
After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

author:Meow Meow Entertainment Group
After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating
After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

Text | An Qing

Edit | 9527 Meow Goo-kun

Magnolia's award ceremony attracted the attention of many netizens. Celebrities dressed up to attend, even if they can't win awards, participating in this kind of award ceremony that the whole network pays attention to can also create a lot of topics and heat.

And this year's Magnolia Awards were highly competitive, and the results were unexpected.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

Hu Ge defeated Fan Wei, Wang Yang and other powerful factions to win the Best Actor, and actor Zhou Xun won the Best Actress with her acting skills in "Imperfect Victim" when the controversy was the loudest.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

Although it is said that the two won the award, there are recognition and controversy, but the coffee position and acting skills of the two, the actual performance and influence of the two are very convincing.

In addition to the two, Chen Xiao and Liu Yifei, who also appeared on the Magnolia stage, are also very eye-catching.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

God appreciates the appearance of food and food, and he can't find the slightest fault

Actor Chen Xiao, when he first became popular, he was called "white-faced Xiaosheng" and "costume male god" because of his excellent appearance, although Chen Xiao is no longer young, but his extreme bone appearance still supports his handsomeness.

At this award ceremony, Chen Xiao wore a casual black suit, the silhouette of the suit was worn by Chen Xiao with a transcendent wide shoulders and narrow waist, and the black base with a low neckline in the suit showed a bit of uninhibited wildness.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

The most outrageous thing is that Chen Xiao still has a braised egg head that tests his appearance very much, his hair is shaved in the shot, there is no hairstyle modification, but the skull line is still excellent.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

The audience's perspective is completely focused on Chen Xiao's facial features, sharp and deep eyebrows, towering nose bridge, and across the screen, Chen Xiao's clear jaw angle is full of sexual tension male hormones.

And after two years since "Menghualu", Chen Xiao and Liu Yifei's same frame is still very eye-catching, full of CP.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

At the event, Liu Yifei chose a one-shoulder dress, the skirt was embellished with a hollow see-through design and a variety of gentle and beautiful petals, at first glance, Liu Yifei looked like she was wearing spring on her body, and the gorgeous skirt lined off her snow-white skin.

The key is that even such heavy makeup can't stop Liu Yifei's beauty.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

On the same day, Liu Yifei made a medium hair style with a high cranial crown, and the shape that is completely close to the scalp is also a test of appearance, and Liu Yifei in the lens is white and beautiful, with delicate skin, and the whole person exudes a stretched and euphemistic atmosphere, and the smooth face shape and highly recognizable elf ears directly reach a new height.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

Just looking at the pictures, who would have thought that Liu Yifei is now 40+, looking at her ruddy complexion and sufficient collagen, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a 20+ little girl who has just debuted.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

Of course, Liu Yifei's beauty and internal entertainment's white and thin are completely different styles, and it can be seen from this dress that Liu Yifei does not have the standard right-angled shoulders pursued by internal entertainment.

Many netizens couldn't help but complain that "the clothes are fine, it's because the person is too strong" and "fat".

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

But even so, Liu Yifei can still rely on her face to kill all sides. I have to say that Chen Xiao and Liu Yifei are really the looks that God is chasing after to enjoy food, and the braised egg head or the flaws of their body can't cover the advantages of their appearance.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

The acting skills are online, the sense of CP is full, and I am looking forward to the second pairing

After "Menghualu", Chen Xiao and Liu Yifei have exported many hit dramas.

Chen Xiao's "The Road of Life" is full of earthy flavor, and he plays Gao Jialin who performs the young man in the mountains with a sense of fate story, even if he is out of the idol drama that pays more attention to appearance, Chen Xiao can still be recognized by the audience.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

In the life drama "Little Days" launched this year, the character played by Chen Xiao is full of pyrotechnics, compared to him in the idol drama, Chen Xiao seems to have faded all the halo on his body and has become an ordinary person who runs into walls everywhere in real life.

He is still handsome, but his acting skills make the role he plays completely grounded, which makes people sympathize and empathize, this kind of acting skills cannot be found in every actor in idol dramas.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

Now it seems that Chen Xiao went to play an ancient puppet, but he underestimated his acting strength.

And Liu Yifei still exudes charm in female themes after "Menghualu".

In the TV series "Going to a Windy Place", Liu Yifei's beauty is out of the circle, and in "The Story of Rose", Liu Yifei's appearance, temperament, and the growth of women in the play are still among countless fans.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

But I have to say that neither Chen Xiao nor Liu Yifei met a partner who was more compatible than each other after "Menghualu".

Especially Liu Yifei, there are as many as 4 male protagonists who have emotional lines with Liu Yifei in "The Story of Rose", but after the broadcast of "The Story of Rose", a pair of CPs did not stir up.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

Actor Peng Guanying, who is tall enough and not good looking. Lin Gengxin's acting skills are enough, but the fatigue is too heavy, as for the follow-up Huo Jianhua and Lin Yi, they are handsome, but they can't suppress Liu Yifei's bright and eye-catching.

In such a CP combination, the audience has been caught in the contradiction of "no one is worthy of Liu Yifei", and they can't knock it if they want to.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

And if you want to say that the CP that matches Liu Yifei is like Liu Yifei, it has to be Gu Panshenghui in "Menghualu", Zhao Paner and Gu Qianfan at that time can be described as the light of BG in costume dramas.

Liu Yifei's ancient costumes are gentle and moving, and the charm still exists, although there is no fairy feeling when she was young, but she is still fresh and vivid, full of mature and elegant beauty.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

And Chen Xiao's ancient costume is no longer the white-faced child of his youth, the role he plays in "Menghualu" is full of tension and ruthlessness, not only has the charm of the character of "Living Hades", but also respects women and loves the humble Su sense.

It's a pity that after "Menghualu", Chen Xiao and Liu Yifei didn't wait for the opportunity to partner up, and this time they met on the stage of Magnolia, which also fulfilled the regrets of some CP fans who had waited for two years.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

Facts have proved that the sense of CP after two years is not only because of the plot characters and ancient costumes, but in real life, the two of them can't find fault with their bone appearance, and they can create an eye-catching CP sense that makes the audience stumble to death when they are in the same frame.

Therefore, if there is an opportunity for Chen Xiao and Liu Yifei's modern duo, it will definitely be more eye-catching, and it will definitely attract many audiences to enter the pit and achieve the modern version of "Menghualu".

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

But having said that, the cooperation between actors needs the promotion of capital and a certain fate, and the two need to meet the right script and the right schedule to reach cooperation.

After looking at Chen Xiao's braised egg head and Liu Yifei with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, I understood: What is God's appreciation for eating

Chen Xiao and Liu Yifei's "Menghualu" is also a work that the audience has been waiting for for a long time, regardless of whether the two have the opportunity to partner again, the audience also expects them to come up with more wonderful works and play more eye-catching roles in their respective interpretation plans.

Finally, what do you think of Chen Xiao and Liu Yifei being in the same frame again? Join the discussion in the comments section.

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