
The show is coming, the Basketball Association has deleted the original Olympic list announcement! Want to take Zhang Ziyu to Paris?

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The show is coming, the Basketball Association has deleted the original Olympic list announcement! Want to take Zhang Ziyu to Paris?

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Can 17-year-old women's basketball star Zhang Ziyu see her on the Olympic stage?

The basketball circle is boiling because of the name of a young player, she is only 17-year-old women's basketball star - Zhang Ziyu, in the just-concluded U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, Zhang Ziyu with outstanding performance, led the Chinese team to achieve remarkable results, which also sparked a heated discussion about her future development direction, the most concerned is: Does this young player have a chance to step on the Olympic stage?

The show is coming, the Basketball Association has deleted the original Olympic list announcement! Want to take Zhang Ziyu to Paris?

Zhang Ziyu's performance in the U18 Asian Cup is phenomenal, she has a height advantage of 2.27 meters, and she can be described as a "giant" under the basket, but she does not just rely on her height to play, excellent basket skills, soft shooting touch and wide court vision, all make her an insurmountable barrier for opponents, and what is more commendable is that she showed composure and leadership temperament in the game, far beyond the level of her peers, allowing people to see her huge potential

Because of this, there is a lot of discussion about whether Zhang Ziyu should enter the national team and even participate in the Olympic Games, and supporters believe that with Zhang Ziyu's current strength and potential, he is fully capable of entering the national team and competing with the world's top players

Height is not the only advantage, Zhang Ziyu won recognition with his strength

The show is coming, the Basketball Association has deleted the original Olympic list announcement! Want to take Zhang Ziyu to Paris?

There are also many people who are cautious, they believe that although Zhang Ziyu is outstanding among her peers, entering the national team means facing a higher intensity confrontation and a more complex tactical system, which is a huge challenge for her, and entering the national team too early may bring her too much pressure and is not conducive to her long-term development

The emergence of Zhang Ziyu has undoubtedly injected new vitality and hope into the Chinese women's basketball team, whether or not she can finally enter the Olympic squad, for this young player, this is just a new starting point, she needs to continue to hone her skills and improve herself in order to gain a firm foothold in the highly competitive basketball world

I believe that in the future, Zhang Ziyu will be able to continue to break through himself, go further and further on the road of basketball, and eventually grow into the pillar of the Chinese women's basketball team and win glory for the country

The future of the Chinese women's basketball team is promising, can the young generation shoulder the heavy responsibility?

Zhang Ziyu's birth also makes people full of expectations for the future of the Chinese women's basketball team, the Chinese women's basketball team has created a glorious history, and a number of outstanding young players have emerged in recent years, these young players are full of vitality and comprehensive skills, showing the hope of the Chinese women's basketball team

The show is coming, the Basketball Association has deleted the original Olympic list announcement! Want to take Zhang Ziyu to Paris?

The Chinese women's basketball team still has a long way to go if it wants to return to the top of the world, in the world basketball world, surrounded by strong opponents and extremely fierce competition, the Chinese women's basketball team needs to continue to strengthen its own construction, improve its technical and tactical level, and cultivate more outstanding reserve talents in order to achieve better results in future competitions

I believe that under the leadership of the Chinese Basketball Association and under the careful guidance of the coaching team, the Chinese women's basketball team will be able to overcome difficulties, forge ahead, and regain its former glory

A rational look at the growth of "genius girls" requires care and guidance

In recent years, with the continuous development of Chinese basketball, more and more young players have begun to emerge, and the talent and potential they show on the court are exciting, and also arouse people's infinite reverie about their future development

The show is coming, the Basketball Association has deleted the original Olympic list announcement! Want to take Zhang Ziyu to Paris?

For these young players who are known as "geniuses", how to correctly guide and help them grow up healthily is particularly important, and premature exposure and high expectations may bring great pressure to these young players, which is not conducive to their mental health and long-term development

Therefore, we should look at these "talented players" rationally, give them more space and time to grow, and the relevant departments, coaching team and media should take responsibility to create a good environment for these young players to grow and help them realize their potential and realize their basketball dreams

From the youth team to the national team, Zhang Ziyu's growth has just begun

For any basketball player, it is a challenging path from the youth team to the national team, although Zhang Ziyu is talented, he also needs to go through the process of training hard and accumulating game experience to gradually adapt to a higher level of competition rhythm and confrontation intensity

The show is coming, the Basketball Association has deleted the original Olympic list announcement! Want to take Zhang Ziyu to Paris?

In this process, she needs to overcome various difficulties such as injuries and psychological pressure, and she needs to continue to learn and improve her technical and tactical literacy

The Chinese basketball community should give young players like Zhang Ziyu more time and patience, do not rush to achieve results, and do not put too much pressure on them, I believe that with the correct guidance and help, Zhang Ziyu will be able to overcome difficulties, realize his basketball dream, and contribute to the development of Chinese basketball

Chinese basketball needs more "Zhang Ziyu", and the talent training system needs to be improved urgently

The emergence of Zhang Ziyu has given us hope for Chinese basketball, but we should also be soberly aware that if Chinese basketball wants to make greater breakthroughs on the world stage, it cannot only rely on the emergence of individual talented players, but also needs to establish a perfect talent training system to provide a steady stream of new forces for Chinese basketball

The show is coming, the Basketball Association has deleted the original Olympic list announcement! Want to take Zhang Ziyu to Paris?

This requires starting from the grassroots level, strengthening the selection and training of youth basketball talents, providing them with better training conditions and competition opportunities, and strengthening the construction of the coach team, improving the professional level and coaching ability of coaches, and providing a solid talent guarantee for the development of Chinese basketball

I believe that with the joint efforts of all sectors of society, the future of Chinese basketball will be even better

Looking forward to Zhang Ziyu's future Chinese basketball tomorrow will be brighter

Zhang Ziyu's basketball story has just opened a new chapter, her future is full of infinite possibilities, but also carries the expectations of countless Chinese fans, I believe that this young player, with dreams and passion, on the road of basketball, to create their own glory

The show is coming, the Basketball Association has deleted the original Olympic list announcement! Want to take Zhang Ziyu to Paris?

Let's look forward to the day when we see Zhang Ziyu wearing the national team jersey to win glory for the country in the future arena!


Zhang Ziyu's story continues, her future is full of hope and challenges, let's pay attention to the growth of this young player, cheer for her, and look forward to the future of Chinese basketball! Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your views on Zhang Ziyu and the Chinese women's basketball team

The show is coming, the Basketball Association has deleted the original Olympic list announcement! Want to take Zhang Ziyu to Paris?

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