
The food inside is good? Guo Tianyu appeared for the first time after he came out, and he was fat and fat

author:Akane Football

Guo Tianyu's recent first appearance in a photo of training in a West Coast coat has attracted a lot of attention. Many fans have found that the former young talent of Chinese football is now unrecognizable, and his figure is clearly blessed, making one wonder if the food inside is too rich.

The food inside is good? Guo Tianyu appeared for the first time after he came out, and he was fat and fat

Guo Tianyu's return has raised many questions. First, his weight surge during his incarceration caused concern. Does this mean that living conditions during incarceration are relatively lenient or even overly fed? As a professional athlete, weight management is crucial, and his current body is obviously no longer in line with professional requirements. Fans have expressed their disappointment, believing that he will need to work harder to recover after his comeback.

The food inside is good? Guo Tianyu appeared for the first time after he came out, and he was fat and fat

Another key issue is Guo Tianyu's future. According to the relevant regulations of the Football Association, players with criminal convictions cannot easily appear on the court without accepting internal penalties in the industry. Previously, Shanghai Saigenda planned to let Sun Shilin and Zhu Jianrong sign up for the Champions League, but because they had a verdict, they failed to make the trip. Guo Tianyu's situation may be more complicated, and the Football Association is likely to impose a three- to five-year ban on him, or even a lifetime ban, although the latter is less likely.

The food inside is good? Guo Tianyu appeared for the first time after he came out, and he was fat and fat

In the face of these challenges, Guo Tianyu's future career is full of uncertainty. He will need to be rigorously self-managed, both mentally and physically, to regain the trust of the fans and the Football Association. However, judging by his current form, it is clear that the road will not be easy. Fans want him to work hard to get back on the field, but more importantly, he needs to show the discipline and discipline that a professional footballer should have.

Guo Tianyu's debut is full of emotion. From his release from prison to his comeback training, his body changes and uncertainty about his future have become the focus of discussion. Fans have high expectations for him and hope that he can overcome the difficulties and prove himself again.

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