
West Coast called the Football Association to ask if Guo Tianyu could register, and the response was very positive

author:Exchange for the rest of your life

Dear fans, today let's talk about a hot topic of "prodigal son" in football! Shandong Taishan team's striker Guo Tianyu, the once high hopes of the "Chinese football hopeful star", after a year of hibernation, actually "resurrected" on the training ground of the Qingdao West Coast team! Is this going to stage a "Phoenix Nirvana" or a "flash in the pan"? Let's eat melons together and decrypt them!

West Coast called the Football Association to ask if Guo Tianyu could register, and the response was very positive

First of all, let's take a look at the plot development of this "Guo Tianyu's Comeback". It is said that the head coach of the West Coast team, Hisashi Kurosaki, is an old acquaintance of Guo Tianyu and once worked as an assistant coach for the Shandong Taishan team. The Japanese coach is full of praise for Guo Tianyu's skills and can't wait to take him to the sky. Let's make up for Coach Kurosaki's expression when he saw Guo Tianyu: his eyes lit up and his saliva flowed, as if he saw a rare treasure. No, Mr. Xu, the owner of the West Coast team, personally went out and called the Football Association to ask if he could open a "back door" for Guo Tianyu and let him re-register.

West Coast called the Football Association to ask if Guo Tianyu could register, and the response was very positive

The Football Association's reply is simply a king bomb! They said: "Don't be in a hurry to register first, give Guo Tianyu a training venue, let him practice well." This answer is to say that it is positive, and to say it is to say lightly. It's like saying to Guo Tianyu: "Child, come, Dad has prepared a playground for you, you play first, let's talk about work after you have played!" The operation of the Football Association is worthy of being a representative of "love is thirsty"!

West Coast called the Football Association to ask if Guo Tianyu could register, and the response was very positive

However, fans and friends, we have to think about a question: What has Guo Tianyu experienced this year? Why did it suddenly "disappear" and suddenly "come back"? Rumor has it that he may have been involved in something "unspeakable". But the attitude of the Football Association makes people feel that this matter may not be so serious. Could it be that Guo Tianyu just went on a super long vacation? Or did you take part in some special "closed training"?

In any case, Guo Tianyu's comeback this time can be said to give all the "prodigal sons" a hope. You see, even if you make a mistake, as long as you have the strength, you still have a chance to start over. This is simply the football version of "Glory of Kings", you can be resurrected after death, as long as you have the money to buy equipment (ah no, there is strength).

However, we must also be soberly aware that Guo Tianyu's future road is not smooth. First of all, his current figure is said to be a bit "bloated" and may take a while to lose weight. Secondly, his old club, Shandong Taishan, has "broken up" with him, which means that he needs to readjust to the new environment. In the end, he missed a year of racing and his form will definitely suffer.

Therefore, whether Guo Tianyu can really be "reborn from the ashes" depends on his own performance. If he can overcome these difficulties and re-show the strength of the past, then he can really become an inspirational model of Chinese football. But if he's just a flash in the pan, he'll really fail the expectations of the Football Association and the West Coast team.

West Coast called the Football Association to ask if Guo Tianyu could register, and the response was very positive

In general, Guo Tianyu's return has undoubtedly given Chinese football a shot in the arm. It tells us that as long as we have dreams and strength, we should never give up. But at the same time, it also reminds us to cherish opportunities and not to repeat the mistakes of the past. I hope that Guo Tianyu can seize this opportunity to re-prove his value and bring more surprises to Chinese football.

Finally, let's have an interaction: if you were Guo Tianyu, after so many twists and turns, how would you replan your career? Feel free to share your "Prodigal Son" plan in the comment section!

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