
The 17-year-old badminton player died suddenly on the court, and his sister spoke out to question the lack of treatment

author:Happy Journey

June 30, 2024, was supposed to be an ordinary day, but for 17-year-old Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie, it became the end of his life. In the match between the Chinese team and the Japanese team at the Asian Youth Championships held in Indonesia, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground and never got up again.

The 17-year-old badminton player died suddenly on the court, and his sister spoke out to question the lack of treatment

Zhang Zhijie, a teenager with dreams and love, dedicated his youth to badminton. On weekdays, he is always the first to arrive at the training ground and the last to leave, and every swing and sweat carries his vision for the future. He dreams of one day standing on the world stage and winning glory for his country. However, fate played a cruel joke on him and his family on this ordinary race day.

The game was in full swing, and Zhang Zhijie fought the field. Just when everyone was engrossed in the excitement of the game, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted and fell to the ground without warning. At this moment, the entire arena fell into a state of shock and panic.

The Chinese coach was anxious and wanted to rush into the stadium immediately to check on Zhang Zhijie's situation, but was ruthlessly stopped by the referee. The medical staff on the Indonesian side were even more slow to respond and did not carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other emergency rescue measures for Zhang Zhijie in the first place. Time passed minute by minute, and Zhang Zhijie lay on the cold arena like this, waiting for the rescue that had not arrived for a long time.

The 17-year-old badminton player died suddenly on the court, and his sister spoke out to question the lack of treatment

Eventually, Zhang Zhijie was taken to a local hospital. But sadly, despite the best efforts of the doctors, they still could not save the young life. At 11 o'clock that night, Zhang Zhijie left this world forever, leaving his beloved badminton, his family and friends.

Zhang Zhijie's sister spoke out in grief, and she couldn't accept that her brother had left suddenly. She said that after her brother fell to the ground, after a long and torturous wait, the medical staff at the scene slowly went to first aid. She questioned the lack of timely treatment by the medical team, believing that if effective rescue measures could have been taken quickly at that time, her brother might still have a chance of life.

This tragedy has left countless people saddened and regretted. A teenager in the mood for love, a future star full of infinite possibilities, fell like this. Zhang Zhijie's departure not only plunged his family into endless pain, but also made the entire badminton community mourn.

The 17-year-old badminton player died suddenly on the court, and his sister spoke out to question the lack of treatment

We can't help but ask, why is the medical protection so weak at such an important competition site? Why did the referee block the Chinese coach from entering? Why can't the Indonesian medical staff make the right emergency response in the first place? These questions are worth pondering.

Sporting events are supposed to be a stage full of passion and dreams, but this event has shown us the hidden crisis. We can't afford athletes to fight on the field and risk their lives at the same time.

For Zhang Zhijie's family, the pain of losing their dearest loved ones is beyond words. For society as a whole, we should also learn from this and strengthen medical safeguards for sporting events to ensure that similar tragedies do not happen again.

We hope that Zhang Zhijie can continue to chase his badminton dream in heaven, and we also hope that his family can come out of their grief as soon as possible. At the same time, I hope that such tragedies will not happen again, so that every athlete can pursue their dreams in a safe environment.

Life is so fragile that we never know which will come first, tomorrow or the unexpected. Zhang Zhijie's departure has made us deeply realize that on the road of pursuing our dreams, we must not only move forward bravely, but also always pay attention to our own safety. Only in this way can we truly realize our dreams and enjoy the beauty of life.

Let us mourn for Zhang Zhijie together, may he go all the way, and may there be badminton he loves in heaven. Let's also work together to create a safer and fairer environment for athletes, so that they can sweat and fight for glory on the field without any worries.

This harrowing incident is also a wake-up call. Organizers and relevant departments of sports events should seriously reflect on how to better protect the lives of athletes. Is it to strengthen the training and emergency drills of the medical team? Or improve the medical facilities and rescue mechanisms in the stadium? Or do you want to set stricter standards for medical protection for events? These are all questions that require us to think deeply and solve.

At the same time, we cannot ignore the health management of the athletes themselves. High-intensity training and competition put a lot of stress on athletes, both physically and psychologically. While pursuing results, athletes should also always pay attention to their physical condition, conduct regular physical examinations, and detect potential health problems in time. Coaches and teams should also give more care and support to athletes to help them arrange their training and competitions reasonably to avoid excessive fatigue and injury.

In addition, all sectors of society should also give more care and respect to athletes. They have given so much for the honor of their country and their dreams that we cannot cheer when they achieve something, and choose to be silent and ignore them when they encounter misfortune. Together, we should create a good sports atmosphere where athletes feel warm and supported.

Zhang Zhijie's departure is an irreparable loss, but we hope that through this incident, we can promote the reform and development of sports events, so that every athlete can pursue their dreams in a safe, fair and healthy environment. Let's work together for a better future for sports so that tragedies like this don't happen again.

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