
On July 6th, the plum blossom came, and the summer heat met the "plum", will there be floods this summer?

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On July 6th, the plum blossom came, and the summer heat met the "plum", will there be floods this summer?

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The summer has arrived, and the "plum girl" in Jiangnan said goodbye to this year's "Mei" with tears, which is a bit special

Knowing that it started its tireless concert in the branches, the air was filled with transpiring heat, announcing the arrival of the small summer solar term, for the people in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the arrival of the small summer heat, but also means goodbye to the lingering plum rainy season for a long time, this year's "out of the plum" but revealed a trace of unusual taste, it and the small summer solar term on July 6 unexpectedly coincided, as if indicating the opening of a special weather pattern, but also caused people to speculate about the subsequent weather changes

On July 6th, the plum blossom came, and the summer heat met the "plum", will there be floods this summer?

Looking back on the past month or so, people in the Jiangnan area can be said to be "talking about the rainy season", the continuous rainy weather, not only makes people's mood also damp, but also brings a lot of inconvenience to daily life, from travel difficulties to difficult clothes, from humid and stuffy to food mildew, all of which are testing people's patience and adaptability, and for farmers and friends, this is a challenging period, water accumulation in the field, pest and disease breeding and other problems followed, pulling their heartstrings

Is it a coincidence or an omen that Xiaoxia meets the plum day?

For people who are familiar with farming, this is like adding a more confusing plot to the original script full of variables, which is elusive, some people say that this is an accidental "encounter" of the weather system, and there is no need to interpret it too much; Others say that this may be a sign that the weather will be more unusual this year, and that extra vigilance is needed

On July 6th, the plum blossom came, and the summer heat met the "plum", will there be floods this summer?

The ancients said: "The summer is not hot, the dog days of the big heat", this year's summer seems to be a little "can't wait", in the Jiangnan region, "out of the plum" is often accompanied by the rapid "filling" of high temperatures, so that people can switch directly from the humid and unbearable to the scorching heat, therefore, many meteorological experts reminded that although the "Mei girl" is about to come to an end, the heatstroke prevention and cooling work still needs to be put on the agenda as soon as possible, beware of the occurrence of heatstroke and other heat-related diseases

The flood prevention work of "going out" ≠ "going out" must not be slackened

It should be noted that "out of the plum" does not mean that you can relax your vigilance, because the heavy rainfall may also be "lingering" in local areas, especially in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, this year's rainfall has approached the historical peak, and some areas have even appeared in the situation of super-alert water level, therefore, the string of flood control and flood control can still not be loosened, we must always pay attention to weather changes, and make emergency plans, Ensure the safety of people's lives and property

On July 6th, the plum blossom came, and the summer heat met the "plum", will there be floods this summer?

In order to cope with the adverse effects of high temperatures, relevant departments around the country need to do a good job of early warning and response measures in advance, guide farmers and friends to irrigate scientifically, reasonable fertilization, and minimize the impact of high temperature on agricultural production

"The plum blossom is sunny for three days, and the grain is full of grain" to look forward to the joy of a bumper harvest

Although this year's "out of the plum" is a bit late, but also in response to the old saying: "good things grind", for farmers and friends, "out of the plum" means that the rain recedes, the sun returns, it is the golden period of field management and promotion of crop growth, as the saying goes: "out of the plum three days of sunny, millet full of warehouse", sufficient sunlight, is conducive to rice and other crops for photosynthesis, accumulation of nutrients, for the final harvest to lay a solid foundation

On July 6th, the plum blossom came, and the summer heat met the "plum", will there be floods this summer?

There are many sayings about "out of the plum" in the proverb, such as "out of the plum dragon to visit the mother", "the rain hits the yellow plum tail" and so on, these are the experience of the ancients in the long-term observation and practice, but also contain their awe of nature and the expectation of a good harvest

From rainy seasons to high temperatures, climate change requires our collective attention

The frequent occurrence of these extreme weather events reminds us that climate change is a global problem that needs to be faced and solved by all mankind

On July 6th, the plum blossom came, and the summer heat met the "plum", will there be floods this summer?

Protecting the environment, saving energy and reducing emissions, starting from me, starting from bit by bit, is the unshirkable responsibility of each of us, let us work together to leave a better and livable home for future generations

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