
Population explosion of 50 million? Expert forecasts were skewed, and population growth was negative for the first time in 61 years

author:Elegant and timeless


In 2100, the population will decrease from 13 billion to 3 billion.

This is a report published in September 2020 by the American journal Science, which reported that at the current rate of population growth, the earth's population will reach a maximum of 13 billion or even less by 2100.

Not only that, but the report also said that by 2300, the population of the earth will gradually decrease, which means that in the future, the earth will have a "population explosion", and a "sharp decline".

Population explosion of 50 million? Expert forecasts were skewed, and population growth was negative for the first time in 61 years

However, this prediction has raised doubts among many people, and some believe that the population will exceed the 13 billion mark by 2100.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the mainland's population has grown year by year, and after 61 years, our population will experience "negative growth" for the first time in 61 years.

Population growth has slowed down significantly, and population experts say that negative population growth is not a bad thing, and the mainland's population growth rate is too fast, which not only causes huge pressure on resources, but also leads to employment problems, so negative population growth is very beneficial.

What kind of impact will the negative population growth of the mainland have on the future of the mainland?

Is it good or bad?

Negative population growth.

On September 14, 2021, according to a report released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the mainland has experienced negative population growth since 2017, which is the first "negative growth" in 61 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The population of the mainland decreased from 1.379 billion to 1.379 billion, a decrease of 3 million people.

Population explosion of 50 million? Expert forecasts were skewed, and population growth was negative for the first time in 61 years

This is not terrible for the population of the continent.

Because the decrease in the number of people is not a large-scale decrease in the population, but a decrease in the rate of growth in the number of people.

The director of the Population Department of the National Bureau of Statistics on the mainland also revealed that the negative population growth is very favorable, and the population will no longer skyrocket year by year, which is very beneficial to the country's resources and environment.

But this data is not surprising to demographic experts.

Population explosion of 50 million? Expert forecasts were skewed, and population growth was negative for the first time in 61 years

Since the mainland began to count the population, the growth rate of the population has been slowing down, no longer skyrocketing, from 2011 the population growth rate fell for the first time, to 2017 there was a negative growth, which shows that the population growth rate of the mainland is very slow.

The fact that the population of the mainland has begun to show negative growth does not mean that the population of the mainland has been decreasing year by year, but that the growth rate has decreased.

Population explosion of 50 million? Expert forecasts were skewed, and population growth was negative for the first time in 61 years

Judging from the statistics, the population of the mainland is still growing, but the growth rate is very slow, and some people believe that the population of the mainland has begun to show negative growth, not necessarily because of the family planning policy.

The mainland implemented the family planning policy in 1980, but in 2013, the mainland has liberalized the two-child policy, but after the two-child policy was liberalized, the growth rate of the population has decreased year by year, and since 2017, the growth rate of the population has begun to show "negative growth".

This matter has nothing to do with the "family planning" policy, but the mainland's population growth rate will naturally lead to "negative growth."

Population explosion of 50 million? Expert forecasts were skewed, and population growth was negative for the first time in 61 years

Because while the mainland's economy continues to develop and society continues to progress, with the continuous renewal of people's concepts, more and more families have begun to pursue quality life rather than quantity life.

Therefore, there are many families in the world who are afraid that they can't afford to raise a few children, and they are considering whether to have children, and having children is a big deal, so many people will give birth to children early when they are young, and after giving birth to children, for the sake of children's growth and upbringing, many people will try not to let children suffer, so they will provide them with good educational resources, and some people, because there are no conditions to raise children very well, so in order to let children have a good environment to grow, They will reduce the number of children.

Population explosion of 50 million? Expert forecasts were skewed, and population growth was negative for the first time in 61 years

Because they only have one child, so these families will enroll their children in some good schools in order to let their children receive knowledge faster, which will cost a lot of money, so with the continuous updating of people's concepts, people's living standards continue to improve, people will gradually reduce the number of children, so in 2013, after the release of the two-child policy, the population has a "negative growth", which has a lot to do with this.

Reasons for negative population growth.

The rate of population growth has slowed significantly, but if population growth continues to be negative, what will be the impact on the future of the mainland?

Although the negative population growth of the mainland is good, it is not the smaller the better, and the best population with negative population growth is not to continue to decrease, but to maintain the current data, to 2100, the number of the population is stable at about 1.307 billion.

Population explosion of 50 million? Expert forecasts were skewed, and population growth was negative for the first time in 61 years

Why the best population with negative population growth is not to continue to decrease, the more the population, the more the consumption of resources and the environment, but the consumption of resources and the environment is the same as the wisdom of human beings, there is a limit, not that the more the number of human beings, it will cause great pressure on resources and the environment, as long as everyone has a strong enough ability to use resources, these can be well used by human beings, so the number of people is not as small as possible, but there is an appropriate number.

Population explosion of 50 million? Expert forecasts were skewed, and population growth was negative for the first time in 61 years

If the population is too small, it will have a great impact on the mainland's production and construction, and as long as the population can be within a suitable range, it will not have a great impact on the mainland's future, so how suitable is the population?

Population experts believe that the mainland's population is about 1.4 billion, and this population is very beneficial to the mainland's future.

Because the population of the mainland exceeds 1.4 billion, there is huge pressure on the resources and environment of the mainland, and the resources of the mainland are limited, and the consumption of resources will make the resources of the mainland consume faster in the short term, which has a great impact on the future of the mainland.

Population explosion of 50 million? Expert forecasts were skewed, and population growth was negative for the first time in 61 years

Moreover, the speed of resource consumption on the mainland is far greater than the recovery rate of resources, so that the mainland will not be able to obtain resources at that time, which means that the mainland's economy will be more and more backward, so the population is not as small as possible, and the population of about 1.4 billion is very favorable for the future of the mainland.

The decrease in population has had a great impact on the future of the mainland, but the decrease in population does not mean that there is a loss of population, but only a slowdown in the growth rate of population.

Population explosion of 50 million? Expert forecasts were skewed, and population growth was negative for the first time in 61 years

At the same time as the mainland's economy is booming, the population is also growing, but the growth rate is very slow, so the population is constantly decreasing, not because of the loss of population, but because the population of the mainland has been counted since 1961, when the population of the mainland was 600 million, and the population of the mainland has not skyrocketed, but has gradually increased.

The population of the mainland began to skyrocket because of the heavy rains in 1961, which led to the widespread decline of crops, which led to a large number of starvations and deaths, so the population of the mainland decreased by more than half.

The impact of negative population growth on the continent.

The population of the mainland is gradually rising, until 1980, the population of the mainland reached 1.245 billion at its peak, and since then the population of the mainland has been decreasing year by year, but until 1961, the population of the mainland has not reached 1.4 billion, so there is still a lot of room for growth in the population of the mainland.

Population explosion of 50 million? Expert forecasts were skewed, and population growth was negative for the first time in 61 years

However, the population of 1.4 billion is very favorable for the future of the mainland, and the population is increasing, but the rate of increase is slowing down, which has a great impact on the future of the mainland.

The population of the mainland has been skyrocketing, soaring to 1.379 billion, which will plunge the mainland into a crisis for the future of the mainland, because the population has skyrocketed, but the resources are limited, which will make the resources more scarce, so that the mainland will be difficult to obtain resources, which means that the economy of the continent will become more and more backward, and the reduction of the population of the mainland will have a great impact on the future of the continent, after 2040, the population of the mainland will decrease to 1.307 billion people.

Population explosion of 50 million? Expert forecasts were skewed, and population growth was negative for the first time in 61 years

At that time, the population of the mainland will stabilize at 1.307 billion people, and by 2050, the population of the mainland will continue to decline, and the economic development level of the mainland will make a great leap in these two years, and the mainland will occupy an important place in the development of the world.

Population explosion of 50 million? Expert forecasts were skewed, and population growth was negative for the first time in 61 years


As early as 2020, the country has expected the decline in the number of people to reduce the number of people in the future development of the mainland, and population experts said that it is very beneficial to the negative growth of the population.

While allowing the population to grow, it can also bring more benefits to the future of the mainland.