inextricably linked with Britain politically, economically, culturally, etc., and together constitute the so-called "Anglosphere".

Mr. Hu, is it time to "coexist" again?

However, the coexistence advocated by Mr. Hu is not without controversy. Historically, the expansion of the Anglo-Saxon nation has often been accompanied by oppression and conflict with other peoples and cultures. From the "Yellow Peril" to the Chinese Exclusion Act, from the Eight-Nation Coalition to the Korean War, some of the actions of the Anglo-Saxon nation in history have brought profound disasters to other countries and nations. These historical events still influence the perception of the Anglo-Saxon nation today, complicating and sensitizing the proposal of coexistence.

In the current international political landscape, the influence of the Anglo-Saxon nation should not be underestimated. As the only superpower in the world today, the policies and actions of the United States have far-reaching global implications. However, the unilateralism and hegemonic behavior of the United States have also aroused widespread criticism from the international community. Whether the coexistence advocated by Mr. Hu means acquiescence and acceptance of such hegemonic behavior is a question worth pondering.

Mr. Hu, is it time to "coexist" again?

At the same time, Mr. Hu's views also reflect a realistic view of international relations. In today's globalized world, countries are increasingly interdependent, and no country can be isolated from the world. Coexistence is not just a political slogan, but a realistic choice. In many fields such as economic globalization, cultural exchanges, and environmental protection, countries need to work together to address challenges.

However, coexistence does not mean abandoning one's own interests and principles. In international relations, safeguarding national interests and sovereignty is the basic duty of every country. Coexistence should be based on mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, rather than unilateral compromises and concessions. While advocating coexistence, Mr. Hu's view also needs to consider how to achieve harmonious coexistence with other countries while safeguarding national interests.

Mr. Hu, is it time to "coexist" again?

In addition, the concept of coexistence needs to be deepened and expanded at the cultural level. The spread of Anglo-Saxon culture around the world, although it has brought certain positive effects, has also inevitably brought about the problem of cultural clash and homogenization. How to achieve cultural exchange and integration while maintaining cultural diversity is an important aspect of achieving coexistence.

In short, the idea of coexistence with the Anglo-Saxon nation, advocated by Mr. Hu, is a complex and profound issue. It involves multiple levels such as history, politics, economy, and culture, and requires us to conduct in-depth thinking and discussion on the basis of reality. Coexistence is not only a goal, but also a wisdom and strategy, which requires us to continue to explore and practice in the context of globalization.

Mr. Hu, is it time to "coexist" again?

Mr. Hu's views always seem to have kept a certain distance from mainstream public opinion in different historical periods. During the difficult years of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he put forward a controversial view that the hatred of Chinese for Japan was one of the reasons for Japan's aggression against China. This view was widely criticized at the time, with many arguing that it was an improper justification for the aggressor's actions and ignored the aggressive nature of Japanese militarism and the suffering of the Chinese people.

However, Mr. Hu does not seem to have changed his way of thinking because of this. In today's world, with the tension between China and the United States, he once again put forward his own views, exhorting Chinese not to be impulsive in the face of US challenges, but to deal with them calmly. He stressed that the world cannot live without the United States, and that we must coexist with the Anglo-Saxon nation. To some, such a view seems to ignore a series of US blockades and repression against China, including technology blockades, trade wars, and the containment and stigmatization of China on the international stage.

Mr. Hu, is it time to "coexist" again?

Mr. Hu's remarks have undoubtedly aroused widespread discussion and controversy. Some argue that his views show a compromise to external pressures and a failure to fully recognize the importance of China's assertion of its own interests in the international arena. They pointed out that China's development and rise are not without cost, and in the face of external blockade and suppression, China needs to firm its position and safeguard its sovereignty and development rights.

Hu's supporters, however, argue that his views reflect a long-term international vision and the pursuit of peaceful coexistence. They believe that in today's globalized world, interdependence and cooperation between countries are inevitable, and China should show an open and inclusive attitude to resolve differences and conflicts with other countries through dialogue and cooperation.

Mr. Hu, is it time to "coexist" again?

This controversy is not only a discussion of Mr. Hu's personal views, but also a profound reflection on China's current approach to international relations. In the face of external pressures and challenges, how China should balance its own interests and international responsibilities, and how to promote the building of a peaceful, stable and just international order while safeguarding national sovereignty is a question that needs to be pondered.

On this issue, Mr. Hu's point of view provides a perspective for thinking, but it is not the only answer. As a rising power, China needs to actively participate in international affairs and work with other countries to build a community with a shared future for mankind while adhering to its own development path. This requires not only wisdom and courage, but also a deep insight into the international situation and a firm defense of national interests.

Mr. Hu's views have caused widespread controversy in the discussion of Sino-US relations. Some argue that he is biased in his analysis of U.S.-China relations, preferring to blame the Chinese for not being open and strong enough, while ignoring America's long history of aggression.

Proponents of this view point out that Mr. Hu does not seem to have fully taken into account the various historical injustices committed by the United States against China, including but not limited to the "Yellow Peril" theory, the Chinese Exclusion Act, the invasion of China by the Eight-Nation Alliance, the Korean War, and the trade war and technology blockade in recent years. These actions have not only brought profound disasters to the Chinese people, but also sowed seeds of distrust in Sino-US relations.

However, Mr. Hu seems to be more inclined to emphasize that Chinese should show more openness and inclusiveness to adapt to the trend of globalization and the requirements of the international community. He seems to believe that as long as the Chinese can be more open and strong, they will be able to resolve the contradictions and conflicts between China and the United States and achieve harmonious coexistence between the two countries.

This view has been criticized by some. They argue that Mr. Hu has ignored the dominant position and aggressive behavior of the United States in the U.S.-China relationship. As the world's only superpower, the policies and actions of the United States have far-reaching global implications. In Sino-US relations, the United States has often adopted a unilateralist and hegemonic stance and tried to safeguard its own interests and status through various means.

These people believe that Mr. Hu's views are too idealistic and do not fully take into account the complexity and reality of international politics. In international relations, each country has its own interests and positions, and it is impossible to solve all problems through openness and inclusiveness alone. As a rising power, China needs to actively participate in international affairs and promote the building of a more just and reasonable international order while safeguarding its own interests.

In addition, Mr. Hu's views are seen by some as ignoring China's own efforts and achievements. China has made tremendous development and progress in the past few decades, not only because of opening up to the outside world, but also because of the diligence and wisdom of the Chinese people, as well as the correct leadership and decision-making of the Chinese government. Blaming the contradictions and conflicts in Sino-US relations on the lack of openness and strength of the Chinese is undoubtedly a denial of China's own efforts and achievements.

Overall, Mr. Hu's views have been widely controversial in the discussion of U.S.-China relations. While he emphasized the importance of openness and inclusiveness, many felt that he ignored the aggressive behavior and history of the United States in the U.S.-China relationship, as well as China's own efforts and achievements. On this issue, we need to think more comprehensively and deeply to find a solution that is truly conducive to peace and development between China and the United States and the world.

The various injustices committed by the United States against China in history are a part of Sino-US relations that cannot be ignored. From racial discrimination and military intervention to economic blockades, these actions largely reflect the hostile attitude of the United States towards China and its unwillingness to coexist with China.

First, racial discrimination is an important aspect of U.S. historical injustice against China. From the end of the century to the beginning of the 20th century, with the influx of large numbers of Chinese immigrants into the United States, discrimination against Chinese in American society gradually intensified. In the same year, the U.S. Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act17, the only ethnic specific federal law in U.S. history, restricting Chinese immigration to the United States and prohibiting Chinese already in the United States from naturalizing as U.S. citizens. The implementation of this law not only deprives the Chinese of their basic human rights, but also seriously damages the friendly relations between the Chinese and American peoples.

Second, military intervention is also an important manifestation of the United States' unfair behavior towards China. In modern history, the United States has repeatedly intervened militarily in China on the pretext of safeguarding its national interests. For example, during the Korean War, the United States sent troops into the Korean Peninsula, which came into direct conflict with the Chinese People's Volunteers. In addition, the United States has also supported the Taiwan authorities in carrying out military threats and intervention against Chinese mainland, seriously violating China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Third, the economic blockade is a means for the United States to suppress and contain China. During the Cold War, the United States, together with its Western allies, imposed an economic blockade and embargo on China for more than 20 years. This blockade has not only seriously hindered China's economic development, but also brought great difficulties to the lives of the Chinese people. Even after the end of the Cold War, the United States still imposed strict export controls on China in the high-tech sector, restricting Chinese companies' access to advanced technology and products, and trying to contain China's rise through a technological blockade.

In addition to the above-mentioned behavior, the United States has repeatedly imposed trade sanctions and trade wars on China. For example, in 2018, the United States unilaterally launched a trade war against China, imposing steep tariffs on Chinese exports to the United States. This kind of unilateralism and trade protectionism has seriously undermined the international trade order and harmed the interests of Chinese and American enterprises and consumers.

Generally speaking, these injustices in the history of the United States have undoubtedly had a profound negative impact on Sino-US relations. These acts not only violate international law and basic norms governing international relations, but also run counter to the morality and justice of human society. In the face of these unfair acts of the United States, China has always adhered to an independent foreign policy of peace and resolutely defended its sovereignty, security and development interests. At the same time, China has also actively promoted dialogue and cooperation with the United States, and is committed to building a peaceful, stable and prosperous China-US relationship.

Mr. Hu's many remarks and choices of positions throughout history always seem to be on the side of the oppressor. This tendency is once again evident in the current dispute over U.S.-China relations. Some of his remarks on social media platforms are considered not only to lack neutrality and objectivity, but also to have a negative impact on Sino-US relations.

Some of Mr. Hu's remarks have been pointed out as biased in U.S.-China relations, blaming the Chinese for not being open and strong enough, while ignoring a series of unfair U.S. actions against China, including historical racial discrimination, military intervention and economic blockade. To some, this view seems to justify U.S. aggression and ignores the fact that the U.S. does not want to coexist with China.

However, Mr. Hu does not seem to have changed his way of thinking because of this. In the discussion of Sino-US relations, he once again put forward his own views and advised the Chinese not to be impulsive in the face of US challenges and to deal with them calmly. He stressed that the world cannot live without the United States, and that we must coexist with the Anglo-Saxon nation. In the eyes of some, such a view seems to ignore the blockade and suppression of China by the United States, as well as the various injustices committed by the United States against China in history.