
Are you seducing me? The women's training sundress with black silk, the coach directly bleed from the nose and asked her to go back and change

author:The moon hall is coming


In today's society, women's freedom to dress has become a common concept, and they believe that they have the right to choose what they like as long as they do not violate the law. However, this notion bothers many men, especially in public places, where they may be accused of being perverted for taking a few extra glances at sexy-dressed women, or even fear being framed for candid filming or molestment.

Are you seducing me? The women's training sundress with black silk, the coach directly bleed from the nose and asked her to go back and change

Women wearing short skirts to practice were criticized

At a driving school in Hunan, a young instructor encountered a similar problem. He agreed with the trainees to carry out the reversing practice of subject 2, however, when the trainees arrived at the scene, the coach felt a headache. It turned out that the female trainee was not dressed like she was here to practice, but more like she was here for a date. She wore a black suspender skirt with black silk, estimated to be less than 8 centimeters in length, which made the coach feel very embarrassed.

Are you seducing me? The women's training sundress with black silk, the coach directly bleed from the nose and asked her to go back and change

The coach felt that the female student's dress did not match the occasion, and he was worried that he would be distracted by the female student's dress and would not be able to concentrate on teaching. And I don't know if it's too hot or if it's been on fire recently, and a line of blood actually flowed out of my nostrils. In addition, he is also worried that he will be misunderstood as taking advantage of female students, which will affect his reputation and work. Therefore, he bluntly said, "Aren't you seducing me?" And the woman categorically said that I don't have a partner, what does it matter?

Are you seducing me? The women's training sundress with black silk, the coach directly bleed from the nose and asked her to go back and change

For the sake of safety, the coach asked the female students to change their clothes before coming back to practice. Although the female student found it troublesome, she also understood the coach's concerns and finally agreed to change her clothes. Netizens have said that the coach's approach is correct. A driving school is a public place, and instructors need to be professional to ensure the safety and learning of their students.

However, some netizens think that the coach is making a big fuss. They believe that it is normal for women to dress sexily in the summer and should not be blamed. They argued that the dress of the female trainees did not affect the teaching of the coaches, and that the coaches should focus more on teaching rather than focusing on the dressing of the female trainees.

Are you seducing me? The women's training sundress with black silk, the coach directly bleed from the nose and asked her to go back and change

Freedom of dressing

The question of the freedom to dress and the boundary between public spaces is a complex social topic. There is often a certain conflict between individual rights and social norms. In public places, we should respect the feelings of others and abide by social norms to ensure a harmonious social environment. At the same time, we need to understand that everyone has their own values and code of conduct, and we should respect each other's differences and accommodate different perspectives.

Are you seducing me? The women's training sundress with black silk, the coach directly bleed from the nose and asked her to go back and change

When it comes to the freedom to dress, women should be aware that what they wear can have an impact on others. In public places, especially learning places like driving schools, dressing appropriately is not only respectful of others, but also of oneself. In addition, women should also enhance their awareness of self-protection and avoid causing unnecessary trouble to themselves by wearing too revealing clothes.

Are you seducing me? The women's training sundress with black silk, the coach directly bleed from the nose and asked her to go back and change

For a coach, his top priority is to ensure the safety and learning of his trainees. In teaching, he should focus on teaching rather than on what the trainees are wearing. However, it is also the responsibility of the instructor to remind the trainees to dress appropriately to ensure a professional and serious teaching environment.

Are you seducing me? The women's training sundress with black silk, the coach directly bleed from the nose and asked her to go back and change


In short, the issue of freedom of dress and the boundary between public places is a social topic that needs to be considered and discussed together. We should respect individual rights while also abiding by social norms to ensure a harmonious social environment.

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