
"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

author:Meow Meow Entertainment Group
"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her
"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

Text | An Qing

Edit | 9527 Meow Goo-kun

"Dream of Red Mansions" is definitely a well-known IP, the original work has been adapted countless times, and there are many different versions in the audience's impression, but the more classic the IP, the more afraid of being remade.

The movie version of "Dream of Red Mansions" is still in the warm-up period, but just from the trailer and poster of the movie, the audience feels the atmosphere of something bad.

"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

The charm of "Dream of Red Mansions" actually lies in the tragic beauty and human beauty depicted in the original work, each woman in the original work shows different charms from all angles, and their emotional stories and life tragedies are mixed with the background of ancient Chinese feudal society, full of rich ideological heritage.

Its real charm lies in the oriental charm, in which the "subtle" is the essence.

"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

The style conveyed by the film version of "Dream of Red Mansions" is straightforward, and the content of "Jia Tun Lin Cai" is not mentioned in the original book, but in the trailer, such a line appears.

"What about the Lin family's silver? Why don't you embezzle it and build a garden! ”。

This line pierces the high-level narrative in the original work of "Dream of Red Mansions".

"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

It's obviously a well-known thing, why wasn't the original book written? It is because "Dream of Red Mansions" is talking and laughing, telling about feudal etiquette in the love of children, and about the ugliness of a family and even the undercurrent of the whole society.

So many versions have deliberately avoided this part of the content, but a movie with a limited length has a clean analysis of the dark lines hidden in the depths of the story.

"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

From this point alone, it can be seen that the film version of "Dream of Red Mansions" does not taste the true charm of the original work, and this adaptation method may be more suitable for the rhythm of commercial films, but it will definitely not be recognized by word of mouth.

Not only that, but there are also various problems in the casting of the film version of "Dream of Red Mansions".

Guan Xiaotong, who plays the role of Jia Yuanchun, has too strong girlish temperament, and the virtuous and gentle, gentle and honest Jia Yuanchun in the original book should not be her immature and ignorant child.

"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

Zhang Miaoyi, who portrayed Lin Daiyu, is the appearance of an ordinary girl next door, her face is round, the charm of ancient costumes is insufficient, compared with the classic version, her facial features are not delicate enough, she is full of girlhood, and there is a sense of liveliness that is too youthful.

Lin Daiyu, who has the posture of a willow and a weak state in the book, has nothing to do with Zhang Miaoyi.

"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

is also not very convincing and Jia Baoyu's actor Bian Cheng, the actors who portrayed Jia Baoyu before must not say how outstanding their appearance is, their temperament must be elegant and rich, they have to have the squeamishness of the nobles of the heavens, and the nobility of the pampered young master.

But actor Bian Cheng is obviously not an actor of this type, his face and facial features are relatively blunt, and his appearance is rustic, especially with a somewhat flat nose and thick lips, let alone Jia Baoyu's young master temperament.

"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

In addition, Huang Jiarong, who portrayed Xue Baochai, also did not meet the audience's expectations, Xue Baochai's character is erudite, beautiful, temperamental, and elegant, but actor Huang Jiarong's performance in the trailer is full of vitality and girlhood, not only has nothing to do with temperament and elegance, but also looks like a passerby.

Her whole face is round, cute, and naïve, with a short upper court, a long atrium, and her beauty value can't support the role of Xue Baochai.

"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

is also questioned, Qin Keqing, although the original book also polished some "romantic" attributes for this character, but Qin Keqing has always been a classical Chinese beauty, but the actor who played Qin Keqing in the trailer scratched his head and made a posture, and the costume styling made him shake his head even when he saw the Pan Women's Workshop, let alone compare with the previous classic versions.

"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

Of course, if you want to say that the most explosive character image has to be Grandma Liu.

The biggest character characteristic of Grandma Liu's character is "poverty", she has been widowed for many years, living on two acres of land, and her family is so poor that she has no money for food and clothing during the winter.

But it is such a character that is deeply liked by the audience, Grandma Liu in the original book is smart and capable, humorous and funny, although life is very hard, but she has an optimistic mentality, not only the audience, as soon as Grandma Liu arrives in Jiafu, she can make up all kinds of stories to make everyone happy.

"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

In "Dream of Red Mansions", Grandma Liu is an eye-catching character, and she is also an important character who has witnessed the rise and fall of Jiafu.

In previous versions, Grandma Liu's image is very unified, and she should be a rural old woman who can't hide her sense of time.

"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

In the 1987 version of "Dream of Red Mansions", Sha Yuhua, who played Grandma Liu, had white hair on her head, her face was full of wrinkles when she smiled, and she grinned with yellow teeth, and there were obvious notches on her front teeth, and her image was very down-to-earth.

"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

But in the movie version of "Dream of Red Mansions", the image of Grandma Liu is at least 20 years younger, and the actor who plays Grandma Liu in the poster is more like "Aunt Liu", she not only has delicate and smooth skin on her face, but also has a pair of double eyelids full of science and technology.

"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

Not only that, this version of Grandma Liu is too rich, although the actor is not fat, but it is obviously a little mellow, and it is said that he is not full of food and clothing, and now it looks more like a state that can only be raised by three meals a day and supper.

If you want to say that the film version of Grandma Liu has endured hardships and stood hard work all her life, it is really not convincing at all.

"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

After seeing Grandma Liu's poster, many netizens were indignant, and some netizens bluntly said, "You are clearly fooling things, isn't it good to save a book and shoot a circle of money?" Why do you want to spoil the Dream of Red Mansions? Some netizens said, "Grandma Liu seems to have come to buy Daguanyuan."

"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

Look at the poster, Grandma Liu, who is blowing in the spring breeze, ruddy complexion, and shining eyes, is really just as netizens said, more like she came to buy Daguanyuan.

All in all, it can be seen from the casting of the film version of "Dream of Red Mansions" that this drama does not respect the original work in all aspects, the actors do not meet the setting of the roles, and the actors' costumes also do not match the characters in the original book.

"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

Of course, the movie "Dream of Red Mansions" has been warmed up for almost a year, as a movie that has been launched in 2018, 6 years have passed, "Dream of Red Mansions" should be launched even if it uses the later stage of "The Wandering Earth", and the delay in launching is mostly related to the quality of the movie itself.

"Dream of Red Mansions" was controversial before it was released, and Grandma Liu's thin skin and tender flesh and big double eyelids can really fool her

It is estimated that this film version of "Dream of Red Mansions" will become the only movie that will make the vast majority of audiences think that the content quality is not high.

Finally, what else do you think about the casting of the film version of "Dream of Red Mansions"? Join the discussion in the comments section and nominate a list of actors who match the role in your heart.